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The aftermath of Bulge's death and the obliteration of the prisoners of the prison, was reported to the Amamiyas by Saigo.  He'd been working internally within the police force to purge the dirty cops.  The Amamiya war on Bulge's men, had helped him tremendously.  They were in the process of hiring new policemen and women; from within the S.W.O.R.D. district and outside of it.  The government also was restructuring and were less bound by the mafia.  However there was already a power play happening in Little Asia for a new mafia boss, but that wouldn't affect S.W.O.R.D. and the Amamiyas for many years to come.

Once Saigo had left the apartment of the Amamiyas, the three of them chose to go for a ride, the ending destination being Itoken.  They rode three across, unless the road became too narrow to do so.  It was a warm day, with a slight breeze.  The brothers wore sunglasses, but no helmets. Rekka rode with a half helmet, which was cooler than her full helmet, but still had the protective shield for her face.  Glancing at her brothers on either side of her, she couldn't believe that not long ago she'd had no family.  It was Masaki who signalled them to pull off the main road.  Hiroto recognized the area and knew where they were going.  They parked beside each other and turned off their motorcycles.

Hiroto explained, "we come here for popsicles and ice cream.  That shop across from us, has the best variety."

"Good timing, I'm a little overheated.  Who's buying?"

"It's on me," Masaki answered. "I know what Hiroto wants, what flavour for you Rekka?"

"Orange popsicle, not in the mood for ice cream."

Masaki nodded and left.

"He flirts with the girl at the counter.  It's one place he always offers to buy at." Hiroto said as they watched their brother go across the street.

"Do you think he'll ever settle down and get married to one woman?" Rekka smiled.

Hiroto snorted, "not him.  At one point Takeru had a steady girl, but when he went after revenge and ditched us, she left."

"What about you then?"

"One day maybe.  I haven't met someone I can trust like that... which is not family." He added and winked at his sister.

"You can be so sweet sometimes."

"What about you and Cobra?"

Rekka sighed, "this is the first time in my life that the future isn't clouded by revenge, hate and war.  I trust Cobra as much as I do you guys."


"I like living with you and Masaki.  I like the freedom too.  Maybe," she shrugged, "the future might change that."

Masaki returned with the popsicles.  They sat leaning against their Harley's, enjoying the flavoured ice. "Kohaku called, he has a transport job for us the day after tomorrow."

Rekka nodded and held out her popsicle to Hiroto, "let's trade, I want to try yours."

"Orange is good, reminds me of pop." Hiroto said after he took a bite off the top.

"Is this cherry?"

"Yeah, sometimes I have that, coconut or chocolate."

Masaki offered, "want to taste mine?"

"That's grape... gross, no thanks." Rekka scrunched up her face in disgust, making a gaging sound.

Before Masaki could pout, Hiroto passed him Rekka's orange.  The eldest Amamiya grinned and bit off a piece, before trading it to Rekka for Hiroto's popsicle.  He shared, "riding and stopping here was started by Takeru."

Amamiya Sister:  SHIFTING GEARSWhere stories live. Discover now