Wedding Fever

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Hey!!! Welcome to book number 2!!


I'm humming in the kitchen making breakfast. It's been a few days since the proposal and Ash and I have been in our little bubble. We both took off work for a few days but we go back Monday giving us two more days in our bubble. I can't help but catch a glimpse and smile everytime I see the ring on my finger. Don't get me started when I see hers. I'm so unbelievably happy and let's just say the past two days we haven't been able to keep our hands to ourselves. In my defense I was just showing her how much I love her so...

I just finished plating everything and made sure I had everything before heading upstairs with the tray full of food. I walked slowly making sure the coffee doesn't spill and nudged the door open. A smile forms on my face seeing Ashley sprawled out hair everywhere making me chuckle. I set the tray on the nightstand and slowly climb into the bed and straddle her hips. Leaning down I start placing soft light kisses all over her face. I smile when she twitches and scrunches her face a bit. I plant firmer kisses all over making her start to giggle and grab my shoulders. "I'm up, I'm up, stooooop" she giggles making me smile wide and place a gentle loving kiss on her lips before sitting up. Her eyes are sparkling bright with joy and love and she has a beautiful smile on her face. Her hands rest on my hips as she looks at me. "Morning" she whispers making me smile. "Good morning. Are you hungry?" I ask and her face lights up making me giggle and slide off her. She sits up fast and when I grab the tray setting it on our laps her squeals a bit wiggling. I let a laugh out and scold her playfully, "careful baby, you'll spill the coffee" I say and she nods sitting still. I sme at her adorableness and my eyes catch her ring making me smile wider. We enjoy our breakfast together talking a bit or just eating in comfortable silence.

"So, what are we doing today?" She asks once we both finish. We are both leaning back on the headboard snuggled up together. "Mmm, whatever you want love." I say kissing her head. She hums and she sit in silence for a few moments before she moves her head to look at me. "Can we go out to eat with everyone?" She asks and I smile. "Ya, that sounds good. How about you call your sisters and I'll clean up? Meet in the shower?" I say wiggling my brows making her laugh. "Don't be too long" she says kissing my cheek then leaning over to grab her phone. I smile and get up bringing everything downstairs.


I don't even know how to describe the feeling I'm having. I love Jay with all my heart and I though it was impossible to love her more. But that cute scavenger hunt she put together and gathering everyone who we love to all be there... That mad my heart burst. My love for her grew so much more and I know it will continue to grow even after our wedding. God... Our wedding. I mean I love being her fiancee but her wife! That is the icing on the cake. Snapping out of my love sick daze I face time MK.

"Hey sis! I'm surprised you called, I would've though you both would be going at it still." MK says giggling making me roll my eyes but smile at her. I don't think I would be conscious if we were 'going at it' for the past few days Kate" I say teasingly making her gag. "What!? You started it and she's amazing in bed. I mean the thing she does..." I tease but get cut off my her yelling at me to stop. "God my ears! No, no! I don't need to hear this. I'm going to be sick" she gags making me laugh. "Looser. Ok I'm adding Lizzie hold on" I tell her and add Lizzie to the call. After a few rings her face pops up in the screen. "Hey sisters!" She giggles excitedly making both MK and I smile. "Hey lizard" MK and I greet simultaneously. She huffs and rolls her eyes playfully at us. "What are you up two?" MK asks her. "Oh, just making breakfast. So, why the call? Shouldn't you be in bed or something with Jennifer? She's not... You know right now is she?" She lowers her voice pointing at the screen making my jaw slack and MK burst out laughing. "Oh my...! What the fuck Elizabeth!" I say shocked making both sisters laugh. "Both of you, head out of the gutter. Animals" I say making them giggle more. "I wanted to see if you all want to go out to a nice dinner?" I ask once they calm down. "Oooh, ya! Just adults or everyone?" Lizzie asks. "I was thinking a family one, so everyone. I'm going to text mom to ask her. Scarlett's parents can come to if they're free" I say and Lizzie nods. "I'll talk to Scarlett. Do you have a place in mind?" She asks. "No... Jay and I just came up with this plan" I admit and they nod. "How about a stake house? They're kid friendly and we can rent out the back room or something" MK suggests. "Oh, ya, that sounds good. I'll book a private table. Let me call around and I'll let you know which one. Is 6 ok?" I ask and they both agree. We talk for a few more minutes then hang up. I smile a bit then get up heading to the bathroom. I turn the shower on then strip down getting in once it's warm. I'm so focused on the heat that I jump when a pair of hands wrap around my waist. Feeling Jay's skin on mine makes me relax and melt back into her. "Hey baby" I say smiling. She places a kiss on my head squeezing a bit tighter before loosening her grip again. "Hey, what did your sisters say?" She asks. I turn around in her hold wrapping my arms around her shoulders. "They're in. I need to call mom and look for a stake house that is available" I say and she nods. "Can that wait 10 minutes?" She asks kissing my neck making me gasp. "It can wait 20" I moan out and I feel her smirk against my neck. Let's just say is definitely wasn't a clean shower.

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