Kitten Caboodle

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Well, I'm back at work. It's nice to get back into routine but I enjoyed my time with Ash. Hopefully we won't have a case right off the bat but that's our luck so... "JJ!" A voice shouts making me turn around. I just got off the elevator and was about to head to the bullpen. I smile seeing Penelope's bright colored clothes and crazy hair. "Hey, Pen!" I greet and she throws her arms around me hugging me tight. "Oh my goodness! Let me see, let me see!" She exclaims reaching for my hand. I chuckle and hold it out letting her grab it and pull my hand closer to her face. "I love this ring! Ashley's was pretty too. It suits both of you. Are you going to wear it in the field?" She asks. "I got a rubber ring. But once we're married I'm going to keep the wedding band on and just leave this off while in the field" I explain and she nods. "ya, we don't want to lose this" she says letting my hand go. "did you see everyone yet?" She asks as we make our way to the bullpen. "Just got off the elevator Pen. You were the first one I saw" I say and she smiles locking our arms together.

"JJ!" "Welcome back!" The team shouts. Or Emily, Morgan and Spencer as Rossi and Hotch stand behind them. "Hey!" I greet excepting Emily's hug. "Ah, I missed you. Too much testosterone" she says making me giggle. "I bet" I say letting go and hugging Spencer. After greeting the rest I say a seat at my desk and sigh and the stack of papers I have to go through. This I was not missing, definitely hate the paperwork part. At least I get to pawn most of this on the others once I weed out what each case is they go to the people who specialize in them. Like Morgan gets a lot of the bomb ones. I grab the first file and get to work not wanting to be more behind than I already am. I feel like I've taken a lot of time off and that is not me. I rarely take time off and if I do usually it's because something is wrong or Hotch made me. "Here. You're going to need this" Emily says placing a cup of coffee on my desk. I smile gratefully at her and take a sip. "Don't remind me, but hey, it's coming your way soon" I joke and she playfully rolls her eyes and walks to her desk.

It's already lunch and I've gotten through 3/4 of the stack. I handed them out half way so they wouldn't be bombarded. I sigh and stretch my back looking up to see Spence eating his sandwich and Morgan his food. "Where's Em?" I ask. "Went to grab lunch with Garcia. She said she'll bring something for you. You were too engrossed in work" Morgan says and I nod rubbing my face. I still have my part to do too. Ugh! I take a drink of my 3rd coffee for the day and grab the next file. As I'm reading through Emily sits on my desk. "How can I help you?" I question not looking up. "Take a break. I brought food. Come to Pen's office" she says and hops off walking away. I glance up squinting my eyes. That was suspicious. I finish the file and stand up, "I'm going to go eat." I say both men nod and I walk to Pen's office. I knock on the door and it opens and I get pulled in making me yelp a bit. "What the fuuuu... What are those?" I question surprised. I look at both guilty parties and sigh crossing my arms and give, what they like to call it, my mom face. "Care to explain what a box of kittens are doing in your office, Penelope?" I ask lifting a brow. They both gulp and smile innocently making me sigh. "They need to go" I say. "What! No. No. No. No. They were left in an alley! They need good homes. Emily is taking the black one and I'm taking the orange one. That leaves 2 more" Penelope says and they both look at me. "No. No, I'm not taking a damn kitten. Ashley will have my head. All that fur, clawing her expensive furniture. No. No" I say sternly and Emily picks up a fluffy grey one. "But look at its face" she says in a baby voice making me clench my jaw. I. Will. NOT. break. "Emily... No. Either take them to a shelter or ask someone else" I say and she puts the kitten in my face. "Just hold her. Look she likes you" she says handing me the blue eyed kitten. I reluctantly take it, but keep it away from me. "it's like you in kitten form! Look at those baby blue eyes" Penelope says in her baby voice. God! No. No. No. Ok... I have to admit. It's a fucking cute kitten. It's got fluffy grey fur, chubby cheeks and big blue eyes.... Fuck. "Ok! Fine it's fucking cute. God, you're adorable" I say in a baby voice at the end hiding the kitten to my chest. They both cheer and hold their kittens. "What about that one" I say nodding to the other orange one. "Ok you convinced me. I'm taking both" Penelope says and Emily and I laugh. "You're a sucker for cuteness" I laugh and she nods. "I am. I really am. Oh! We need to go shopping!" She exclaims holding the two kittens next to each of her cheeks. "We do! This little man is going to be spoiled. Hopefully Sergio will be ok with this" Emily says kissing her kitten. "I'm so dead" I whisper stroking the kitten's face. "Ok, keep them in here. After work we'll stop at the pet store." I say and they both cheer. We eat and talk about what we need while playing with the bundles of cuteness. Hopefully I don't end up fiancee less by the end of the day! Ya me...

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