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Cobra was on his way home from the Oya High district, after having a beer with Murayama. The first thing he noticed was the sound of the motorcycle, coming from behind him.  Checking his mirrors, he could see that it was a sports-bike.  When the person pulled up beside him, he saw the rider was female.  That was made obvious by her skin tight leather jacket and pants.  The next thing he noticed was the damage to her motorcycle.

"Your tire is almost flat!" Cobra shouted to the rider and pointed at the front tire.

She flipped up her visor, "what?"

"Your tire, it's almost flat. Follow me, I'll fix it at my shop."

The female rider nodded understanding and as the light turned green went behind him.  He rode slower than normal, due to the situation.  Cobra pulled up in front of his shop and parked. Getting off his machine, he opened the garage door and waved her in.  She stopped and turned off the motorcycle, putting it on the kickstand. That's when he noticed the blood on her side.

"Is that your blood or someone else's?"

She didn't get a chance to answer, because she started to pass out.  Cobra caught her and sat her down in a chair.  He could see she had a bad cut on her side.  He got on his cell, "Masaki you know a good doctor right?"

"You need him?"

"Not me, a girl I brought to my shop to fix her motorcycle.  She's lost a lot of blood."

"I'll send the doc. Who is she?"

"Don't know, I'll call you later." Cobra hung up.  While waiting he fixed her wheel, having found a bullet embedded in the rubber.

She regained consciousness, "thanks, I should go."

"I can't let you do that yet, I've got a doctor on the way. You can't safely ride like that."

"Okay. Thanks for fixing my ride."

"I'm Cobra."

"Houmi, but I prefer to be called by my middle name; Rekka."

"I haven't seen you around here, are you from the S.W.O.R.D. area?"

"No, I live out side of it.  I was escaping... er... just riding through.  Hey, do you know a guy named Takeru Amamiya?"

"You know the Amamiya Brothers?"

"Brothers? I only know Takeru.  I'm actually looking for him."

Before he could tell her the man she was seeking was dead, the doctor came.  Masaki and Hiroto rode up shortly after.  Mention of a mysterious chick and Masaki's curiosity had been peaked. While the doc helped the girl, Cobra talked to the brothers quietly.

"Her name is Rekka. She's looking for Takeru. I didn't tell her he's dead. Do you two know her?"


Cobra approached her, "those two guys are Takeru's brothers; this is Masaki and that's Hiroto."

She ignored their introductions, "where's Takeru?"

"How do you know our brother?" Hiroto asked, without answering her question either.

"I'll tell you that, once I see him." Rekka couldn't keep the hostility out of her voice.

Masaki offered, "we'll take you to him."

"Cobra, do you trust these guys?" She asked.

"Yeah, they're friends."

The doctor finished and Masaki paid him. Cobra offered to cover her debt, but she declined. "Cobra do you have time to ride with us to meet Takeru? I trust you, not them."

Amamiya Sister:  SHIFTING GEARSWhere stories live. Discover now