10th member is involved in a scandal

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A/N: I got an ask on Tumblr and I loved writing it, ty! :D

The request: tenth member get in a scandal ?

PS: Tysm for everyone that reads what I write, I hope I can bring a smile to your faces every time I post! I'd like to thank whoever sent me this idea 'cause I loved to write it <3


Y/N's heart pounded as she stood in front of the flashing cameras and the crowd of reporters. She never thought she would find herself in the midst of a scandal, but here she was, the 10th member and maknae of TWICE, caught in a trap of controversy. The once bright and promising future now seemed uncertain, overshadowed by the weight of the scandal. It all started innocently enough, with a leaked photo. TWICE's angel had been captured in a compromising position with a male idol from a different group (with the way the scandals go, I can only imagine her breathing near a male idol lol). The image had spread like wildfire across social media, sparking outrage and speculation among fans and the general public alike. The youngest's reputation as a sweet and innocent idol was shattered in an instant, replaced by scandal and betrayal.

As the news broke, Y/N's phone buzzed incessantly with messages from her worried unnies (especially Jihyo cause it's her mama, bro), JYP Entertainment's management team, and her close friends. She could feel the tension building around her, the air thick with disappointment and disbelief. The girl's mind raced, trying to make sense of what had happened and how she could possibly navigate her way out of this nightmare. The following days were a blur of meetings, PR strategies, and intense media scrutiny. Her schedule was filled with damage control, as she and her agency worked tirelessly to contain the fallout from the scandal. She was advised to lay low and avoid making any public statements until the storm had subsided (which sucks).

However, in the midst of the chaos, TWICE's sunshine found comfort in her bandmates (more like older sisters). They gathered around her, offering words of encouragement and support. They assured her that they believed in her, always. And that they knew the real Y/N behind the scandalous headlines. Their unwavering loyalty gave her strength and determination to fight back and prove her innocence. With the help of her team, the maknae embarked on a carefully crafted plan to address the scandal. They decided that a public statement would be necessary to control the narrative and present Y/N's side of the story. The pressure was immense as she finally stepped onto the stage for the press conference. Cameras flashed, microphones were thrust in her direction, and the room fell silent.

Y/N took a deep breath and began to speak. She acknowledged the photo that had been leaked but strongly denied any wrongdoing (cause I mean, she was just existing and then boom- scandal on her face). She explained that the image had been taken out of context and that it was a momentary lapse of judgment that had been misinterpreted. She admitted to being in the wrong place at the wrong time, but she insisted that nothing inappropriate had taken place. Her voice trembled with emotion as she expressed her deepest apologies to her fans, her unnies, and everyone who had been affected by the scandal. She promised to learn from this experience and work even harder to regain their trust. TWICE's girl spoke from the heart, her sincerity shining through the darkness of the scandal. The press conference marked a turning point in her journey. While the scandal had stained her reputation, her honesty and vulnerability struck a chord with the public. Slowly but surely, public opinion began to shift. Fans who had initially turned their backs on her started to question the validity of the allegations (wish this happened with all the idols that suffered this).

Y/N took this opportunity to rebuild her image from the ground up. She dedicated herself to her skills, pouring her heart and soul into her performances. She actively engaged with her fans through social media, expressing gratitude for their unwavering support. She became a symbol of resilience and redemption, proving that even in the face of a scandal, she could rise above and emerge stronger. Months passed, and the scandal gradually faded from the public's memory. TWICE's little star's hard work paid off as she regained her standing in the industry. She released a solo album that showcased her growth and maturity as an artist. The album's success served as a testament to her talent and resilience, solidifying her position as a respected idol.

This journey was a lesson in the power of forgiveness and second chances. She had overcome the darkest chapter of her career, emerging on the other side with grace and determination. The scandal had been a motivation for growth, forcing her to confront her flaws and redefine herself. As Y/N looked back on the difficult period, she couldn't help but feel grateful for the support she had received. She had learned the true value of her relationships, both with her older sisters and her fans. And as she took the stage once again, her heart filled with hope and excitement for the future, knowing that she had faced adversity head-on and emerged victorious. And at that moment, she looked around and had only one thought in mind:

I am proud of my chosen family.

A/N: I apologise for any errors, English is not my first language. Pls, let me know if there's something wrong, ty for reading <3

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