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After everyone healed, the Amamiyas began to plan their new attack on Bulge.  Thanks to Jesse's connections in Rasen, he found out that Bulge was using the prison to hide out in.  As they planned to go to war, Rekka asked Ice to join them.  Ice paid Jesse who relayed all his knowledge of the layout and workings of Rasen Prison.  Everyone studied the map and buildings, then they went over the plan until it seemed imbedded in their minds.  Cobra got himself a bullet proof vest and told Rekka he was going to be part of taking out Bulge.

On the day of their personal war, Rekka faced the five guys in front of her. "This is my fight, don't get in my way.  I'm going to forsake all and kill Bulge.  Don't like it, don't come."

"You got another gun," Hiroto noticed.

"I'm loaning it to her, since you guys found out the hard way how much fire power Bulge has," Ice teased.

"Everyone knows this won't be just a fist fight, but it's up to fate whether I live or die." Rekka said, her voice cold and deadly serious.

Ice sighed, "we know it'll be a blood bath.  Jesse said Bulge brought in the worst guys from Sun Kings to back up the prison gangs in Rasen, right after Bulge escaped you the last time and you took out all his paid cops."  He wore a machine gun on his back, two pistols on his thighs and held a shot gun. "The Jeep is reinforced so I can ram through anything.  Also I stocked up on rounds for your guns too Rekka.  I remember how you roll."

Kohaku added, "he's got a gatling gun mounted in the Jeep, which I will fire at any opposition that's carrying a gun."

"We're ready to back you up sister," Masaki said.

Cobra added, "we won't be scared off."

"Then let's go and send that demon back to hell." She got on her motorcycle and let its engine roar to life.

The four of them rode side by side, forcing cars to get out of the way as they came down the street.  Ice followed in a black Jeep Wrangler, with Kohaku holding on the upper roll bar.  One glance and you could tell they were heading into battle.  Bulge had anticipated their retaliation and barricaded himself inside the prison.  There were armed prisoners outside the prison, but within its chain link fences.  More men in the turret towers, with machine guns, kept watch.  All prison personnel had been sent home, prior to bringing the notorious felons from Sun Kings to Rasen.  Bulge had promised to give early parol with a huge cash reward, for anyone who killed the three Amamiyas.  All jail cell doors were open, so any prisoner could join in the fight.

As they got closer to their destination, Ice tapped his earbud. "Let me take out the main turret and crash through the barrier before you attempt entry."

"What fun did you not share with us earlier?" Rekka's voice came over the com-system.  She signalled to her brothers and Cobra to split and park on either side of the jail's outer walls.

Ice didn't reply.  Instead he parked and stood up in the Jeep.  From the passenger seat he hefted the rocket launcher to his shoulder.

"I don't even want to know how you got your hands on that thing," Saigo said from the helicopter. "We can take out the other two older turrets, after you get the first one."

"Launching in two, one...." Ice fired and the rocket screamed through the air and the newer turret exploded, killing anyone inside it and those bellow with the falling burning pieces. "Kohaku hold on, I'm about to ram through their blockade."

"All turrets are down.  We're out of here, good luck." Saigo and Kukichi flew away.

Ice backed the Jeep up, with tires smoking, he popped the clutch and they hurtled forward. Kohaku was glad for the safety belt, because when they hit the barricade the jolt tried to throw him from the Jeep.

Amamiya Sister:  SHIFTING GEARSWhere stories live. Discover now