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Rekka hadn't taken any jobs since moving in with the Amamiya brothers, so when she got a call from a regular customer, the courier job was accepted. Getting dressed in her one piece riding suit, she strapped on two knives, not expecting anything too serious, to bother taking her gun. Backpack on, helmet in hand, she quietly left the apartment, since it was early am and the brothers were still asleep. Outside, she found out her motorcycle wouldn't start. Checking her watch, Rekka decided to borrow Hiroto's Harley and went back inside to get his key.  His motorcycle wasn't as loud as hers, so she didn't have to move it down the street to start it. Off she rode to pick up the package.

** ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ** ~ ~ ~ ~ ~**

Hiroto woke up before Masaki and ate a cold breakfast. They had a job that afternoon and he needed to get gas. He didn't bother grabbing his helmet and just put sunglasses on.  Still half asleep, he didn't notice that he hadn't taken his key with him.  Going outside, he was wide awake, when he saw his motorcycle was missing.

"Where the f'ck is my Harley?!"

He went back inside and woke up his brother. "Masaki someone stole my bike."

"What?" Groggily Masaki threw on his pants, then went outside with Hiroto. "Why would they take yours and not Rekka's or mine?"

"How the f'ck should I know?" Hiroto was mad as hell, practically foaming at the mouth.

"Calm down, let's see if Rekka knows anything," Masaki placated.

They went back in the apartment together and found that she was not there.

"Her helmet is missing, which means she's the one who took your Harley."

That made Hiroto all the more angry. "Who the hell does she think she is?!"

"Relax, I'll call her and see when she'll be back."

Before he could do that, they heard a motorcycle pull up outside.  Hiroto ran down the stairs to see if it was his machine.  When he saw that it was and Rekka on it, the rage erupted.

"No one rides my bike, only me!" Hiroto yelled and grabbed his key out of the ignition.

Rekka retorted. "But you said we're family, that means we share everything!"

"That was Masaki, I never said you were my family. You're no one to me!"

"You're an asshole!" She snarled and threw a kick at his head.

Hiroto blocked her foot and punched her in the thigh. They traded blows, equally landing as many as they deflected.  Masaki came out to see what all the yelling was about.

"Why'd you take his bike?"

Rekka replied, "mine won't start."

Masaki looked at her Harley and saw that a spark plug wire was loose and reconnected it. He watched them fight a moment and then went inside to get her key. Returning, they were still punching each other. He turned the key and the motorcycle started. "Just a loose wire."

Rekka nodded and said, "I only borrowed it, what's the big deal?"

"You should've asked, instead of just taking it!" Hiroto punched her square on the jaw.

It rocked her, but she refused to go down, will-power and rage making her keep conscious. "YOU WERE ASLEEP and I was coming back quickly anyway!  I even filled up your tank!" Rekka started to reach for her knife, because she was triggered, but stopped herself.  Instead, she leaped on to her bike and roared off, tires spinning in her haste.

Hiroto checked his motorcycle and she hadn't lied, the tank was full.  But he was still pissed off.

"She can take a hit, her chin is solid to survive a punch like yours," Masaki observed.

Amamiya Sister:  SHIFTING GEARSWhere stories live. Discover now