Kitten Fun

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Hey! A bit of a different chapter format, hope you like it!


"Jennifer, please tell me that is not a kitten in your arms right now" I say trying not to lose my cool. "Uh..." She starts but I hold my hand up. "Why is there a kitten in your arms?" I refrase the question. She scruntches her face a bit a takes a breath. "Penelope found a box of stray kittens in a alley. She brought them to work and Emily and her tried to get me to keep one. I told them no and they practically begged me and I mean... Look!" She says holding the kitten up so I can see it's face. I clench my jaw to stop me from cooing at it. It is adorable, look at it's chubby... No Ashley! I cross my arms and raise an eyebrow at her. "We are not keeping a Kitten. Look at all the fur! That thing will destroy all my funiture and don't get me started on my fabrics. Jennifer, I am a fashion designer. That nusence will only cause more issues. Take it back." I say and she pouts a bit. "I already got her all checked out. I got her everything she needs. I also got the higher end ones so you don't have to do anything! You won't even notice! All her things are set up in the library and I put her litter box and food in the utility room! The litter box is self cleaning! Please baby.... You get to name her..." She begs and I close my eyes pinching the bridge of my nose. "I shut all the doors of importance and she's already been walking around. No issues! I also have a plan to make her a kitty patio! Please baby..." She tries again and I glare at her trying so hard not to break. She walks closer and pushing the kitten to her face and their matching blue big begging eyes... Damn it! "Fine! God stop your both adorable" I whine reaching out to pet the kitten gently. Jay smiles wide and kisses my cheek as I pet the kitten. "She's adorable. I hate you." I say making her laugh. "You want to hold her?" She asks and I nod taking her from her. The kitten starts to purr making me melt and she snuggles into my neck. "I hate you so much" I mumble again and Jay kisses my lips this time. "I'll make it up to you. What ever you want for a week" she says and I bite my lip. "Your lucky I love you and this kitten is you in cat form" I say and she giggles wrapping me and the kitten in her arms. "What do you want to name our first child?" She asks and my gaze softens as I look at her. "How about Luna?" I say smiling at the name. Her smile matches mine and she laughs. "Love it. I love you" she says kissing my head. I lean into her and sigh scratching the Luna's head. "You are responsible for this beast Jareau" I say and she nods. "Yes ma'am" she says making me shake my head. "She touches my fabrics and I'll make her into a scarf" I say and she nods her head playfully making me roll my eyes. "Your lucky I'm a neat freak" I say and she kisses me again. "Come on, dinner will get cold" she says and I place the kitten down watching her stumble after Jay. I coo at it and follow taking a picture before Jay can see and put my phone in my pocket. I'm so going to regret this.

POV 3rd person

(First incident... The next day.)

"Damnit! Jennifer where is that damn cat!" Ashley yells storming out of their shared bedroom. JJ, who is sat on the couch widens her eyes looking for the guilty party. "What did you do Loo?" JJ whispers picking up the cat who's chewing on the coffee table leg. "I swear to God, Luna! I'm going to castrate you" Ashley hisses while holding her ripped scarf in her hands. JJ holds Luna closer from the, psycho, woman. "You can't castrate her. She's a girl!" JJ says trying not to laugh. "She ripped my scarf!" Ashley says waving her scarf around making Luna try and grab it. JJ snorts making Ashley glare at her. "Ok, baby. Let's take a breather." JJ says trying to calm the situation. "She's a kitten love. And in her defense, that scarf looks like a ball of yarn" JJ deadpans pointing at the scarf. Ashley scuffs and crosses her arms. "I'll put the claw caps on" JJ mumbles and rushes away in order to not get castrated too.

(Same day... Night. A little steamy)

Ashley lay naked on the bed panting. Her hand woven into JJ's hair as JJ kisses down her stomach in between her legs. "Fuck" Ashley moans as JJ licks through her folds biting slightly on her cilt making Ashley throw her head back. "God, right hmmm right there" Ashley moans as JJ starts sucking on her cilt. Ashley gasps and opens her eyes to watch JJ but a grey blob catches her eyes. Her pleasure forgotten she glances to the side seeing big blue eyes watching her making her shriek. "What? Did I hurt you?" JJ rushes out lifting her head from between Ashley's legs. "Fucking hell Jennifer. That damn cat is watching" Ashley groans throwing her head back. JJ Snickers looking over at the door seeing the kitten watching them intensely. "Ignore her, baby" JJ husks sucking a mark on Ashley's thigh making her moan. JJ worlds Ashley up again and as she gets lost in pleasure again about to reach her high, she catches the kitten again. Luna sits closer now watching Ashley intensely making the later groan. "I can't. I can't, her eyes are...ugh!" Ashley groans pushing JJ away from her center panting. JJ groans and glares at the cat. "Get the fucking cat out please" Ashley says frustratedly. JJ gets up picking the kitten up and placing her outside of the bedroom. "Don't make me regret you dude. I'm your only aly, don't. Cock. Block. Me" she whispers pointing at the cat then shutting the door. "If you don't make me orgasm you're sleeping on the couch" Ashley says glaring hard at JJ. JJ nods and jumps on the bed getting to work fast.

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