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When the day came that Rekka was going after Ryu, she told no one.  Her day started out early, before her brothers woke up. There was no rush since she knew where Ryu was, but she also wanted to be well prepared in case any of Bulge's men were around too.  Rekka sharpened the katana and knifes, to the point their edges could split hairs.  Her gun she'd cleaned the night before.  As a precaution she wore her kevlar jeans and bullet proof vest. The one thing that she had previously asked Masaki to help her get installed, was a silencer on her motorcycle exhaust pipe, which could be activated with the flip of a switch.  He liked the idea and got the same thing for his and Hiroto's Harleys too.

It wasn't even noon, when Rekka rode to the last known location of Ryu.  It was daylight, but the sky was overcast because fog hung low and heavy in some spots.  Even though Ryu's home base was outside of S.W.O.R.D., it was by the harbour, almost near the outskirts of where Rude Boys and Sannoh Hoodlum Squad territories met.  With the tail pipe silencer activated, she rode closer to his location.  Stopping at the back of a cluster of buildings, across from Ryu's hideout, Rekka turned off the Streetfighter motorcycle.  With her katana strapped to her back, she stealthily moved along the wall of one building, before running to the other side of the street.  No one came out of the building.  Whether that was good or bad, she wouldn't know until inside. Finding a back door, she turned the knob, surprised that it wasn't locked.

'This is too easy,' she thought to herself.

Maybe there was a silent alarm or hidden cameras and Ryu was just waiting for her arrival.  All her senses were hyperaware, but she heard nothing and saw no one.  Had she really caught him unaware of his pending doom?  Rounding a dividing wall, Rekka kept low and her steps made no noise.  She didn't know the layout inside, because previously the place had been swarming with Bulge's men.

When she saw him standing there in the open with his blade ready, everything shifted into slow motion.  Not bothering to even reach for her own katana, Rekka sprang forward quickly closing the distance between them.  She registered his surprise, when her kick connected with his hand. He barely managed to not drop his weapon, then swiftly switched the katana to his other hand. His swing was wide and wild.  Rekka punched him in the throat, but missed the Adam's apple. Coughing, Ryu tried to slash her waist, but the kevlar of the bullet proof vest did its job.  Her foot came round and hooked his, making him loose balance.  Even as they fell, she maintained control, quickly grabbing his hair and smashing his head on the floor.  She heard him vocalize his pain.  But he didn't loose consciousness and managed to roll out from under her, staggering to his feet.  A knife hidden on his back, sailed past her ear and Rekka laughed.

"What's wrong, can't focus?"


"You shouldn't have crossed me, you know I always get my revenge." Using her words for distraction, Rekka stalked him like a hunting cat; patient and persistent.

Ryu didn't notice she had kept him moving to the centre of the room, giving her a full radius of attack.  He was calling her names and trying to intimidate with words.  When she had unsheathed her katana, he didn't know, but it was suddenly buried in his liver.  Before he could defend, she pulled it out and the next slash landed true.  Her blade slip through skin, muscle, arteries and bone, like a hot knife through butter.  And then it was over.  Rekka was stunned at how easy this kill had been.  She picked up Ryu's decapitated head and put it in a black plastic bag, that at one time had carried booze.  After wiping it half-assed on his clothes, she sheathed her sword, then Rekka quickly left the scene and mounted her Harley.  No one was around to stop her, almost as if Bulge had abandoned Ryu.  It didn't matter anymore and so she rode heading into Rude Boy territory.

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