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This is kind of a filler chapter, enjoy


"Welcome back my favorite blonde goddess!" Pen greets excitedly hugging me tightly making me laugh. "Hey pen. Happy to be back solving grusome murders" I joke making her scrunch her face up in disgust making me laugh. "What did I miss?" I ask as we walk into the bullpen. "Not much a case in Nevada but that was an easy 1, 2 , 3" she says as we walk up to my desk. "JJ! The woman of the hour, how are you mama?" Morgan asks me coming up to my desk standing nect to Pen. "I'm doing better day by day, thank you" I say making him smile a bit. "Is Hotch in his office?" I ask and he nods, "When is he not?" He jokes making me snort a bit and sort my things out before excusing myself to head to his office. I tap on the door frame making him look up and smile a bit at me. "JJ, come in" he says and I head over to sit across from him. "What can I do for you JJ?" He asks giving me his full attention. "If it's about the psyc eval you past and were given the ok for field duty" he says making me nod. "No, but that's great. I wanted to ask you an important question" I say getting a bit nervous. "Ok... Are you ok?" He asks worriedly. I smile a bit at his fatherly worry making my nerves lessen some. "As you know my wedding is coming up... I don't have anyone to..." I pause taking a breath looking at him. "Would you walk me down the isle?" I ask him. His eyes widen a bit and a rare smile makes its way to his face as he stands up rounding his desk. "Nothing would make me happier" he says as I stand up and he hugs me making me smile hard. "Ok, so what do I have to do?" He asks stepping back still smiling. "All you need to do is be there" I say making him nod. "Easiest job we've done" He laughs making me nod. "Thank you for this. It means a lot to me" I say "It means a lot that you asked. You know I see you like a daughter" he says giving me a small smile. "Now, back to work" he says smirking making me huff a laugh out as I walk out of his office with a smile on my face.

"What was that all about? And did Hotch hug AND smile at you?" Emily asks as I sit back down at my desk. I laugh looking at her as I sit back. Morgan and Spence come up to us too both intrested as well. "Ya, JJ what has got you and Hotch so smily?" Morgan asks. "Did you know it only takes 13 muscles to smile and 47 to frown. Hotch is actually using more to frown..." Spencer shares making me laugh a bit and Morgan stare at him. "Great so his face will just stay in a frown state since he does it so much" Morgan jokes making Emily and I laugh. "Actually that is..." Spencer argues but Emily cuts hiim off. "What happened?" She asks making me focus on her now. "I asked him to walk me down the Isle" I say making her smile wide. "What!? Oh my god JJ!" She says excitedly and hugs me making me laugh. "Proud of you mama" Morgan says making me laugh. "I do have a question for you though Em" I say and she looks at me smiling. "Will you be my maid of honor?" I ask making her squeal and hug me agian. "Yes! Oh my god I need to plan your bachelorette party!" She exclaims excitedly. "Slow your roll there Em. I need to ask Pen too" I say and Emily grabs my arms yanking me up and pulling me towards Pen's cave. "Em..." I try but we are already there and she bursts through the door startling Pen likely giving her a heart attack. "Wha... Emily! Don't scare me like that!" She shouts holding her hand over her heart making us laugh. "I have an important question" I say making her look at me nodding seriously. "Will you be part of my bridal party? Co- Maid of honor with Em" I ask and she shoots out of her chair crushing me in a hug squealing likely destroying my hearing in the process. "YES! Oh my god YES! Oh oh! the Bachelorette party!" She yells making me laugh at her as Emily and her start throwing out ideas. "Ok, ok. Both of you need to calm down. You can plan my party later... now we have to work" I say and they nod. "Wait who else is your bridesmaids?" Pen asks making me shrug. "Well, I can't ask Liz since she is on Ash's and I will probably ask Hayley but other than that I don't have anyone else." I say and they frown. "How many is Ashley having on her's" Emily asks. "Um.. Mk, Liz, Scarlett and two of her close friends.. 5" I say and they nod. "You could ask Reid, you guys are super close and it's not uncommon for men to be apart of a bridal party. He may actually get some action now" Emily jokes making us laugh. "Ya... ok ya I'll ask him and maybe Morgan then too" I say and they nod. "Who is all going? Do we get plus ones?" Pen asks and I nod. "Yes everyone gets a plus one. All of you guys of course, Morgan's girlfriend, Jack, Rossi's... whoever he is with now and all of Ash's family and then some." I say and they nod saddened a bit. "Hey, We are worth ten people so you will have just as much as she does ok? Also they all love you too" Emily says bringing me comfort making me nod and hugging her which Pen joins making us all laugh.

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