10th member is Aespa's Karina girlfriend ft protective J-line

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A/N: Heyyy, I'm trying to make up for the time I'm gone lol! Sry for taking so long to post :D I hope that the anons who gave me these very similar ideas on Tumblr like it!

The requests: Hi I want to request where y/n is dating karina from aespa and the unnies especially ( the j-line) want to see how she handles y/n because she (playful, mischievous and childish) and karina did a great job and she also put y/n to bed and cuddle her.

Hi can you do where y/n is dating karina from aespa and where y/n brings karina to meet the members and they all gave her a warning especially the j-line and also some tips to take of y/n. Thank u 

PS: Tysm for everyone who reads what I write, I hope I can bring a smile to your faces every time I post! I'd like to thank whoever sent me this idea 'cause I loved to write it <3


It was a Friday evening, and the atmosphere at the TWICE dorm was vibrant with laughter and excitement. The reason? The 10th and youngest member, Y/N, was finally introducing her girlfriend, Karina from Aespa, to the unnies. The J-line, aka Momo, Sana, and Mina, were particularly thrilled, their mischievous grins already in place as they prepared to put Y/N and Karina through their playful inspection.

The doorbell rang, and Nayeon, mom number 2, skipped to answer it. 

Nayeon - Karina! Welcome to the TWICE dorm! *motherly smile*

Exclaimed the fake maknae, pulling the Aespa member into a warm hug. 

Karina grinned, her eyes glancing around the lively space. 

Karina - Thank you, Nayeon unnie. I'm excited to be here.

As the evening unfolded, Y/N and Karina were showered with warmth and laughter. Jeongyeon, the second eldest and mom number 3, took the lead in guiding them through the dorm, introducing Karina to the various rooms and sharing anecdotes about the group's time together.

Dinner was a boisterous affair. Momo couldn't resist teasing her little sister from across the table, throwing playful glances that made the youngest member blush. Sana, sitting next to Karina, joined in the mischief, making the atmosphere light and carefree.

Mina, on the other hand, observed quietly. Her sharp eyes didn't miss the subtle interactions between the couple. As the night progressed, the J-line's plan started to unfold. Momo, Sana, and Mina exchanged sly looks, plotting their next move.

After dinner, the group settled in the living room for a round of games. Chaeyoung and Tzuyu, the other two members from the maknae-line of TWICE, joined forces with Y/N and Karina, forming a team against the unnies. The room echoed with laughter as the teams competed fiercely.

Amid the chaos, the J-line seized their chance to observe TWICE's angel and Karina's dynamics. 

Momo - Look at them, Sana. Our Y/N is completely smitten. *whispering*

Sana giggled, her eyes twinkling mischievously. 

Sana - This is going to be fun. Let's see how Karina handles our baby's playful side.

As the games continued, Mina discreetly pulled Karina aside for a chat. 

Mina - You're doing great, Karina. But be prepared. Our dongsang can be a handful. The J-line especially knows how to bring out her mischievous side.

Karina nodded, appreciating the advice. 

Karina - I'll keep that in mind, Mina unnie. But I can handle a little mischief. *smiles smugly*

Mina - We'll see about that. *smirking*

The night wore on, and eventually, the group gathered in the cozy living room. Y/N, visibly tired from all the excitement, leaned against Karina, her head resting on the Aespa member's shoulder. Momo couldn't resist teasing.

Momo - Look at our little Y/N. All tired out. *winking*

Y/N - I'm not tired! Just resting my eyes. *pouting*

Sana - Karina, you have your work cut out for you. Our little fireball is a handful, especially when she's pretending not to be tired.

Karina chuckled, wrapping her arm around her girl. 

Karina - Don't worry, I can handle her. She's adorable even when she's pretending to be tough. *kisses Y/N's forehead*

The J-line exchanged knowing glances, silently acknowledging that Karina was handling the situation well. As the night progressed, the members decided it was time for bed. Y/N, already half-asleep, was gently guided by Karina to one of the guest rooms since she was gonna sleep with her girlfriend.

Once TWICE's sunshine was settled in bed, the J-line took Karina aside for a serious talk. Momo, with a playful yet stern expression, spoke first. 

Momo - Karina, you seem great, but we need to make sure you can handle Y/N's playful and mischievous side. She might act tough, but she's a softie deep down.

Sana - And she loves to be spoiled. Don't let her fool you with her independent act.

Karina listened attentively, appreciating the unnies' concern. Mina, with a gentle smile, spoke next.

Mina - Just be yourself, and take care of our little sister. We trust you, but we also want Y/N to be happy... Which means we will end you if you hurt our kid.

Karina nodded, grateful for the advice. 

Karina - Thank you, unnies. I really care about Y/N, don't worry because I'll do my best to make her happy.

The J-line exchanged satisfied glances, convinced that Karina was genuine in her intentions. With a final round of warnings and advice, the members bid each other goodnight, leaving Karina to her thoughts.

Alone in the guest room, Karina smiled as she watched her lover sleeping peacefully. The night might have been filled with mischief and teasing, but she felt a genuine connection with the TWICE members. As she cuddled with Y/N, she knew that she had the support of the unnies and that, despite the playful warnings, the night had been a success.

In the end, the J-line's mischievous plan had served its purpose: ensuring that their maknae was in good hands, surrounded by people who cared about her. And as the members of TWICE drifted off to sleep, the dorm echoed with the warmth of friendship and the promise of more shared moments to come.

And this made them all have the same thought:

I'll love my dear chosen family forever.

A/N: I'm sorry for any errors. English is not my first language. Pls, let me know if there is something wrong, ty for reading <3

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