10th member being bullied, SMC and Mama Jihyo to the rescue!

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A/N: I got an ask on Tumblr and I loved writing it, ty! This one is being posted as thanks for 100 followers on Tumblr :D

The request: GIRL you be popping out one shots left and right! anyways I got one where back when SMC were all in school it was 10th members and Tzuyu's first time in a korean school but people were bullying the 10th member for weeks so Tzuyu mainly and the rest of the SMC stood up for 10th member and then afterwards an angry Jihyo comes into the principals office and got mad that he wouldn't do anything abt the bullying - 🐣

PS: Tysm for everyone that reads what I write, I hope I can bring a smile to your faces every time I post! I'd like to thank whoever sent me this idea 'cause I loved to write it <3


Y/N walked nervously through the gates of the prestigious Korean school, her heart pounding with a mixture of excitement and anxiety. It was her first day at a new school, and to make things even more intimidating, it was in a foreign country. The maknae's parents had decided to move to South Korea, and now she found herself starting afresh in an unfamiliar environment. As she stepped into the bustling corridors, she couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the sea of students hurrying to their classes. The sound of chatter and laughter filled the air, but TWICE's honey felt like a solitary figure in the crowd. She was the youngest member of TWICE, the internationally acclaimed K-pop group, and had joined the School Meal Club (SMC) with Dahyun, Chaeyoung, and Tzuyu.

Y/N had been excited to start school alongside Tzuyu, who was also new to the Korean education system. She had hoped that the bond between them would help them navigate the unfamiliar territory. Unbeknownst to Jihyo's child, a group of girls had taken a disliking to her presence in the school. They saw Y/N as an outsider and an easy target for their cruel taunts. Day after day, she endured the torment. It started subtly, with a snide comment here and a mocking gesture there. The sunshine girl tried to brush it off, hoping that it would stop eventually but it only escalated, growing more vicious as time went on. She was ridiculed for her accent, her appearance, and her struggle to grasp the Korean language. Her classmates seemed to relish in making her life miserable. The youngest's self-esteem plummeted with each passing day, she felt isolated and alone, her hope of fitting in fading away and making her less bright. But little did she know, Tzuyu had been observing the cruelty from the sidelines and quickly noticed the torment her dear dongsang was enduring. It broke her heart to see her sister suffer, and she couldn't stand seeing this and doing nothing. Tzuyu knew the power of unity, and she decided to gather the rest of SMC to stand up against the stupid bullies.

One afternoon, as the bell rang signalling the end of another gruelling day, Tzuyu called for a meeting with Dahyun unnie and Chaeyoung unnie. They found a quiet corner of the schoolyard where they could speak freely without prying eyes or judgmental ears. With concern etched on her face, Dahyun was the first one to speak.

Dahyun - Tzuyu-ah, what's going on? 

Tzuyu took a deep breath, her determination shining through. 

Tzuyu - Y/N has been bullied for weeks now, and I can't bear to see her suffer. We need to do something about it. We need to show them that she has a family who will stand up for her.

Chaeyoung - You're right, Tzuyu-ah. We can't let this go on any longer. Y/N deserves better! *nodding in agreement*

With their hearts set on making a difference, the SMC members devised a plan. They would confront the bullies, assertively but peacefully, and let them know that their actions were unacceptable. They would show their maknae that she was not alone. The following day, armed with courage and determination, Tzuyu, Dahyun, and Chaeyoung approached Y/N's tormentors. They spoke calmly and firmly, expressing their disappointment in the bullies' behaviour. To their surprise, the bullies were taken aback by the sudden show of solidarity. Their confident facade crumbled, and they realized the weight of their actions. Word quickly spread through the school about what had transpired. The other students began to see Y/N in a new light, realizing that she was not deserving of the torment she had endured. Finally, TWICE's sunshine days became a little brighter as her classmates started to include her in activities and offer words of support.

However, the battle was not over yet. Jihyo, the leader of TWICE and Y/N's mama, had caught wind of the bullying incidents. She was known for her fiery temper and her unwavering protective nature toward her fellow members, especially her kid. Jihyo stormed into the principal's office, demanding immediate action against the bullies. The principal, taken aback by Jihyo's fierce determination, tried to placate her, assuring her that measures would be taken. But Jihyo wasn't satisfied with mere words. She insisted on taking matters into her own hands and decided to personally accompany Y/N back to the dormitory for a day of rest and recuperation. As they walked side by side, Jihyo's motherly instincts took over. She comforted her sweetie pie (as she called her some days), reassuring her that she was not alone anymore. Jihyo shared stories of her own struggles and how she had overcome them with the support of her TWICE family. The maknae felt a sense of belonging and warmth envelop her, knowing that she was now part of a sisterhood that would protect and uplift her.

Back at the dormitory, Omma Jihyo made sure Y/N had everything she needed for a relaxing day. She prepared her favourite snacks, tucked her into bed with a soft blanket, and even played her favourite music to soothe her troubled heart while cuddling her cute child against her chest. Jihyo stayed with her, offering words of encouragement and reminding her of her worth. As Y/N drifted off to sleep, her mind filled with gratitude and hope. She knew that the road ahead might still have its challenges, but she was no longer alone. The love and support of her TWICE family would guide her through any storm, ensuring that she would always shine brightly, just like the star she was destined to be. As TWICE's youngest member, Y/N blossomed into a confident and resilient individual, thanks to the unwavering love and protection of her family. And as the maknae fell asleep in the arms of one of her amazing unnies that felt like her mama, she had only one thought:

I love my dear unnies.

A/N: I apologise for any errors, English is not my first language. Pls, let me know if there's something wrong, ty for reading <3

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