Sister Trouble + One

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"Are you sure your don't need a ride?" Jay asks me for the 3rd time. My bachelorette party is today... or more like any minute. My sister's and Scar are picking me up any minute to take me where ever they have planed but MK said Lizzie's driver was taking all of us then picking us up but Jay is worring which I find cute but unnessisary. "Lizzie's driver Fred is taking us then picking us up baby we will be fine. I'll be fine" I say wrapping my arms around her waist making her huff and nod. "Ok, sorry I just worry. I know you four can take care of yourselves but I just..." She says trailing off but I know what she means so I nod pulling her down to kiss her. "I know babe. I love you and I'll see you tonight... or in the morning. I have no idea what those three have planned" I laugh making her chuckle and kiss me again. "LET'S GO BITCH!" MK yells while flingging open the door startling us out of our kiss making me gasp then groan resting my head on Jay's chest. Jay wraps her arms aound me kissing my head, "Be safe and have fun." She says and I reluctantly stand straight kissing her again before heading to the door greating a smiling MK. "Let's gooooo!" She says excitedly making me laugh and look behind me seeing Jay smiling with her arms crossed. "Don't worry JJ we got this one. She is safe with us" MK smiles before pulling me out barely letting me say a last goodbye before the door slams shut. Gosh I really have an attachment problem.

After being rudely pushed into the car I'm engulfed into a hug from Lizzie then my two friends and last Scarlett. "Let's get this party started!" Beth shouts making us all laugh as Fred drives us to an unknown location...Or unknow to me at least. "Can you guys tell me where we are going now?" I ask but they just shrug and shake their heads no making me sigh. "Can I get a hint?" I try again and knowing Lizzie I can break her which works making me smirk. "It's nothing wild but it is denefitly out of your norm" She says earning a pinch from MK making me laugh. "Please tell me it's not a strip club" I groan out making them all laugh. "No, no strip club. Just us in a huge house filled with alcohol and some games" Kate says making me nod in relief. "How is that out of my norm though?" I ask curious because that sounds like a girls night to me. "Well... We may have a few suprises" Scar says smirking making me worry but seeing them all excited making me calm a bit. I just have to tell myself to enjoy this, it's my last few weeks unmarried but I'm happy about that. I want to be married, so bad.

"Ok! Lets get some drinks in us" Kate yells when we walk into the house making us laugh. Scarlett gets all the drinks out and starts mixing them as Lizzie gets snacks out for us. Beth and Kate are in the living room doing god knows what while I sit on a stool watching Scar. "On a scale from 1-10 how drunk are we about to be?" I ask making her laugh a smirk at me. "Well, we don't have to worry about the kids so I say about a 10" She says making me groan and Lizzie laugh. "Where did MK go?" I ask looking around but hear giggling and Beth, Kate and MK entering the kitchen with a big pink bag. "Do I want to know what's inside that?" I ask making them all giggle more. MK sets the bag down and then smirks dumping everything out onto the counter. I gasp seeing all the dick shaped items. "They don't have vigina's sooooo dicks!" MK says lauhging as my eyes widen more making everyone laugh. "That hat is not going on my head" I say but they corner me not letting me escape making me delfate and let them place the dick hat on my head, a necklace, a sash, and glasses. They all put their's on too and Scar puts the dick straws in our drinks before handing them out.

We are all about 2 drinks in and have been laughing about silly stories we have about Jay. "Ok! Game time! The first game is spill the tea JJ version" Lizzie giggles out grabbing a set of cards from who knows where and they all move to sit in front of me, as we are on the floor for some reason. I take a big sip and nod ready for whatever they are about to throw at me. "Bring it on" I say making them smirk. "First question, We'll start off easy, Favorite thing you love about JJ?" Lizzie asks and Beth laughs, "Don't body part...yet" She adds smirking making me blush and the others laugh. "Her eyes." I say making them all awe. "What's your role when you cuddle?" MK asks. "Little spoon" I mumble making them laugh at me. "Top or bottom" Beth smirks making me blush. "Oh god, I'm a bottom" I say the empty my drink making them cheer and laugh. "Boobs or ass?" Scar says and I giggle slightly now feeling the affects and glad I can as I'm loosening up. "Boobs" I say making them cheer and fill the shot glasses. "Personal question for my knowledge. How hard are her abs? They look heavenly" Kate says making everyone gasp or laugh. "Mmm, I love her abs. Definitly hard good for grinding" I say filter lifted but I widen my eyes and everyone squeals, laughs or in my sister's case groan. "Oh I bet" Beth says smirking. "How is she at sex?" Beth asks. "See's ruined sex for me. It gets better everytime. I see stars" I say making her gasp and fan herself making everyone laugh. "Ok, ok! Can we comment on her bangs? I mean what!?" Lizzie says making us all nod. "They're hot" I say agreeing with her. "Last one before we go onto the next game. Do you both use toys?" Beth asks making me bite my lip and nod. "God NO! I walked in on it" MK shouts making everyone laugh.

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