What the...?

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RING. RING. RING. Groaning I roll over grabbing my phone which is disrupting my sleep. "Jareau" I rasp out voice full of sleep. "We have a case. Call the other get them to the airstrip within the hour" Hotch says making me hum. "How bad?" I ask. "Dismemberment in Wyoming" He says. "See you soon" I say and hang up. Huffing I placing my phone back down and roll roll onto my back. Looking to the side I smile seeing Ashley's dirty blonde hair sprawled out on her pillow. Her face soft and relax. I slowly get up and grab my phone heading downstairs to make some coffee while calling the rest of the team. As I make it to the kitchen I turn the light on and start the pot leaning on the counter. It was 2am. God why do serial killers have to kill in the middle of the night? I start calling the team telling them they had 45 mintues to get to the airstrip. After downing my coffee I head back upstairs and creep into the bathroom to shower and get ready. I already have a go-bag set so all I had to do was get ready then let Ash know.

After getting ready and grabbing my gun and badge from the safe I go to wake Ash up to let her know I have to go. Slowly sitting on her side of the bed brushing a stray hair from her face. She humed then rolling into my side making me smile as she cuddles her face into my lap. I stroke her face to try and wake her slowly. "Ashley" I say gently but she just burries her face deeper into my stomach making me laugh a bit. "Baby, can you wake up for me for a moment?" I ask leaning down to kiss her cheek lightly a few times making her stir. "J...mmm Jay?" She mumbles eyes still close. "It's me baby. Can you wake up a bit? Just for a moment then you can go back to sleep" I say making her open her eyes slowly turning her head to look at me. I smile stroking her cheek. "Hey, I'm sorry babe" I say making her smile humming. "Why are you up?" She asks a bit more awake. "I have a case. I have to go." I say making her pout. "I know love but just think next week we will have our parites then our wedding soon after. I'm off for a month after for our honeymoon" I say which makes her smile. "Fine. Please be safe and call when you can" she says tugging me down into a kiss making me smile. "I will. Love you" I say kissing her one more time then tucking her back in before heading out locking up as I go.

"Glad everyone could make it. Garcia" Hotch says as we all sit gathered near each other looking at the case files. Pen comes up on the computer screen making up listen to her.  "Good morning my favorite crime fighters. We have 3 dead females. Their bodies dismembered and put into trash bags" Penelope says as I read the files more. "Body parts were found spead out over state lines making this a Federal case. But all the victims were from Wyoming." Hotch says. "It looks like the unsub has a type" Morgan says and I nod. "Green eyed brunettes all married" I say scanning the three vics files. "This guy has a pattern. The bodys are all found on Tuesday" Spence says reading the file. "Trash pick up day" he finishes. "That means another body in 2 days" Emily says. "According to the ME they were held for a week. Tourtured and signs of sexual assult." Hotch says. The rest of the plane ride consisted of going over the case for the first half then when we exahused everything we could parted to our usual seats doing our own thing. "This better be done by Saturday." Emily says sitting down next to me after getting up to grab coffee and a bag of cheetos for me. "Thanks. Pen would drag up down if we aren't" I say making her laugh. "Who is going?" I ask as they took over all the planning. "Me, Penny, Spence, Morgan, Hayley, and Lizzie wanted to go to both since she claims she's your bestie" Em says making me laugh at the end. "She is going to be so hungover. Ashley's is on Friday" I say making Em chuckle at that. "You going to tell me what you have planned?" I ask but she just sips her coffee shrugging making me roll my eyes and eat my cheetos.

"We are landing in 10 get your things ready. When we land Morgan and Prentiss head the garbage dump. It's where most of the body parts where found and you can also question the drivers. JJ head to the ME and see if you can find out more then figure out how much the media knows. Rossi, Reid and I will head to the station. Reid start a geological profile call garcia. Rossi and I will talk with the captian see what they have" Hotch says and we all nod getting ready for landing. We split up into 2 cars. Rossi, Spence and Hotch in one and Morgan, Em and I in the other. Morgan was in the driver's seat and Emily in the passenger leaving me in the back. They were dropping me at the ME's office "Good luck mama" Morgan says as he pulls up after 20 minutes. "Thanks, and still not a mother" I say laughing as I get out. "Oh but you are to little Reid from day one" he laughs making me roll my eyes. "You also have crazy mama bear energy" Emily adds making me smile lightly closing the door and walking to the main door.

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