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When Cobra arrived, Masaki was waiting for him outside by the motorcycles.  He quickly filled Cobra in on what had gone down earlier that night and the state Rekka was in. "She might not need you right now, but in the morning she'll be a mess."

"Thanks for the heads up," Cobra answered and then followed the older Amamiya up the stairs.

As soon as Cobra made it past the threshold of the apartment, Rekka went into his arms. "You're my saviour!"

"How much has she had already? The fumes coming from her breath are strong," Cobra observed.

"See those two bottles.  She drank one and a half."

"Damn." Cobra sat down at the table, unknowingly taking Rekka's chair.

After having a long pull from the bottle Cobra had brought, she sat down on his lap.  He had one arm circling her shoulders, to give her support.  Not even a quarter of the way through the bottle and Rekka's eyes began to roll back in her head.  She passed out, with her head resting on Cobra's shoulder.  He simply picked her up in his arms and carried her into Takeru's old room. Masaki followed with a pail and garbage bag.  He put the bag in the pail, which was set beside the bed.  Cobra waited until the Amamiya brother left the room, then stripped Rekka down to a t-shirt and her panties, before covering her with the blanket.

Cobra returned to where the guys sat waiting. "So tell me what went down."

Masaki gave him the details that they knew. "Rekka said she told you about her past, but we think her involvement with Bulge is more serious than she made out.  We guessed that's why she was looking for Takeru."

Hiroto added, "she wants revenge for Yuuka now too."

With a sigh, Cobra nodded. "I don't blame her and if you two don't want to get involved, I'll help her on my own."

"We've never run from trouble or a good fight, you know that," Masaki reminded. "We'll ask around and see what we can dig up about Bulge."

"Ask Jesse, he and Ranmaru were involved with Bulge." Cobra explained, "I think Jesse hangs with Mighty Warriors.  Ranmaru went back to jail.  Maybe Nobaru can dig up something too."

"The more we know about Bulge and his associates, the better," Hiroto agreed.

Their discussion was interrupted by Rekka using the pail beside the bed. "Bring her a bottle of water from the fridge.  I'll crush some ice, incase she can't keep that down."

Cobra did as Masaki suggested and returned to his retching girlfriend.  Shortly after, Masaki came with the crushed ice. "Hiroto went to get a hangover remedy."

Tying off the liquid deposit in the garbage bag, Cobra handed it to Masaki to dispose.  He put a new bag over the pail, knowing that once she started to vomit, it wouldn't stop until everything came out. Carefully, Cobra put Rekka's hair into a ponytail, so she wouldn't soil it.  After Hiroto returned to give him the hangover medicine, Cobra closed the bedroom door and stripped down to his boxers and a t-shirt. He got into the bed beside Rekka, making sure she was on her side, in case he fell asleep.

** ~ ~ ~ ~ ~**~ ~ ~ ~ ~ **

In the morning, Rekka was glad for the hangover remedy and couldn't believe Cobra had stayed the night. "When did you come here?"

"Don't you remember?" When she replied with a negative shake of her head, he explained. "You drank from the bottle I brought from Itokan.  I took you to your room, when you passed out."

"Sorry.  You just became my boyfriend and already you're dealing with my shit.  I promise to show you my appreciation once I'm back to myself."

Cobra smiled, "I won't say no to that, but it's not necessary.  I'm glad you called me."

Amamiya Sister:  SHIFTING GEARSWhere stories live. Discover now