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Cobra was on his cell, with the hospital, when Rekka arrived at his shop.  He explained to Rekka about how Eri had asked for him and she agreed to go along to meet the little girl.  At the hospital they found out that Eri had lost a lot of weight, a side effect of the toxic sickness.  She asked to go on a sunset ride with Cobra, which might be the last outing from the hospital.

"Do you mind if we do this, instead of our date?" He asked.

"I'd be honoured to come along, is that okay with you Eri?" Rekka asked.

The girl shrugged, "sure."

"How's hospital food?"

"Regular meals, but it's bland and some of it looks weird."

"Then let's go eat and get some popsicles. We've got lots of time to ride and see the sunset. Does that sound good?" Cobra suggested.

Eri nodded. Rekka used the skull cap motorcycle helmet she kept locked on her Harley for passengers, and fixed the chin strap so it would fit the girl. She gave a thumbs up to Cobra and then put on her own full face helmet, while starting her Streetfighter Harley. Outside of the S.W.O.R.D. area they stopped for food.  After they ate, a short walk down the street and the three of them got popsicles. Cobra watched as Rekka let Eri take a bite of her creamsicle.  Eri loved it, so Rekka went back in the store and bought the girl another one. This gentle side of the woman he liked, was something he didn't expect from her.  As they sat on a bench and enjoyed the cold treat, Cobra and Eri told her about the toxic sickness. They also explained about Rude Boys, Smoky and how S.W.O.R.D. united with Mugen and the Amamiya Brothers to take down not only the Kuryu mafia, but the corrupt government officials behind it all.

Rekka nodded, "sounds like everyone did the honourable thing. Eri you're brave to go through all that."  She knew Rude Boys and some people from Nameless City, but didn't mention it, because of not knowing about the toxic sickness or anything else.

"And the Amamiyas?" Cobra asked.

"I guess they're pretty good guys. I wouldn't be living there if I didn't trust them." She then asked Eri, "that crystallized toxic deposit that you wore around your neck, is that why you got sick?"

"Not the only reason, some areas of Nameless City were worse than others. We didn't know that until afterwards. I thought the crystal was a real jewel."

Cobra added, "she gave up what she thought was her treasure and left it on Smoky's grave."

Eri noticed the choker that Rekka was wearing. "That's pretty."

"This is a red Sunstone. It is said to bring good luck and it energizes all the chakras. It was given to me by my step-mother, because my full name is Houmi Rekka Gozen. My name means fire bird or phoenix.  And everyone knows a phoenix rises from the ashes. It means that the wearer of the necklace will never give up.  I think you should have it Eri. You'll fly high just like your friend Smoky said." She took off the necklace and fastened it around the little girl's neck.

"I'll treasure it forever. Thank you Rekka. Now the sun will always be with me." Eri said reverently. She looked at Cobra, "I like her, is she your girlfriend?"

"Maybe one day." Cobra winked at Eri. "Or maybe I'll just wait until you grow up."

"The doctors said that the toxic sickness means I'll die within this year."

Rekka grinned, "I like how bluntly morbid you are. You can ride with me anytime."

They rode off to the harbour and watched the sun set. Cobra could tell that Eri was feeling a little weak, because of how she slumped against his back on their ride over.

"Let's take you back now, it's getting late," Cobra smiled and helped put the helmet on Eri.

They returned to the hospital and once back in bed Eri said, "thank you Cobra for taking me to see my last sunset.  And you Rekka, thanks for lending me your sun, I'll tell the nurses and doctors who to give this to once I'm dead."

"I'll visit you more often and sometimes with Cobra too, the hospital staff will get to know us well." Rekka promised and hugged the girl.

Once back at their motorcycles, Rekka said, "that's one brave little girl."

"You're a badass chick with a kind heart. That makes me respect you even more," Cobra complimented.

"Your heart is bigger than mine."

He took her into his arms, just for a hug, but Rekka cupped his face and kissed him. Cobra responded by opening his mouth, encouraging deeper exploration.  Rekka was impressed with his ability to kiss.  Few lived up to her expectations and he was exceptional. Her body responded and she pressed herself into him, feeling Cobra reciprocate. He ran his hands down her back and grabbed her ass, his lips moving to her neck. Their breathing was husky and after a few moments, Rekka pulled away.

"Before we take things further, I think a few more unchaperoned dates are in order." She fixed her shirt and stepped out of his embrace.

"Sorry, I got a little caught up in you."

"Apology accepted, because so did I."

"You're an incredible woman and I'm glad you rode into my life... no matter what happens between us in the future."

"Damn you are so smooth with your words, I just might believe you." She smiled and gave him a wink.  Rekka got back on her motorcycle.  Winding her hair into a rope, she tucked it into the neck of her jacket, before putting on her helmet. "Until next time!" The bike roared to life and she rode off.

Amamiya Sister:  SHIFTING GEARSWhere stories live. Discover now