JJ Party of 4

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Double update to make up for the lack ot them!! Enjoy round two!


After making sure Ash was ok and making her breakfast we spent the rest of the morning snuggled up on the couch untill about 1 when Emily sent me a message that she will be picking me up at 4 today. "Em is going to pick me up at 4" I say setting my phone on the arm of the couch and wrapping my arm back around Ash again. "Ok. Thank you for taking care of me" she says lifting her head to look at me making me smile. "Always. Sickness and in health" I joke making her giggle. "You're a bit too early on those" She says leaning up to kiss me. "Are you hungry? I dont want to leave you helpless to fend on your own" I tease making her gasp and slap my chest. We both laugh before I pull her up making my way to the kitchen. "Do you know what they have planned?" Ash asks hopping onto the counter. I smile and fill a glass of apple juice for her and set it down nect to her making her smile. "Thanks" She mutters taking a drink. "I have no idea. But I know I'm coming home wasted" I laugh making her hum. "Emily is no joke" She snorts making me nod along chuckling. "What do you want? I can make a extra so you can eat that for dinner" I say and she smiles tilting her head. "How about pasta salad?" She asks and I nod heading to the fridge.

"I love you have fun and I am excited to see drunk JJ!" Ash giggles making me laugh and kiss her one last time before heading out the door and into Emily's car. "Hey Em" I say buckling up she smiles and pull out of the driveway. "Are you ready for a crazy night?" She asks smirking making me snort knowing what that smirk is. "If it's anything like girls night we are not going to like the morning" I snicker making her groan. "Don't be a buzz kill!" She playfully yells making us both laugh. "Goal tonight is to get Spence drunk" She says making me laugh. "I think Morgan will be doing that for us or what ever weird games you have planned will make him drink" I say making her nod in amusment. About 20 minutes later we pull up to what looks like an abandoned building. "You guys are going to kill me are you?" I joke getting out making her laugh. "No this is one of the properties Derick bough to fix up but before he does we are going to have some fun" She says grabbing a bag from her truck before we make our way to the door. "That party is here!" Emily yells as we walk in making everyone cheer in the living room as we walk into it. "JJ! My bride to be put this on!" Pen squeals making me laugh letting her put a sash around me. "Ok killer queen, Your crown" Morgan presents dramatically making me laugh and letting him place a crown on my head. "I look around smiling seeing all the decorations. Yup, Pen did all this. I chuckle and hug them all thanking them for this. "Ok! We are jumping right in. Before we get too drunk and all lose our gun licenes who wants to play a shooting game" Emily asks making me gasp a laugh out seeing Morgan open a bag of a lot of old guns. "Oh my god! You guys are crazy!" I say looking at them excitment building up. "I did not agree with this part. I will be the judge" Pen says placing headphones over her ears. "Ok so the back wall needs to be torn down anyway so we set up targets we can shoot." Morgan says making us nod. "This is actually not very different from a lot of the games at a regular Bachelorett party Garcia. It causes the same amount of dopamine as..." Spence starts but Morgan cuts him off. "Ok hot shot. Just start shooting. On 3! 1...2...3!" He shouts and we start to empty our clips laughing at the feeling.

"Shots!!" Pen yells bringing a tray out of...I don't know but she made them so they are going to be strong. "Why are these green?" Spence asks looking at it funny making Morgan laugh and grab two handing the other to Spence. "Don't ask and just drink" He says taking the shot Em and I following. "Oh god that is strong" I cough out eyes wide. "That is terrible advice. There was 2,131 reported spiked drinks in 5 months alone. But that is only the reported number if you factor in everyone and just this area alone that would..." Spence rambles making Emily and I stare at him and Morgan laugh cutting him off again. "Just drink kid!" He says and he looks at us but we smile nodding making him huff and down it making us all cheer. "My man!" Morgan says taking another shot llike the rest of us. "That was awful" Spence coughs out making us all laugh. "Game time!" Emily says moving us all out of the kitchen and into the living room. We sit down on the two couches all of us drinks in hand. "Ok, so we are going to play a little dirty spill or drink" Emily says smirking making us all look at each other. "I'll go first, JJ our bride to be, How many times per week would you say you and Ashley have sex?" She asks making my jaw drop. Ok, starting off strong. "Come on JJ spill or drink" Morgan says smirking making me groan. "Oh! We each only get three passes, three drinks" Garcia adds making me snort. Of course Emily doesn't explain the rules fully. Pen fills all the shot glasses each of us having 3. "Ok, ok... I would say at least 3 times... Depending on the week" I say blushing making everyone cat call. "The adverage number is about 2-3 times for your age range so it's not uncommon" Spence says making me laugh a bit. "Thanks spence" I say smiling making him nod awkwardly. "Your up" Em says making me nod. "Ok... Morgan" I say eyeing him making everyone say "ooh" and Morgan eye me down playfully. "How many girls would you say you slept with?" I say smirking making him chuckle leaning back as everyone makes noises of excitment urging him for an answer. "A gentleman never tells" He says drinking making us all boo him.

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