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Cobra's apartment was above his shop.  It was an industrial styled loft, with exposed pipes and venting.  His decor was very manly and motorcycle themed, including an engine block table where the top was plexiglass.  One wall was dedicated to Mugen and Sannoh Hoodlum Squad. Two helmets were lighted from their floating shelf.  Chrome shocks, handlebars and brakes, supported coffee tables and lamps. The art on the wall was either sexy pinup girls on motorcycles or landscape shots from a rider's point of view.  A front tire with spokes was a big wall clock.  Rekka liked it a lot and said so, while removing her riding boots.

"At least it doesn't smell like grease and oil in here, right?" Cobra smirked, throwing his jacket over a chair fashioned out of motorcycle forks and suspension.

She put her helmet on a table, keys and riding gloves beside it.

"Want anything to drink?"

"Scotch on the rocks please," Rekka requested.

He made the drink as requested and uncapped a beer. "Up those stairs is my bedroom and the bathroom."

With a smile she asked, "is your bed motorcycle themed too?"

Cobra chuckled, "no but there is a Harley flag mounted above the bed."

"This place is nice, with lots of room."

"I guess things are a bit cramped living with the Amamiya Brothers."

"Takeru's room is pretty big, I don't really need much.  I moved around a lot, so their place is the first one where I didn't have to leave quickly.  Slowly I'm getting use to that.  My nightmares are less too, because I know I'm safe there."

"I didn't think there was anything you fear," Cobra observed.

She shrugged, "I'm scared of spiders and the death of people I love, due to something not natural."

He finished his beer and went for another.  She came for a refill of scotch, since the ice hadn't melted yet.  Resting her head on his shoulder, Rekka wrapped her arms around him from behind. "What do you fear?"

"Being powerless to protect those I love.  Similar to what you fear, but spiders are fine." Turning to face her, within the circle of her arms, Cobra watched her study his face.

For a few heartbeats, everything seemed to stop, while she thought about the man who held her in his arms.  He gave her a chance to draw back.  Only when he met her searching look with calm resolution, did she let some of her defences come down.  She saw honesty, quick intelligence, strength and resolute compassion.  Could this man's love wash away her old grief and disillusion?  Right now, she wasn't ready for that kind of soul commitment.  When Cobra brought his lips to brush against hers, Rekka's mind chose to focus only on that moment.  Her mouth opened to accept his questing tongue, pressing her body into his.  It didn't take long for heat to flow, especially after he caressed the back of her neck and let that hand glide down her back coming to a rest on her ass. The other hand stayed on her hip.  Her kissing became insistent and demanding, but they remained standing in that embrace for a long time.  At last she stepped back and took her drink off the counter.

"I shouldn't let the ice melt, just yet," Rekka said softly, while retreating.

"Warm beer isn't good either." Taking his bottle, he went and sat down on the old leather couch, then took off his boots.

"I've never seen you ride with a helmet," Rekka commented.

"I wear one if I'm going outside of S.W.O.R.D. or on a longer trip and sometimes at night." He downed the second beer and then stood up, "make yourself comfortable, I'm heading up for a shower." Cobra took his boots and put them on a mat by the door, where Rekka had left hers.

Amamiya Sister:  SHIFTING GEARSWhere stories live. Discover now