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The Amamiyas rode to the Sannoh district and met up with Cobra at Itokan.  When Rekka walked into the diner, all the guys turned and looked.

Naomi smiled, "what brings the Amamiyas out here?  Rekka you look gorgeous, I love the braiding of your hair."

"Thanks, it's too hot to ride with a helmet on and I didn't want my hair becoming a rats nest." She moved her sunglasses to her head.

Chiharu observed, "but you're wearing tight riding leather, isn't that hot too?"

Cobra answered him, "it is, but in a different way."

Rekka winked at him. "I don't ride unless in full gear, too dangerous and I like my skin."

Hiroto laughed, "I've seen you ride in just jeans."

"They have kevlar woven into the fabric, smartass."  Rekka retorted.  She ordered a scotch on the rocks and sat down across from Cobra in his preferred booth.  Putting a hand on his arm, she felt almost an electrical charge run through her.  Now was not the time to get all horny.  Removing the hand, she said softly, "I need to talk to you a few minutes... privately."

He nodded and stood up, "follow me to the shop."

She downed her drink and put the empty glass on the bar, before following him. They passed through the door together and their bodies brushed against each other.  Cobra wanted to pull her to him, caress her face and release his hold on control.  But once their eyes met, he ignored the urge.  In the motorcycle repair shop, she found a stool to sit on, while he leaned on the work bench.

"What's up?"

"My brothers said I should tell you all about my past, before we really start dating more.  There are some things I can't talk about yet, but you'll get the idea when you hear the story." Rekka explained and then took a deep breath.  She told him everything her brothers knew; her childhood, teen years, working with the veteran and dating Ryu when he was in the Mighty Warriors.

Through it all Cobra remained silent, his face neutral as he listened.  He felt sorry that she had gone through such tough times, but knew she'd get mad if he showed pity.  He didn't like that she used a gun, since he felt that fists could usually solve the issue.  Cobra didn't know how to respond without offending her.  

When she stopped talking he simply said, "thanks for telling me."

She gave a nod and followed him back into the diner.  Rekka exchanged a look with Masaki and Hiroto, they understood it was time to go, even without words.  Masaki ended the visit, "we've got a job, let's go.... See you guys around, thanks for the drink Naomi, keep the change."

More than one guy watched Rekka walk out, Chiharu openly admired, "damn does she have a great ass."

Yamato punched him playfully in the arm, "careful or she might kick yours." He glanced over at Cobra, the guy was normally not very talkative, but he could sense that his friend was bothered by something. "You two have a disagreement?"

Cobra looked up, "no.  She gave me food for thought."

"Anything I can help you with?"


** ~ ~ ~ ~ ~**~ ~ ~ ~ ~ **

"So what's the job?" Hiroto asked as they started their motorcycles.

Rekka answered, "he lied."

"Yeah, there's no job.  Let's just ride a while."

They let Masaki lead and rode in staggered formation.  Rekka was initially all up in her head, but when they picked up speed for a series of curves in the road, she put her sole focus on riding. There was nothing she could do now, if Cobra chose to distance himself from her.  She knew that the S.W.O.R.D. leaders didn't like guns or knives, they solved everything with punches and kicks. By the time the Amamiyas returned home, Rekka was relaxed.

"That was fun."

Masaki was about to say something, but his cell phone rang. "Hi Saigo."

"Someone stole Rekka's knives that had been taken away during her arrest."

"Thanks for looking in to it." The call ended and Masaki reported to Rekka.

"I bet a Bulge pig took them.  Fuck, now I'm pissed off.  Anyone want to join me for drinks?  I noticed a road stall just around the corner, we can walk there easily."

"Let me guess, you want to stumble back?" Hiroto teased.

Rekka snorted, "we'll see who's the one doing that."

Masaki rolled his eyes, but parked his motorcycle and pocketed the keys. "You buying first round?"

"Sure," Rekka sighed.  

Amamiya Sister:  SHIFTING GEARSWhere stories live. Discover now