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After her night with Cobra, Rekka's mood overall improved.  She'd told her brothers about what Jesse had said too.  It was a nice day with nothing happening, so Rekka cleaned her gun, loaded the clip and then sharpened her knives. The whole time, Masaki and Hiroto watched the process.  When she strapped on her weapons, curiosity caused them to ask if she was about to start a dangerous job or go after Bulge on her own.

"No.  I'm going to go practice in Little Asia, at an abandoned apartment complex. You can come if you want."

The Amamiya brothers looked at each other and Hiroto shrugged. "Sure, but why Little Asia," Masaki groaned.

"I've got the targets already spray painted there and no one will bother us. The sound of gunshots in that area, is expected."

They left, with Rekka in the lead.  She wore her helmet and jacket without the liner, since it was warm out.  In the pockets she had bullets and another clip.  Instead of her riding leathers, she wore the black jeans that had kevlar fibres. They were cooler than leather, but still provided protection from road rash, should she fall. On arrival, they parked three in a row.  Masaki got off and followed her, while Hiroto just sat on his bike. They could see red painted on some of the doors of the complex. Without warning, she suddenly shot at the targets.

"You're a pretty good shot, that veteran train you how to use a gun?" Masaki asked, while Rekka practiced.

"Yes, I've got accuracy just not speed. But guns jam, knives are better. Thanks again for getting me these Ka-bars with the Micarta handle.  How you got blades that are perfectly balanced for me, you'll have to share one day."

Hiroto guessed, "the job the veteran died on, where you said he saved your life, guns were involved?"

Rekka looked at him. "His gun jammed and then it was too late.  If I want to kill, I prefer to use a knife or my katana."

Hiroto was going to ask something else about her past, but Masaki shook his head negatively and so he kept his mouth shut. They watched her hit everything she aimed for, both with bullets and the knives.  After retrieving the knives, she wanted to spar with them both at the same time. They did as Rekka asked and found that she was as good as expected.  Masaki's kicks he held back the power and same with Hiroto throwing punches.

Rekka noticed and added, "I guess if you guys really fought me, you'd win."

"Only if you didn't have your knives or gun.  But we're family, so weapons aren't allowed between us," Masaki warned.

"I know.  I just thought I was a better fighter than you two," Rekka sighed with disappointment.

"You're all round better than most.  We were trained in mixed martial arts at a young age and just have been fighting longer than you.  After Takeru passed away, we were forced to rely on each other and just are comfortable fighting together. The more we back each other up, the more you'll mesh with our styles."

Hiroto nodded agreement, "you fight better than majority of the guys and you're exceptional with weapons."

Masaki agreed, "Takeru was a fool for ever picking up a gun, but you know what you're doing and have the skill to back it up.  Just watching you practice today, shows us just what you can really do."

Rekka smiled, "thanks guys.  But like I said before, I prefer not to use my gun.  That's for special circumstances, but it's also why I have to occasionally do training, to refresh my skill."

Suddenly Masaki pointed at a spot beside her motorcycle, "check out how big that spider is!"


Amamiya Sister:  SHIFTING GEARSWhere stories live. Discover now