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Rekka moved into Takeru's old room. Like she'd said, there was little that was brought with her. Two skin tight leather pants, two black jeans, three pairs of shoes and a few shirts. The black case that she carried, had Masaki's interest peaked, until she opened it to reveal a gun, three clips, bullets and a silencer.  A brown leather rolled up skin, hid some extra sharp knives and they weren't for cooking.  On the wall Rekka mounted one katana, in its sheath.  The full faced black motorcycle helmet she hung up with theirs in the living room.

"That's all you have?" Masaki asked, after she'd unpacked.

She shrugged, "this and my Harley are all I need.  No roots, means I can leave whenever the need arises.   I have a back strap for the katana, the rest fits in my backpack."

Hiroto reminded, "rent's due tomorrow."

From the gun case Rekka took a thick roll of cash and chucked it at him.

"That's a strange place to keep your money," Masaki observed, as Hiroto caught the roll one handed out of the air.

"If someone has the balls to take my case, then maybe.  If they open the case and just take the cash, they're idiots, because the gun is worth way more than the rolls of cash."

Hiroto checked the bill denomination of the roll, then held it out for her to take back. "That's too much."

"Use it for food, utilities, next month's rent, whatever."

The way she said it, Masaki could tell she was dismissing them. "Show and tell is over, want a drink?"


"On the rocks?"

"Not this time."

He went to get her the requested drink, with Hiroto following him.  Masaki handed his brother a beer and made a bourbon on the rocks for himself.  Rekka came out of the room, wearing two knives on her legs.  She had skin tight leather pants on and a red tank top, no bra. They watch her down the drink, walk to the helmet stand and grab hers.  Next she put on a black kevlar riding jacket.

"Going out to fight?"

"No, I have a date.  I don't travel anywhere without my backup." Rekka tapped a leg.

After she left, Masaki said, "it's hard to remember she's my sister sometimes."

Hiroto rolled his eyes, "you just believed what she told us about Takeru and your mom. We don't know that she really is your sister."

"You want a DNA test done?"

"Saigo could probably do it for us."

Masaki frowned.  He knew that it was hard for Hiroto to accept he had family, just like when his mom had married Masaki's dad. Was this the case now too or was he just being extra cautious? Blood didn't make a person family, loyalty and caring did, Hiroto knew that.  Eventually Masaki would ask Rekka to do a blood test, to prove her connection to them was real, but he wouldn't do it behind her back.

** ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ** ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ **

When Rekka returned at sunset, with her date, she noticed the brothers' motorcycles gone. That was convenient and she took her time bringing Hina into their apartment. The girl was a year older than her, but acted much younger.  As soon as Rekka took off her helmet and dismounted from the motorcycle, Hina grabbed her by the neck and started kissing her. They were still making out, right there up against the Harley, when the Amamiya brothers came back.  Hiroto raised an eyebrow at her, when Rekka made eye contact, while still lip locked.  Rekka waived him and Masaki on.  When Hina bit her on the neck, she decided to end their date.

"Hey girl, you know I don't like it when you bite."

"Sorry, I forgot.... Don't be mad Rekka." Hina pouted.

"I'll get you a cab and call you in a few days," Rekka replied.

She waited until Hina got in the taxi, gave her a kiss on the cheek and closed the door.  With an annoyed sigh, Rekka went into the apartment.

Masaki saw she was alone. "What happened to your girl?"

"She's a biter," Rekka pointed at the mark on her neck.  "I'll take care of her after my date with Cobra."

"Want me to handle her until you come back?" Masaki asked.

"Hina doesn't like guys, just girls."

"So you like both?"

Rekka shrugged, "I get the best of both worlds.  Occasionally I'll bring a girl home that you can have for the second round Masaki."

"What about Hiroto?"

"He seems like his taste is more refined," Rekka observed.

Hiroto laughed and they bumped knuckles. "When's your date with Cobra?"

"Tomorrow, I'm riding over at lunch."

Amamiya Sister:  SHIFTING GEARSWhere stories live. Discover now