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It was the next day, when Cobra came back to visit Rekka, at the Amamiya apartment.  She was doing much better, but her brothers and boyfriend insisted she stay in bed and rest.

Cobra scolded, "why did you and your brothers take on Bulge by yourselves?"

"We didn't want anyone else to get caught up in my trouble or get hurt.  Guns kill faster than bats or knives."

"You still should've asked us if we would help.  Bulge wants to take up where Kuryu left off and control S.W.O.R.D. for himself."

"Cobra, you helped us plenty that day.  This isn't your fight, it's mine.  Bulge was involved with killing my parents."

He knew she wouldn't budge, so instead redirected their conversation.  He'd later talk to Masaki and Hiroto about Bulge. "Was there any blow back for killing his men?"

"Not in Little Asia.  Any where else and I probably would be facing murder charges." She stood up. "I'm so bored!  Let's go to your place.  I'd rather sit around watching you work, than try reading a book or watching TV."

Cobra asked, "are you sure you can ride?"

"Are you asking about yourself or my bike?"

He rolled his eyes, "are you always so horny?"

"Around you yes." She winked and blew him a kiss, before making a promise, "I'll ride at whatever pace you set."

Giving in he released a big sigh, "it's hard to say no to you.  Text your brothers and let them know where you'll be."

"Already done.  Let me just pack an overnight bag."

"Why not pack enough so you can leave some clothes at my place.  You're there often enough...."  What he really wanted was for her to move in, but she was too independent to accept that invitation just yet.

** ~ ~ ~ ~ ~**~ ~ ~ ~ ~ **

Truth be told, Rekka really did like watching Cobra work on the motorcycles that came to his shop.  There was something just so manly and sexy about it.  She could watch him all day, but in the end didn't have to, because when she sat on the work bench, Cobra couldn't help remembering how they'd hooked up right there, that one time.  Wiping his hands on a work cloth, he went to wash them.  Rekka came up behind him and rolled up his sleeves, then kissed the back of his neck.

"You might want to wait until after my shower."

"How about I join you in your shower?"

"That works too.  Let me just call Murayama and see when he's coming to pick up his Harley." Cobra took out his cell phone.

"I'll get our shower started." She smirked and rose an inviting eyebrow.

He nodded and then spoke into the phone.  Murayama chose to pick up and pay for the work in the morning.  Cobra closed his shop and locked the doors, then took the connecting back stairs to go into his apartment.  It didn't take him long to strip and join Rekka in the shower.  She was almost done and so soaped him while he did his hair.  She treated his back to a massage that got him to groan with pleasure.

** ~ ~ ~ ~ ~**~ ~ ~ ~ ~ **

After Rekka left his place, Cobra made arrangements to meet up with the Amamiya brothers, because he wanted a private conversation with them.  They chose to meet by the harbour, so he parked and waited for their arrival.  He could hear their Harleys before seeing them.  They pulled up in front of his motorcycle and then turned off their bikes, leaning casually on the handle bars. Cobra began to explain how Rekka told him not to get involved.

Masaki agreed with her and clarified, "Rekka loves you, even if she hasn't told you yet.  She can't handle loosing you too.  As much as we appreciate your offer to help, we have to decline.  It's just too dangerous."

"Then who's going to help you?"

"Kohaku, Saigo and Kukichi, said they'll do what they can.  Saigo already gave us bullet proof vests.  It won't protect us from a head shot, but it's better than nothing."

"I'll get a vest too.  I won't stay out of this fight, whether you Amamiyas want me to or not.  I love Rekka too."

Hiroto sighed, "you're a good man Cobra, I hope you know what you're getting into."

"More so than most.  I won't tell Yamato or the others, because you're right it's too dangerous. You guys know though, that even if we win the fight against Bulge, some other mafia jerk will try to take over S.W.O.R.D. in the future."

"We know, so does Rekka.  But this is personal for her.  And at least it will be a while before someone new has the balls to take us all on again.  Since you want to risk your life for her, we won't stop you.  Get a vest, if you need help with that text me and I'll talk to Saigo." Masaki ended their discussion and turned on his motorcycle.

Cobra sat on his Harley, watching the brothers ride away.  He looked over the water and sighed with resignation.  

Amamiya Sister:  SHIFTING GEARSWhere stories live. Discover now