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Cobra arrived at the Amamiya apartment, just as Hiroto and Masaki came back from a job.

"You here for Rekka?"


Hiroto sighed, "since we're back early, I'll get us drinks Masaki, so we can wait outside and relax." He went up the stairs and opened the door. "Rekka! Cobra's here."

"Send him to my room please!"

"You heard her." Hiroto got a beer and made a whisky on the rocks for Masaki, leaving quickly.

The brothers had learned that when Rekka was having sex with a guy, she was loud and with a girl, she was quiet. The women she was with, often were not.  She was considerate of them and would rarely have sex when they were home.  But like today, sometimes there was an overlap.  In the beginning it only bothered Hiroto, but as time went on, even Masaki didn't want to hear what was happening.  As for Rekka, she didn't care, having long ago learned to block out sounds that didn't involve her.

Fifteen minutes later, Cobra left.  Masaki laughed as he and his brother went inside. "Do you think Cobra just pulled a blow and go, on Rekka?"

The woman in question came out of Takeru's old room. "Not really, I just got called for a job with the Mighty Warriors.  I took care of him and told him I'd call later." She had her gun strapped to her leg, with the two knives.  Rekka put on the bullet proof vest and then went for her riding boots.

"Need backup?" Masaki asked.

"Do you have a bullet proof vest?"

"No, usually don't need one."

"Ice said it's dangerous and wants my gun skills."

Hiroto frowned, "you're friends with Ice?"

"Not exactly friends, we respect each other.  Remember I dated Ryu when he was in their crew."

"Right, but did you go on jobs with them all too?"

"Only when the pay was really high, like this time."

"Let me put this app on your phone.  It has a locator on it and all you do is tap the icon and we'll get an alarm that you need us." Masaki held out his hand, palm up.

Rekka raised an eyebrow, but gave over her phone. "Do you have it on your cell too?"

"We both do," Hiroto replied.

"We just never have had to use it yet," Masaki explained. "Now we're all linked together."

She took back her cell phone, checked the clip in the gun and the spare clip on her vest, to make sure both were full of bullets. "I won't be back until late." Taking her helmet off the rack, keys in hand, she left.

"I don't like it." Hiroto said once she was gone.

"Which part; the gun, the job or who it's with?"

"All of it."

"We know she can handle shit herself and those pants she was wearing have kevlar integrated into the fabric."

The discussion ended and they split the money from the job they'd just returned from. Then Hiroto went for a shower, while Masaki had his drink in front of the TV.  Even though Masaki had acted like it didn't bother him, he was worried about Rekka and kept looking at the locator app. She was still riding, as the tag was moving on the screen.

After his shower, Hiroto changed into track pants and a t-shirt, before joining Masaki by the TV. "Where's she at?"

"Just stopped at the Funk Jungle."

Amamiya Sister:  SHIFTING GEARSWhere stories live. Discover now