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Takeshi and Lala came to the hospital to visit Eri. They saw Cobra and Rekka in the hall, talking to the doctor and waited until he left.

"What did the doctor say?" Lala asked.

"Eri is the only patient that has lasted this long, that he's seen with the toxic sickness.  She has just a few days left.  He is getting the paperwork to release her into our care and the prescription for pain medication.  Eri has told me she wants to be buried beside Smoky," Cobra explained. "She'll stay with Rekka and I at my place.  We'll bring her to Nameless City to say her good-byes and later to be with Smoky."

"I've asked my brothers to contact all the S.W.O.R.D. heads.  I want them all to escort Eri from the hospital. We should celebrate her life, while she can still appreciate our love," Rekka suggested.

"Sounds good to me.  Maybe Hyuga can set up fireworks and smoke bombs to celebrate Eri's life too.  I'll go talk to him after this visit." Takeshi squeezed Lala's hand. "Let's go see her now."

The four of them went into the room Eri was staying in, that she shared with other toxic sickness patients.  It was obvious that these people were all in the final stages.  Even though they knew Eri had maybe three days left, she still looked better than the others.  Rekka helped her sit up, as she smiled happily seeing who was with them.  Takeshi talked to the other patients in the room, as Lala filled the teenager in on all the Nameless City gossip.  Meanwhile Cobra got a confirmation text from Masaki, that all of S.W.O.R.D. would be coming to take Eri home, not just the heads.

Rekka spoke to Eri about their plans. "We're going to come tomorrow and pick you up.  You'll stay with Cobra and I at his place, while we visit Nameless City.  Do you want to leave the hospital in a dress or jeans?"

"I can't ride a motorcycle in a dress," Eri pointed out.

Cobra reported, "Rocky from the White Rascals offered to have you picked up in a white limo."

"Or you can ride in Ice's white McLaren P1," Rekka added.

"Then I want a dress and to drive with Ice... but I thought he was an enemy of S.W.O.R.D.," Eri said.

"He's an old friend of mine.  You and Lala look at some dresses on Cobra's cell phone." Rekka directed and then stepped outside of the room to make arrangements with Ice. "Hi, I have a favour to ask.  Eri, the girl with the toxic waste sickness from Nameless city, is dying and we're having a celebration of life for her.  I want you to pick her up in your McLaren P1 and then perform at the celebration."

Ice asked, "is she the kid that made headlines when Kuryu got taken down?"

"Yes.  She's got maybe two-three days to live.  We're taking her out of the hospital tomorrow, that's when you'd pick her up.  Then the day after once we figure out where the celebration is happening, you'd perform.  Name your price."

"I'll do it, but payment is in form of you owning me a favour."

Rekka smirked, "like I told Jesse, as long as it doesn't involve S.W.O.R.D., Cobra or my brothers, I'll pay you with a favour."

"What time do you want me to come to the hospital?"

"She's being released at 2 pm.  All of S.W.O.R.D. will be escorting her home.  Me and my bros will lead you, with the rest behind your car."

"Text me which hospital she's staying at and where we'll be performing." Ice ended the call.

While she'd been on the call, Rekka's phone had vibrated with text messages.  Hyuga from Daruma offered to host the party tomorrow at a club in his district.  They would also have fireworks for her too.  The day of her death they'd let off smoke bombs from the highest point in Nameless City.  That made Rekka tear up.  She asked how much it would cost and Hyuga said he'd already handled that through her brothers.  Rekka texted Ice with the new details, just as she finished her brothers showed up.

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