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The next day when the Amamiya Brothers woke up, she was gone.  Hiroto's clothes were neatly folded and sitting in a pile on Takeru's old bed.  Masaki called Cobra and confirmed she'd already picked up her motorcycle from him.

"So when's the date?"

Cobra laughed, "nothing set yet."

"Did she say anything?"

"Just that she needs to find a new place to live.  I told her a few of the flats that are affordable around here."

"What is Rekka doing about her missing package?"

"Not sure, but I offered to help her."

Masaki ended the call, "thanks."

Hiroto looked at his brother. "You saw the scars on her, when the doc was sewing Rekka's wound, right?"

"Yeah, she's had a rough life.  She said her step-mom and dad were dead, I wonder if it was from natural causes."

"Maybe a car accident, who knows.  Rekka mentioned Ryu, the guy who once cut Smoky on the back.  He has her package."

Masaki grinned, "feel like a ride to find him?"

"You read my mind."

They put on their leather jackets, grabbed keys and went for their motorcycles. Together they rode off. The brothers headed towards the Doubt territory, as they were used the most by mafia to do dirty jobs. It was an area outside of S.W.O.R.D. and it didn't take long to catch a member of Doubt. The guy gave up the information after just one punch from Hiroto.  Next they went towards Little Asia, because that's where Ryu was. They weren't all the way there yet, when a van and car began to shoot at them.

"Must be the welcoming party," Masaki yelled over to his brother.

Rekka saw the van and car, then recognized the targets. The Amamiya brothers were just dodging the bullets.  She gunned her motorcycle past the Amamiyas, getting closer to the van shooting at them. Carefully standing on the seat of her bike, she threw two blades. One hit the van's tire and the other hit the guy shooting at them out the back of the van. Squatting and then riding again, Rekka continued on.

"She's crazy!" Hiroto yelled at his brother.

"Her temper is worse than yours!" Masaki yelled back.

They overtook the disabled van and pursued Rekka.  She was already gaining on the last car full of thugs. This time, Hiroto grabbed throttle and shot past her, then threw his elbow into the window of the car, shattering the glass. It got in the eye of the driver and the car was jerked violently to one side. The car rolled and not one thug got out. Finally they came to a stop at their destination, parking their motorcycles, leaving engines idling in neutral. The three of them together, walked into the restaurant that Ryu was in.

"Looks like my knife skills were off that day, you didn't die," Rekka said in greeting. "I'm here for my package."

"You're a waste of my time, get lost."

"Those thugs are not coming to rescue you. Be a man and fight."

"I don't fight whores, I screw them." Ryu said nastily.

Masaki stepped forward, but Rekka stopped him. "This is my fight, take care of anyone who tries to interfere."

It was the first time they really got to witness how strong of a martial artist she really was.  Even though she was angry, her control was still active.  Each kick and punch were efficiently thrown. No useless energy was spent.  Ryu was good with his sword, but she connected frequently.  In the end Rekka landed a kick that made him drop the blade.

"I'll ask one more time, where is my package."

Ryu knew she was out for blood and so threw it at her, before limping away. But he ended up walking into Hiroto's fist and got knocked out cold. Rekka laughed, walked over and kicked Ryu in the balls so hard he slid on the floor. The brothers both flinched.

"Let's go. I want to drop this off so I can get paid. Then drinks are on me," Rekka announced.

They got back on their motorcycles and rode away, with their half-sister in the lead. The brothers looked at each other, she hadn't even needed them as backup. She was much more of a competent fighter than most guys. Rekka just proved she really was an Amamiya.  After the package was delivered and Rekka was paid, they stopped at a liquor store and bought some bottles. Then returning to the brothers' apartment, they ordered food too.

"You looked like a circus performer when you threw those knives," Masaki teased.

"I just ride a different kind of horse, then what they use."

"Where'd you learn how to do that, or should I ask when?" Hiroto asked.

"With the veteran."

"Right, you said he taught you how to fight Arnis and ride better, now I see what you meant. You're pretty badass."

"I hear so are you two... legends as I was told."

"Your style is similar to ours, except we don't use knives. You're one of us."  Masaki observed and then added, "why not live here? We'll split rent and stuff."

"Do you agree?" She asked Hiroto.

"Sure why not, makes bills cheaper for all of us."

Rekka smiled. "Okay, I'll pack my stuff tomorrow.  I don't have much."

"I'll get you a key cut," Masaki said.

Amamiya Sister:  SHIFTING GEARSWhere stories live. Discover now