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This one has a bit back and forth POV. Enjoy!


It was Thanksgiving and Ash and I had the day off. I was up early this morning at Ash slept in to make a side dish for Rossi's. I decided to do somthing simple, roated potatos. I just put them in the oven when Ash came into the kitchen yawning. "Morning love" I say starting the coffee for her. She smiles and wraps her arms arounf my waist leaning into me. "Hungry?" I ask kissing her head. She nods burying her face into my chest more making me laugh. "I put together something light, how does oatmeal and furit sound?" I ask siring the pot of oats I made. "Good. Coffee?" She mumbles and I smile reaching over to hit the button to pour it into her mug. "Almost done. Go get your creamer" I say and she nods unwrapping her arms and walking over to the fridge. I grab her mug and set it on the island for her then grab two bowls to scoop some oalmeal into them. I set them on the island too putting the fruit into them and adding some honey. "Bar or table?" I ask and she walks over to the bar stool making me smile and follow behind her. "Here you go my love" I say kissing her head as I set the bowl down then sit next to her. "Thank you baby" she says sounding more awke after having her coffee. "So, we need to be at Rossi's by 11. That gives us 3 hours" I say and she nods as she takes a bite of her oatmeal. "I have to prep for tomorrow" She says and I bite my lip not wanting her to see my aperhensive face. "Need help?" I ask and she shakes her head. "No, I want to do It myself" She says and I nod. "Ok, love. Just tell me if you need anything. We can always do it together" I suggest but she shakes her head. "No, everytimes we cook together you end up doing everything. I want to show you what mom and Lizzie taught me. I can do it" she says determined and I smile softly. "I have no doubt that you can" I say kissing her head and she smiles. Hopefully this ends well. After we finish I clean up as she gets what she needs out. "Ok, out, out" she shoos at me making me scuff. "Bosy" I mumble but smile at her. "I never got my morning kisses" I pout playfully. She rolls her eyes smiling and leans over the counter kissing my lips. "I love you. Now go" she says pushing me away making me gumble but leave and go workout.

I'm just getting out of the shower after my workout and walk in my towel into the bedroom to chaneg when I hear a crash and Ashley cus. I grip my towl and run downstairs sliding skidding to a hault when I reach the kitchen. "Are you hurt? What happened?" I ask looking for any sign of ingury. "I'm ok. almost dropped the Turkey but the tray fell." She says picking it up and then looking at me mouth open a bit. "Your not hurt?" I say looking her over now more closer to her. She doesn't answer making me tilt her head up. "What?" I ask and she blinks away her haze looking me up and down again. "You're in a towel" she says and I look at myself and laugh a bit. "Well ya, I just got out of the shower. I heard a crash and you cus so I came running down" I say simply, I mean why wouldn't I? "Right, ya. Sorry I can't think straight with you like this in front of me" she says making me laugh again. "Well not straight" I tease making her roll her eyes and laugh. "Go change. I'm almost done and then I'll get ready" she says but grips my towel to pull me down into a kiss. "Go" she says pushing me like before making me laugh but I do and head upstairs to change. I opt for a soft sweater and jeans putting my hair into a messy bun with light makeup. By the time I'm done Ash is in the room getting ready for a shower. "You look adorable" she says kissing my cheek. "Pfft. No I don't" I say making her laugh and close the bathroom door behind her. I smile and look at the close she set out perfectly making me roll my eyes and grab my low heeled boots before heading downstairs. I heat up the potatos and put them in a container to keep them warm. I grab Ashley's purse and slip them in and make sure everything we need is in there. I head to my office and grab my off duty ankle gun strapping it on, you never know what will happen and pocket my badge. Once I slip my shoes on I head upstairs to see if Ash is almost done as we only have 30 minutes. "Hey babe you almost set?" I ask walking in to see her putting her makup on. "ya give me 5?" She asks looking at me through the mirror and I nod sitting on the bed watching her put her eyeliner on. "Can you grab my low heels? The black ones next to the bench" she asks and I nod getting up to grab them for her. "Here love" I say walking over and she smiles taking them and slipping them on. I reach my hand out helping her up and giving her a gental kiss not waning to ruin her lipstick. "I have everything set and ready to go" I say holding her close to me still. "Ok, ready?" She asks looking at me with a gentle smile. "Yup. Come on" I say kissing her again then grabbing her hand leading her to the steps helping her down.

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