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As mentally strong as Rekka was, death always hit her hard, when it was someone she cared about.  Cobra understood this, without her saying anything.  When they returned to his apartment she went to have a shower and Cobra made them drinks.  He sat on the couch and waited for her to return.  She came out wearing his boxer shorts underwear and a tank top. Without a bra, this relaxed look, invoked Cobra's desire, but unless she initiated something intimate, he wouldn't engage.

"Did you cry in the shower?" Cobra asked gently and handed her the glass he'd prepared for her.

"Yeah, are my eyes still red?"

He nodded as she snuggled up to his side.

"That little girl had more courage and life in her, than I do.  I'll miss Eri," Rekka sniffed.

"She did and you gave her so much love.  You should have no regrets."

"Can you hold me?  I can't face the world yet."

Cobra put his arms around her and they sat like that for a while.  When she kissed his neck and her lips moved up to play with his earring, he knew she was seeking a different kind of comfort. Cobra picked her up and carried Rekka to his bed.  While she watched him, he took off his shirt and unbuckled his pants, the belt's weight dropping them to the floor.  Stepping out of the bunched pant legs, he came towards her, crawling on the bed as she shifted to move under him. His arms flexed while he held himself above her, staring into the eyes that locked on to his.  He gauged her level of impatience, based on how fast she took off her shirt and his underwear. Cobra kissed and licked from her lips down, moving just fast enough to satisfy her need for progress.  As he reached the elastic band of her borrowed underwear, his hands removed them, so his mouth could gain access to her pleasure nub.

"I don't want to cum that way, I need to feel you inside me."

That blunt declaration, had him reaching for a condom.  Putting it on carefully, his attention then shifted to fulfilling her request.  Propped up by his knees, hands on her thighs, Cobra spread her legs.  As her hips raised off the bed, he gained entry and let Rekka set the pace.  It wasn't as frenzied as other times, but there was an underlying urgency, that drove his lust forward.  He wanted her to gain release first and had a tight hold on his control.  He knew all her cues; arched back, tight grip on his arms, head thrown back and the ragged panting.  Inside she was tight and wet, gripping and releasing as her climax built up.  Cobra felt when she came, there was no faking that sensation and then he rode her hard until he came too.  She held him as his body spasmed.  Even as he lay down beside her, Rekka didn't let him disengage.

"I need to take that condom off soon," he reminded her after a while.

"I'll do it and get you cleaned up, just relax." Carefully she separated from him and took off the loaded condom, disposing it in a trash can.  From the washroom she got him two man-wipes and gently caressed his manhood.

He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into a position that allowed them to lie embraced.  She put a blanket over them and then stopped moving. "Thank you for giving me quiet support and being my emotional rock, when I needed you most.  Only because you're with me, could I handle her passing." Rekka admitted with raw honesty.

"How did you handle grief in the past?"

"With my fists... I would either pick a fight with some low life or spar with Ice."

"That's one way to work through it."

"I know you don't like Ice, but he's had my back a few times."

"As long as he's consistent like that, then I don't have a problem with him.  Has he helped you find Ryu?"

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