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Cobra took her to his workshop. He had been trying to keep his cool, every date they'd gone on. She had practically given him blue balls.  After the dinner date and seeing her in a dress, he had a hard time getting her out of his mind. Even taking care of his lust, hadn't relieved anything. There was just something about her, that drew him in. It wasn't just that Rekka was a skilled fighter, but more than any other girl he'd ever met, she was extremely sexy.  Whether waking, working or sleeping, she was in his thoughts. This greeting she'd just given him, he'd almost lost his control right then and there.  Even though they hadn't dated much, Cobra didn't want to wait any longer.  In the shop, Rekka kept her legs wrapped around his waist.  Holding her with one arm, he made room for her on the table surface.

"Are you sure you want to be with me, here? It smells like oil and bike parts."

Rekka smiled and licked her lower lip. "That just makes it even more hot.... Am I the first one to christen your shop?"

"Yes, most girls hate the smell in here. You're the exception."

"It's where you first helped me.  Next time we can spend the night in your bed."

"Are you saying you want to be my girl?" That surprised him, since she seemed like this untameable wild thing.

"Sure, if you don't mind me being with a woman once in a while."

"Do I get to watch?"

"If you want you can participate... but that depends on your performance now."

He moved his lips from her neck to mouth, kissing and nibbling, while his hands unzipped her riding suit.  When the zipper exposed her naked breasts, his mouth travelled down her chest to the raspberry peaks.  She slid the leather past her panties and completely off, then used her hands to undo his belt buckle, button and zipper.  His pants dropped to his feet and boxers followed.  He took off his jacket and shirt.  Pushing him back, Rekka hopped off the workbench's top and kissed her way past his tight abs and down the treasure trail.  Popping his manhood into her mouth, she got to work, occasionally glancing up at him to make sure he was solely focused on her.

"Rekka do you have a condom?"

She reached into the riding leathers at her feet and tore the wrapper. One last lick of his shaft and she put the condom on Cobra. "Now I know why you're named after a snake."

He smirked, "that's not why, but I like your reason better."

Cobra pulled off her panties, then picked her back up, so her ass was resting on the edge of the table.  She put her legs over his biceps.  Propping herself slightly up, with her hands pushing off the work table.  Slowly he gained entry and then she thrusted her hips, sinking him deep inside. Rekka was tighter than he expected, but so wet and hungry for him.  He pumped into her like a piston.

"Take me from behind, I want it harder.  Slam me."

He disconnected to allow her the chance to get off the table and present her rear to him.  She wasn't asking for anal, but Rekka wanted a hard, fast, screw.  Once she was ready, her hand helped him get back in, because his were on her hips.  Cobra gave her exactly what she wanted, making the tools on the table rattle.  Keeping himself in check, he waited to finish, after she climaxed.  Head flung back Rekka called his name as she orgasmed.  Released from his tight hold on control, he exploded, while she spasmed on the inside.

"You're incredible," she panted.

He withdrew and disposed of the condom in the garbage can beside them.  She turned and hugged him.  Cobra kissed her softly, returning the embrace. "That was amazing. Thank you Rekka."

A smile danced on her lips. "Tonight you get away without having to do a repeat performance, because I want the drink Masaki bought me."

Cobra chuckled, then put on his clothes and re-buckled the belt.  Next he helped her get back into her riding leathers.  Unable to resist the temptation, his mouth kissed her raspberries, making them hard again.  When the lining touched her peaks, while he drew up the zipper, she almost groaned.

"Damn, you are so sexy." He said and slapped her ass playfully.

"You almost make me want to give up women."

He laughed, "and miss out on all that fun?"

Together they left his workshop and returned to the diner. Masaki was still there and he gave them a smirk, when they came through the door.  Rekka picked up her drink and downed it in one long gulp. "Buy me another?"

"I've got this one," Cobra said and got himself another beer too.

Masaki whispered in her ear, "you two smell like sex, it's hanging on you like a cape."

Rekka frowned, "are you saying I stink?"

He grinned, "no, you're like a succubus.  The scent is more seductive.  The younger guys here don't know why they can't stop looking at you, the rest of us understand and acknowledge."

She smirked, "regretting being my brother?"

His eyes met hers and for a moment he said nothing.  Then Masaki smiled, with full blown dimples. "Never.  I think you'd be too dangerous if you weren't my sister."

Rekka laughed and punched him in the arm. "Should we go back home and see if Hiroto's done with my date?"

"Why not.  Let's go the long way, it's a nice night to ride."

Cobra walked her to the Streetfighter motorcycle she rode.  There they shared a hot kiss, that had Masaki making wisecracks.  Cobra gave him the finger, before releasing his girl and heading back into the pub.  The guys were just as bad as Masaki, until Naomi complained about their jokes being too crude.

The return ride was relaxed and enjoyable for both Amamiyas, especially for Rekka, since she'd had a satisfying release. When they got home, Hiroto and Mai, were not there.  Rekka texted Mai, reminding her about the owed Scotch.  Mai replied that Hiroto had just dropped her off at home. She gave Rekka some details about him, that she should've kept to herself.

"Apparently Hiroto just took Mai home," Rekka told Masaki as he made her a drink.

"Did they have fun?" He smirked.

"Yup, a few times... She gave me a report, that could've left out some information."

Masaki was still laughing, when they heard Hiroto's motorcycle pull up. "Let me guess, she gave him compliments and told you things that siblings shouldn't know?"

Rekka chuckled, "something like that."

Hiroto walked in and put his helmet on the rack. "Where'd you two go?"

"Well after you got your sister all hot and horny, we rode to Itokan, so she could find release with Cobra."

"You're a dick," Rekka said.

"And an ass." Hiroto added, opening a beer.

Masaki wore a proud, shit eating grin. "Better than you two screwing each other."

Rekka reacted before Hiroto, but they both landed a punch each, starting a sparing match between the three Amamiyas.  They wore smiles, by the time Masaki had enough and called time out, so he could drink his whisky.  Hiroto exchanged a look with Rekka, that Masaki didn't see.  They both understood each other, knowing that if they hadn't been family... . 

Amamiya Sister:  SHIFTING GEARSWhere stories live. Discover now