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After a bickering match between Hiroto and Rekka, about being family, Masaki decided to help his brother realize the truth faster.  He talked to Rekka, when Hiroto was on a job with Kohaku.

"Do you know any classy bisexual girls? Maybe a dancer, and I don't mean the kind that rotates a pole. Or a rich chick or model?"

"Of course, I don't slum it.  I'm picky too.  Hina is a rich girl and is great with her hands.  I just have to be in the mood for biters.  I know models and dancers too.  Why?"

"I have a few ideas on how to make Hiroto admit that you're his sister.  He already thinks it, so I don't know why he fights you about it."

Rekka sighed, "I know right.  Although sometimes I just like pissing him off.  So what's the plan?"

Masaki told her what he thought might work, giving her a few options.  He couldn't wait to see which plan she put into action. "I've got to go out for a bit, Hiroto might get back before me. Have fun," he laughed and gave her a wink.

Rekka grinned.  Sometimes Masaki was a joker, a womanizer and other times a fierce protector of his family.  When he got truly serious or angry, this focus became razor sharp.  Rekka made a few calls and then got the perfect girl to help her pull off one of Masaki's plans.  She rode to pick her up and brought the girl into their apartment.

"So you live with two gorgeous guys, who are your family? That sounds like something out of a movie.  I bet they want in your pants and are just playing along."

Rekka smiled, "let's have a bet Mai.  If I prove you wrong, you buy me a bottle of Scotch.  If you win, what do you want?'

"I want to tie you up and have fun.  I want to be the boss." Mai grinned.

"Alright deal... I didn't know you were into bondage... that's sexy." Rekka heard a Harley coming.

She pulled Mai closer, encouraging a lip lock.  They leaned against the fridge, feeling each other up.  Mai wasn't the best kisser, but she was adventurous, had great flexibility and excellent stamina.  She was in Rekka's top five.

Hiroto came in to the apartment and put his helmet on the rack.  He watched Rekka and her girl make out against the fridge. "Do you have to do that right here?" He noticed the girl was beautiful, had a body like a ballerina, except for the big boobs.

Mai looked over her shoulder and then came towards him. "He's got an attitude... I like it." She held his chin and then kissed him too.  Hiroto's mouth opened to match her curiosity.  His eyes were closed and when her mouth moved to his ear, they didn't open.  He hadn't been laid in a while and was enjoying the attention.  A mouth came back to his lips, but the kissing had changed, it was so much better.

Knowing that she was doing something taboo, made their moment so much more forbidden and yet every second was etched in her mind.  Rekka's thumb caressed Hiroto's lower lip, before she let hers touch his.  Her tongue could taste the beer, that he'd just uncapped.  His hands suddenly landed half on her hips, before sliding down to rest on her ass, making her heart beat faster.  Their tongues bumped into each other and then explored.  All senses were focused, like a sniper looking through a scope.  Rekka peaked at him and she could see he too was enjoying the kiss as much as she was.  Deceiving him like this, made her feel like Mara (the devil).

"Damn that's so hot!" Mai said.

Hiroto's brain suddenly registered that the one he was kissing, wasn't her.  His eyes popped open and he immediately pushed Rekka away. "What the fuck, you're my sister!"

"See I told you we were family, you owe me a Scotch." Rekka told her date. "I think he can handle you all on his own Mai, Hiroto is a good kisser." She ran a thumb over her lower lip.

He noticed and remembered the feeling of her doing that to him.  Hiroto wondered what she was thinking.  That kiss had so much pent up hunger, that had they been on his bed, all control would've been gone.  They weren't blood family, but he realized that once the veil of seduction had lifted, he did see her as a sister.

Mai took him by the hand. "Which room is yours?"

He asked first, "Rekka do you mind?"

"Nope, go for it."

Masaki came home and heard the girl noises from Hiroto's room and looked at Rekka, who was having a drink. "Did you do like we discussed?"

"Yeah, he finally said it, when he found out I was doing the kissing."

"And that girl still went with him?"

"Well he knows how to use his tongue, so if he satisfies these lips, then he knows how to use his mouth between those lips," she pointed to her crotch.

"Is that really how you girls gauge it?"

"Yes." She winked at him. "I'm going for a night ride, see you later."

"Want company?"

"Sure." Rekka put on her full face helmet, but left the tinted visor raised up.  Already in her riding leathers and boots, she caught the keys tossed by her older brother.

Masaki asked, "do you want to ride to see if Cobra feels like a drink?"

She gave a thumbs up and then started her Harley.  Once he was ready, they pulled out together, riding side by side.  It was a nice night.  Rekka glanced at her brother, she liked this.  He flashed her a smile and gunned his bike, he wanted to race. She nodded and off they rode at a neck breaking speed.  In no time they were at Itokan and saw that Cobra's motorcycle was there. They parked beside it, turned off their machines and then went inside together.

"Masaki," Yamato said in greeting.

"Rekka, I thought you had a date," Cobra greeted her.

"I did, she's entertaining Hiroto at the moment."

The guys in the diner laughed. Yamato asked, "are you taking his sloppy seconds?"

"Hell no.  I was using her and she's his prize," Rekka said cryptically.

Cobra and her, had been texting a few days after she'd revealed her past. They had met up twice, once for a coffee and again for dinner, but he had kept his distance.  She had tried to return them to what they'd been like.  For the coffee date she'd worn a revealing top, that had made even Masaki's eyes widen.  Rekka had flirted hard, complimenting Cobra, touching his arm, hand and thigh.  As they parted, she had bent low as if to tighten a lace on her riding boots, knowing he would get a great view of her cleavage.  She'd heard an intake of breath, but that was his only reaction.  Cobra was the first guy to be immune to Rekka's flirtations.  Changing tactics for the dinner date, she'd worn a flattering dress with strappy heals.  Walking to the restaurant, she'd received honks from guys driving by.  But other than saying she looked nice, Cobra seemed to have no reaction.  However he had walked her home, but they had not touched each other. This time Rekka wouldn't give him an option to ignore her.  Walking over to his favourite booth, she straddled Cobra's lap.  Not caring who was watching, she gave him a sensual kiss hello.  Still horny from making out with Mai and Hiroto, her hips moved in a suggestive way.  His hands travelled down her back.

Masaki teased, "I wonder which one missed the other more?"

Yamato laughed, "from here they both look hungry."

Naomi asked, "what do you guys want to drink?"

"Rekka wants a scotch and I will have a bourbon on the rocks.  You already know what Cobra wants," Masaki flirted with Naomi, because it was habit.  He knew she was actually Yamato's girl.

The younger guys at the bar were blushing, but unable to stop watching the sexy display provided by Rekka kissing Cobra.  Yamato grinned, "you two should get a room, or cool down a little.  The boys can't handle the scene."

She disengaged her lips, then whispered in Cobra's ear what she wanted to do and where.  Rekka got off his lap, allowing him to stand up, she held out her hand to him.  He took it and then pulled her to him.  She wrapped her legs around his waist and Cobra carried her out of the pub.

"I think we won't see those two for a bit.  She got revved up at home, before Hiroto stole her date," Masaki smiled. "She'll want that drink when they come back, so just leave it there." He paid for their bill, but waited for her return.

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