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Originally Rekka had planned to go after Bulge by herself, but her brothers shot down that idea. They reminded her she was not alone and that they had taken down Kuryu's leader and all the associated firepower, when getting revenge for Takaru's death.  However they did agree that no one else should get involved, because it was extra dangerous and they might not make it out alive.  She did recon, scoping out the location that Masaki had found.  Together they drew out a map of the area.  Masaki managed to get the blue prints of the building Bulge was hold up in, by flirting with staff at city hall.  It was valuable information.

"Let's get on with this, so he can't relocate," Hiroto said.

"I'm ready... it's like I've trained my whole life for just this moment," Rekka reflected.  She handed them both new leather jackets and explained, "the forearms have metal plates sewn inside, so you both can block a blade without loosing an arm."

"Brilliant," Hiroto acknowledged as he put it on. "Fits perfectly, thanks."

Masaki did the same and then said, "let's finish this."

It was evening, but not yet completely pitch black outside, when the three Amamiyas rode off. Only when they got closer to their destination, did they all flick the tail-pipe silencer switch on their motorcycles.  As previously planned they parked a block away, in an ally.  Rekka secured her helmet to the Harley and gave a hand signal that they should move out.  It became very obvious that they were nearing a mafia hive, based simply off of the armed men surrounding the target's building in Little Asia.  The plan was that Rekka would go in from the roof, with Hiroto and Masaki keeping the thugs busy.  To penetrate the perimeter of Bulge's hideout, all three silently took out any man they came across.  There was no need to kill, because the men were taken by surprise and made unconscious, before they could report the intruders.  Rekka climbed up a drain pipe and made it to the roof, without being noticed by the thugs.  From there she gave hand signals to Masaki and Hiroto, where men were positioned and how many. She watched her brothers silence those men, before signalling she was going inside.  With stealth born from experience, Rekka penetrated the building where Bulge was hiding, using a glass free window. There was a lot of bird crap on the windowsill, which made it a little slick, but nothing that she couldn't handle.  No one noticed her, mostly due to the hanging ceiling lights being too bright. An exposed metal beam allowed her to carefully crawl across the ceiling, as quietly as a cat.  She couldn't see Bulge himself, but counted twenty men below her.  They were all armed with guns. Even if she could disable a few with well thrown knives, she'd be shot before any progress could be made.  Making sure her phone was on silent mode, she sent the information to her brothers in a group text, then continued forward.  Reaching the far wall, she saw a staircase going down, that lead to another door.  Hoping that luck was on her side, Rekka hung from her finger tips and then dropped down onto the stairs.  There was a muffled thud, but no one seemed to have heard.  Slowly she descended and reached the door and turned the knob.  It released the door. Immediately luck ran out, because the door squeaked on its hinges.  With speed she went through the door, but there was no one guarding the hallway.  Running to the next door, she heard voices on the other side.  Moving to the hinged side of the door, Rekka texted her brothers that she needed them to cause a diversion.  Almost five minutes later and the door she was at, opened and men ran down the hall, shouting to the other thugs.  The opened door hid her and also allowed a peak beyond.  No one was left, so she continued on.  Time was against her now, so she needed to find Bulge immediately before he had time to escape.

The moment that the Amamiya brothers penetrated the building, Rekka knew it, as there were more gun shots.  She trusted they would be okay and continued to the next door.  This time she kept low and didn't hesitate breaching it to the other side.  It seemed like she danced through the bullets and disabled the defenders, so fluid and fast were her movements.  But still the man she sought was not visible.  A quiet vibration, had her checking the cell phone, before leaving the room.  The first floor was clear and her brothers were going up to the next level.  From what they had learned from the blue prints, this building had 5 floors and Rekka was on the fifth floor. Noticing a camera at the end of the hall, a well aimed knife, destroyed it.  Bulge was not on that floor and she took the stairs to quickly get to the fourth floor.  Too many thugs in the hall, but that gave her the advantage, because they couldn't shoot or would hit their comrades.  To fight, their radius was restricted by those same men.  Throwing knives disabled trigger fingers and gun wielding hands, then she used her katana.  Blood splattered walls and the ceiling of the fourth floor hall and rooms.  In the stairwell she could hear the shouts from Masaki and Hiroto, they'd made it to the second floor, just as Rekka went down to the third floor.  That's where Bulge's men pinned her with their gun fire.  These guys understood that guns were used to keep someone at a distance.  Putting the katana back into its sheath, she drew out her own gun, counting to learn the firing pattern of the thugs.  Choosing her targets carefully, her bullets disabled many, if not killing a few too.

Amamiya Sister:  SHIFTING GEARSWhere stories live. Discover now