10th member loses her stuffed dinosaur ft Girls' Generation's Tiffany as GF

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A/N: Heyyy, I'm coming up with a lot of stuff for you guys so I can make up for the time I'm gone lol! Sry for taking so long to post :D I hope that my friend LyraHarris6 who gave me this idea on Wattpad likes it! :)

The request: Hi its me again. I want to request can you do where y/n is dating Tiffany snsd and y/n lost her favourite stuff dinosaur and throw a tantrum and the members call Tiffany and she came right away to the dorm to calm you down and help you find it. Thank you and love you ❤️

PS: Tysm for everyone who reads what I write, I hope I can bring a smile to your faces every time I post! I'd like to thank whoever sent me this idea 'cause I loved to write it <3


The TWICE dorm was bustling with activity on a typical sunny afternoon in Seoul. Laughter and chatter filled the air as the members went about their various activities. Y/N, the group's 10th and youngest member, was in her room, frantically searching for something.

Y/N - Where is it? Where did I put it?

The maknae kept muttering to herself, her brows furrowed in frustration.

The object of her search was her beloved stuffed dinosaur, a plush toy that had been with her since she was a child. It was her comfort item, the one thing that always made her feel safe and happy. But now, it seemed to have disappeared.

Y/N's girlfriend, Tiffany from Girls' Generation, had often teased her about her attachment to the dinosaur. Tiffany found it endearing, and she understood the sentimental value it held for her girl. They had been dating for a few months, and Tiffany had quickly become an important part of TWICE's angel's life.

As the younger girl continued to search her room, her frustration grew. She had already turned the place upside down, and there was no sign of her precious dinosaur.

Y/N - Where could it be?

She mumbled, on the verge of tears. TWICE's sunshine had a busy schedule, and the thought of facing the world without her beloved stuffed animal was making her anxious.

In the living room, the other TWICE members exchanged worried glances as they heard Y/N's distressed murmurs. They had all grown fond of their sugar and knew how much the dinosaur meant to her.

Sana, one of the closest members to the girl, finally spoke up. 

Sana - Maybe we should call Tiffany unnie. She might know where it is.

The suggestion seemed to be a lifeline to Y/N. She immediately grabbed her phone and dialled Tiffany's number, her hands trembling with anxiety.

Tiffany, who was at the SNSD dorms working on some solo projects, answered on the first ring.

Tiffany - Hello, babygirl. What's up?

The voice on the other side of the line quivered as Tiffany listened attentively.

 Y/N - Baby, I can't find my dinosaur! I've looked everywhere, and it's just gone. I don't know what to do.

Tiffany's heart ached at the distress in Y/N's voice. She knew just how much that stuffed dinosaur meant to her girlfriend. 

Tiffany - Don't worry, sweet girl. I'll be right there. We'll find it together, okay?

TWICE's lovebug let out a shaky breath, feeling a bit of relief. 

Y/N - Thank you, my love. I love you.

Tiffany - I love you too, boo. I'll be there soon! 

Tiffany reassured her before hanging up.

The TWICE members watched as Y/N hung up the phone, her expression a mix of anxiety and anticipation. They knew that Tiffany was the only one who could calm her down in a situation like this.

True to her word, Tiffany arrived at the TWICE dorm in record time. She was greeted by a tearful Y/N at the door, who immediately threw her arms around her girlfriend.

Tiffany hugged her darling tightly, whispering soothing words in her ear. 

Tiffany - It's going to be okay, my heart. We'll find your dinosaur, I promise.

Y/N pulled away, her eyes red from crying. 

Y/N - I don't know where to start, Tiffany. I've looked everywhere. *pouts*

Tiffany smiled gently and took her girl's hand.

Tiffany - Let's start by retracing your steps. When was the last time you saw it?

The younger girl thought for a moment. 

Y/N - I had it with me last night while we were watching a movie in the living room. I remember snuggling with it on the couch.

Tiffany - Okay, let's check the living room first. *nodding*

They walked into the living room together, and Y/N's eyes scanned the room in desperation. But there was no sign of the dinosaur.

Y/N's voice quivered as she spoke next.

Y/N - It's not here, Tiffany. I don't understand where it could have gone. *sobs*

Tiffany remained calm and composed, determined to help her precious girlfriend find her cherished possession. 

Tiffany - Let's check your room one more time, just to be sure.

They returned to the SMC's room and began searching once more. Tiffany carefully looked under the bed and in the closet, while Y/N checked her nightstand and the bookshelf.

As Y/N reached out to pull open a drawer, she let out a gasp of surprise. 

Y/N - Tiffany, look!

She held up the stuffed dinosaur triumphantly. It had been hidden under a pile of clothes in the drawer.

Tiffany couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of her sunflower's joyful expression. She pulled her into a tight hug. 

Tiffany - I'm so glad we found it, baby.

Y/N clung to Tiffany, tears of relief streaming down her cheeks. 

Y/N - Thank you, darling. I don't know what I would have done without you.

Tiffany pressed a tender kiss to Y/N's forehead. 

Tiffany - You never have to worry about that, hon. I'll always be here for you.

The TWICE members, who had been waiting anxiously in the living room, let out a collective sigh of relief when they saw their youngest and Tiffany emerge from the bedroom, the stuffed dinosaur safely in their dongsang's arms.

Nayeon, as one of the older members and Y/N's mom, felt the need to tease them.

Nayeon - I guess Tiffany unnie is the hero of the day, huh?

Tiffany chuckled and hugged Y/N tighter. 

Tiffany - Just doing my duty as Y/N's girlfriend.

Y/N's face turned a shade of pink as she buried her face in Tiffany's shoulder. The members' teasing only made her feel more grateful for the love and support she had in her life.

As the evening continued, Y/N held onto her stuffed dinosaur, feeling more secure than ever. She knew that no matter what challenges she faced, everything would be okay if she had Tiffany by her side.

The TWICE sisters watched the couple with warm smiles, knowing they were witnessing a love that was as enduring and comforting as Y/N's beloved stuffed dinosaur. And this made them only have one thought:

We love our dear maknae.

A/N: I'm sorry for any errors, English is not my first language. Pls, let me know if there's something wrong, ty for reading <3

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