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Hey, This one is not a very good one. Just a filler really.


"Special Agent Jennifer Jareau, thank you for coming in today" Dr. hill says setting the folder down in his lap. "It wasn't a choice" I say and he nods smiling a bit. "I'm well aware. No one just shows up because they want to here. All to stubborn" He says and I just look at him. "Well, lets start off with the basics. Tell me a bit about yourself" he says and I internally groan. "Why don't you just read the file. Everthing about me and my 'situation' is in there" I say crossing my legs and he chuckles. "I see you were a liasion. It is showing agent" he says and I relax my body uncrossing my legs. "Now your profiler is showing" he says and I narrow my eyes slightly. "I am just here to make sure you are fit for duty. You have quite the history as of late." He says flipping through the file. "Are you haveing trouble sleeping?" He asks and I shake my head, "No, maybe the first few nights but I've been fine" I say and he nods. "Are you talking to anyone? In your situation I would recomend it. I would recomend anyone in this field, yours in particualr, to have someone to talk to. A husban? Therapist maybe? Family" He says and I nod. "I have a therapist I've been seeing since the first instance" I say truthfully and he nods. "And it helps" He asks and I nod. "Yes, I have been working on talking about my feeling and not keeping everything in" I say and he smiles. "Do you share this with your family?" He asks and I nod a bit. "Some. Not all. I have been working one more open communication adn it's been helping" I say and he nods. "Ok, Well Jennifer I'm going to go ahead and clear you. You are able to go back to work tomorrow. Take the day off" he says and I nod relieved. "Thank you" I say standing up and shaking his hand. "Your welcome. Have happy thanksgiving" he says and I nod heading out.

After letting Hotch and the team know I would be back tomorrow I headed to grab lunch since it was about noon. I called Ash's assistant asking if Ash was free or had lunch plans and she informed me she was going to put in an order for the twins. I had let her know I woul dbring them lunch and thanked her before heading into the corner shop the team usually gets lunch from. "Ah, Ms. Jennifer! The usual?" Benny asks a big smile on his face. "Hey, Benny! Not today. I'm picking up for my fiancee and her sister. I'll have my usually though and 2 number 5s" I say and he nods. "Comming right up! Give me 5 minutes" he says and I nod taking a seat. It's a few days till Scarlett's birthday and 2 more till thankgiving, but They are in LA this year. MK and Brandon are going to New Jersey to visit Brandon's family leaving just Ash and I to have our own. We decided to go to Rossi's the day before for thanksgiving but the day off Ash and I our going to have our own little one. I'm a bit nervous because aparently Ash wants to cook the food and I do not have high hopes, but I won't tell her that. We may just be eating take-out! "Order up Jennifer!" Benny says and I smile standing up. "Thank you. Happy Thanksgiving if I don't see you until then" I say and he nods smiling. I head out to my car and make my way to The Row. I didn't tell Ash I was coming hoping my suprise will be a good one. Ever since last night I feel a bit odd and we didn't really get to talk this morning so I hope it's not weird or anything. I know I'm making it if it is. I felt nice to just talk it out but I'm not use to it with everyone. I felt exposed. Even though I love them all I'm just not there with the whole sharing with them all. I mean I'm just getting it with Ash. I just hope I don't do something stupid and pull away from everyone including Ash.

I ride the elevator up and walk out when it dings. Their assistant must be away and both doors are shut so I knock slightly on Ash's but hear nothing so I let myself in. Smiling a bit when I walk in seeing her neatness in everything. I shut the door and walk to the coffee table setting the food down then walk around looking at her office. I've not actually really had a look at it. I'm unconsiouly profiling the room and I smile at a few thought that pop up since they are Ash to a T. I see a few paper on the dest that look out of place. They're unorganized, she must of left in a rush. My eyes move to the pictures on her desk, Family but they are professional images. Nothing goofy. Her image is important to her. It's probably because she's a woman in a world of men in the buisness aspect. She needs to be seen as put together, confident, worthy of being here. I move to her bookshelves and scan it. Everything organized...color coded. Her creative mind coming through. It's always intrested me how similar yet different MK and Ash are to each other. They both have different experiences though too which shape different habits. My curiousity gettting the better of me I walk out of her office and knock on MK's. Not hearing anything I open it and hit with a differnt personailty making me smile. So MK. I do the same thing and note all the differences and similarities. We had a case a while back with Twins and it was really facinated I actually really listened to what Spence was saying. I mean I usually do but I only catch a bit, relying on the summary to understand it. After 5 minutes I decided this is probably weird, that and I pretty mjuch have a profile of both. I walk out closing the door behind me and look at the assistants desk. Maybe it's because I wasn't at work today that my brain is just in profiler mode or something. I see a slip of paper and pick it up. Ah, last minute meeting. Maybe I should just leave lunch and go, they are obviously busy. I think and set the not back down. I huff and walk down the hall to their private studio. Opening the door I look around and I have to laugh at the sight. Everything is a mess. Last minute changes. Last minute meeting. I take a seat on the stool facing the fabric board and look at it. I really shouldn't profile people closest to me because it's kind of an invaision of privacy. I mean even without using the knowledge I know of them I know a lot from looking around. I have already gathered why the type of fasion, why the colors, why each office is the way it is. I even know a lot about the assistant, which I really don't know in general. I stand up and go to the rolls of fabics on the wall running my hand over them.

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