10th member and VCHA's Kaylee get to act their age thanks to Omma Jihyo

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A/N: Heyyy, I'm trying to make up for the time I'm gone lol! Sry for taking so long to post :D I hope that the anon who gave me this idea on Tumblr likes it!

The request: Let me paint a picture in your head, 10!mem is same age as Kaylee from vcha and they are like classmates. Vcha is staying with twice in their dorm until theirs gets finished and jihyo is getting the two ready for like a field day or something since they don't get to do normal kid things often so jihyo literally refused any schedules that day on the behalf of twice and vcha

PS: Tysm for everyone who reads what I write, I hope I can bring a smile to your faces every time I post! I'd like to thank whoever sent me this idea 'cause I loved to write it <3


The sun barely rose over Seoul, casting a soft, golden light across the city as it awoke. In the TWICE dorm, the atmosphere differed from the usual hustle and bustle of a typical day filled with schedules and practice sessions. Today was a special day, one that Jihyo had fought hard to secure for the younger members, especially Y/N and Kaylee, who were still young and deserved a break to enjoy normal kid things.

Y/N, TWICE' little sunshine, and Kaylee from VCHA were the same age, and their bond had grown strong over the past few weeks. VCHA had been staying with TWICE in their dorm while their own was being finished, and the two youngest girls had quickly become best friends, especially since they were classmates at school.

Jihyo had gone to great lengths to ensure that both groups had no schedules today. She had literally refused any requests from their management, insisting that the girls deserved a day of fun and relaxation. It wasn't often that they had the opportunity to experience a normal childhood, and Mama Bear Jihyo was determined to give them that chance.

The dorm was buzzing with excitement as the girls prepared for their field day. Jihyo moved around the living room, packing snacks, water bottles, and everything they would need for a day out. She wore a bright smile, her maternal instincts in full swing as she made sure every detail was taken care of.

Y/N and Kaylee were in their shared room, getting dressed in comfortable outfits perfect for running around and playing games. Y/N wore a pair of denim shorts and a purple t-shirt, while Kaylee sported a pair of athletic leggings and a blue tank top. Both girls were bursting with excitement, their laughter echoing through the dorm.

Y/N - Are you ready, Kaylee? *smiles*

Asked the taller girl as her eyes sparkled with anticipation.

Kaylee - Yeah!! *nods enthusiastically*

Kaylee - I can't wait, Y/N! This is going to be so much fun! 

Just then, Jihyo poked her head into the room, smiling at the sight of the two girls. 

Jihyo - Are you both ready? We're leaving in a few minutes.

Y/N and Kaylee exchanged excited glances before nodding at Jihyo. 

Kaylee - Yes, unnie!

Y/N - Of course, Omma!

As the group gathered in the living room, Nayeon, Jeongyeon and the other TWICE members were also getting ready. The 2 oldest of 3mix had taken on the role of the fun aunts, ensuring that everyone had sunscreen and hats. They were just as excited as the younger girls, eager to spend a carefree day with them.

Jihyo - Okay, everyone, let's go!

Jihyo screamed while leading the way to the vans waiting outside.

The ride to the park was filled with chatter and laughter. The park they were heading to was a large, sprawling green space with plenty of room for games, picnics, and exploring. As they arrived, the girls couldn't contain their excitement, and they quickly piled out of the vans.

3mix (The moms lol) led the group to a shady spot under a large tree where they set up their base for the day. They laid out blankets and unpacked the snacks and drinks. Once everything was set, Jihyo clapped her hands to get everyone's attention.

Jihyo - Alright, girls! We have the whole day to ourselves, so let's make the most of it. What do you want to do first?

The maknaes exchanged glances, their faces lighting up with excitement. 

Kaylee - Can we play tag?

Jeongyeon - Of course! Everyone, join in! *smiles and nods in agreement*

The game of tag was just the beginning. The girls ran around the park, their laughter echoing through the trees as they played. Jihyo and Nayeon joined in, making sure everyone was having fun and staying safe. They played games like hide and seek, relay races, and even had a mini soccer match.

As the day went on, they took breaks for snacks and drinks, sitting together under the shade of the tree. Jihyo watched TWICE's munchkin and Kaylee with a soft smile, her heart swelling with pride and love for the young girls. They deserved this day of happiness, and she was glad she could give it to them.

During one of their breaks, Nayeon handed out ice cream cones, much to the delight of everyone. Y/N and Kaylee sat side by side, their faces smeared with ice cream as they giggled and talked about their favourite moments of the day.

Y/N - Unnie, this is the best day ever! *looking up at Jihyo with wide, grateful eyes*

Jihyo ruffled her child's hair affectionately. 

Jihyo - I'm glad you're having fun, baby. You and Kaylee deserve to have days like this.

Kaylee nodded in agreement, her eyes shining with happiness. 

Kaylee - Thank you, Jihyo unnie. This is amazing.

As the afternoon turned into evening, the girls gathered around for one last activity. Jeongyeon had brought along a set of lanterns, and they decided to release them into the sky, each girl making a wish as they let go of their lantern.

The kid duo stood side by side, holding their lanterns carefully. As they released them, they watched in awe as the lanterns floated up into the sky, their wishes carried with them.

Y/N - What did you wish for?

TWICE's angel asked Kaylee, her eyes still fixed on the lanterns.

Kaylee smiled with a hint of mystery in her eyes. 

Kaylee - It's a secret. What about you?

Y/N - Mine too. *giggles*

Jihyo, Jeongyeon and Nayeon watched the scene with fond smiles, feeling a deep sense of satisfaction. This day had been everything they hoped for and more. It was a reminder that amidst the chaos of their lives as idols, there were moments of pure joy and simplicity that made it all worthwhile.

As the sun began to set, casting a warm, golden glow over the park, the girls gathered their things and headed back to the vans. They were tired but happy, their hearts full from a day well spent.

Back at the dorm, Y/N and Kaylee were the first to fall asleep, exhausted from their adventures. 3mix tucked them in, their motherly instincts kicking in once more as they made sure the girls were comfortable and safe.

Jihyo watched the 2 maknaes sleep for a moment, her heart swelling with love. She knew that days like this were precious, and she was grateful for the opportunity to give TWICE's doll and Kaylee a taste of normalcy and happiness.

As she turned off the lights and quietly closed the door, Jihyo felt a deep sense of fulfilment. TWICE and VCHA were more than just groups, they were family. As long as she could, she would continue to fight for these moments of joy and togetherness, ensuring that her girls knew just how much they were loved and cherished.

The dorm was quiet as everyone settled in for the night, but the memory of the day's laughter and happiness lingered in the air, a testament to the unbreakable bond they shared.

And this made everyone share one thought:

I'll love my dear chosen family forever.

A/N: I'm sorry for any errors. English is not my first language. Pls, let me know if there is something wrong, ty for reading <3

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