10th member looks like Sana's twin

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A/N: Heyyy, I'm coming up with a lot of stuff for you guys lol! Sry for taking so long to post but end of semester is a whole event for me :D I hope that my friend ArasMar-Sama that gave me this idea on Wattpad likes it! :)

The request: Can I request again? In which 10th member is look like sana. her appearance, Characteristic looks like sana. It will be funny if it's in sixteen like the public reaction : there's two of them

PS: Tysm for everyone that reads what I write, I hope I can bring a smile to your faces every time I post! I'd like to thank whoever sent me this idea 'cause I loved to write it <3


Y/N stood nervously backstage, heart pounding in her chest as she waited for her turn to perform. She couldn't believe she was here, about to debut as the 10th and youngest member of TWICE, one of the biggest girl groups in the industry. She glanced at her reflection in the mirror, her appearance strikingly similar to Sana, one of the group's most popular members. It had been a difficult journey for her. Ever since she was a young girl, she had dreamt of becoming a singer. She auditioned for JYP Entertainment with hopes of joining one of their girl groups, but little did she know that she would end up becoming part of TWICE. The younger girl's resemblance to Sana had caught the attention of the producers during the initial audition rounds. They couldn't believe their eyes, it was like there were two Sanas in the room. The resemblance went beyond just physical appearances, even their mannerisms and characteristics were almost identical. The public was quick to notice, too, and during the televised survival show Sixteen, which formed TWICE, fans would always mention that "There's two of them!".

As Y/N stepped onto the stage, the audience erupted into cheers and applause. The other members of TWICE stood beside her, their excitement palpable. They knew their sunshine was something special, not just because of her resemblance to Sana, but also because of her immense talent. She performed with all her heart, singing and dancing flawlessly alongside her fellow unnies. The crowd was captivated, and the whole performance was electric. Once they finished, the audience erupted into thunderous applause, and the other members of TWICE hugged their baby tightly, their joy evident on their faces.

As the group's popularity skyrocketed after their debut, the comparisons between Y/N and Sana continued. Fans affectionately referred to Y/N as Sana's doppelgänger or Sana 2.0 (lol I wish). It became a running joke among the members, and they would often tease the youngest about it, but she took it all as jokes. An example is when the girls were gathered, exchanging excited whispers and stealing glances at the maknae. They couldn't help but notice the uncanny similarity between her and Sana. Momo nudged Nayeon, a mischievous grin on her face as she became unable to contain her amusement.

Momo - Hey, Nayeon unnie, have you noticed? We have two Sanas now! *giggling*

Nayeon chuckled and nodded, her eyes sparkling with mischief. 

Nayeon - Yeah, it's like we cloned her. Sana 2.0!

As the group prepared to go on stage, the members couldn't help but engage in a bit of playful banter with their child. Jihyo was the next to walk up to her with a teasing smile, seemingly ready to tease the girl.

Jihyo - You know, baby, we're going to have to come up with a secret handshake or something to differentiate you from Sana. We don't want the fans to get confused.

Y/N laughed, feeling at ease with her older sisters. 

Y/N - Maybe we should start wearing name tags! But don't worry, I'll make sure to carve my own path in TWICE.

Sana herself couldn't help but join in the fun. She wrapped an arm around her little "twin" sister's shoulders and grinned mischievously. 

Sana - Welcome to the club, my cutie doppelgänger! Let's show everyone what we've got!

The other members erupted into laughter, and the playful atmosphere continued as they took the stage. As TWICE's popularity skyrocketed after their debut, the public continued to marvel at the resemblance between Y/N and Sana. Fans continued to affectionately call Y/N "Sana's twin" or "Sana's doppelgänger" and the members would playfully tease her during interviews and variety shows. During one particular interview, the host couldn't help but comment on the striking resemblance between Y/N and Sana. TWICE's angel flashed a playful smile before responding the way she always does.

Y/N - Well, I think Sana and I were separated at birth. We're just two peas in a pod!

The members burst into laughter, and even Sana herself couldn't help but join in. 

Sana - That's right! It's like I have a twin sister in the group. We're double the trouble now!

The public loved their dynamic, and the comparisons between the golden retrievers of the group became a running joke among fans. However, as time went on, the maknae's individuality started to shine brighter. She showcased her unique talents, style, and personality, capturing the hearts of fans worldwide. Y/N knew that being compared to Sana was an incredible compliment. Sana was not only beautiful but also an incredibly talented performer. She had her own unique charms that she admired and hoped to develop within herself. So instead of feeling overshadowed by the comparisons, the younger girl used them as motivation to carve out her own path in the industry.

As time went on, Y/N's individuality began to shine through. She developed her own distinct style and personality, winning over fans with her genuine and bubbly nature. While she still shared similarities with Sana, her unique qualities became more and more apparent with each passing day and the nicknames started to fade. Her journey with TWICE was filled with laughter, tears, and unforgettable moments. She became an integral part of the group, loved and cherished by fans worldwide. And though the echoes of "There's two of them" might still occasionally surface, it was no longer just about physical appearances. It was proof of the bond between Y/N and Sana, two extraordinary individuals who had found each other in the chaos of the entertainment industry.

As Y/N stood on stage with her TWICE sisters, the bright lights illuminating their smiles, she couldn't help but feel grateful for the path that had led her here. The comparisons and similarities no longer defined her, they were just a small part of a larger journey of self-discovery and growth. And as she looked out at the sea of fans chanting their names, she knew she was exactly where she belonged. And that made her have only one thought:

I am proud of my chosen family.

A/N: I apologise for any errors, English is not my first language. Pls, let me know if there's something wrong, ty for reading <3

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