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Wedding day!! Images are at the end showing what everything looks like.


Today was the day. Ash and I are getting married. May 10th. Best day ever in my opinion. The last week was crazy and flew by fast. We had the walk through making sure everyone knew what they needed to do. Yesterday Em, Pen, MK, Liz and Scar dragged Ash and I away so we woulnd't see each other on our wedding day...Today. "Are you excited? Nervous? You're probably nervous and scared. Like what if she walks out on you or, or like..." Pen rambles making me wide eyed until Em stops her. "She won't be doing that...Right Penelope" Em says eyes Pen making her nod rapidly. "Right. Yes, no Ashley wouldn't do that she loves you. Your love is cute and wholesome" She rambles again making me lok at Emily. We both laugh stopping Pen making her huff. "Ok, ok. I'm just happy for you" She says getting up to hug me making me smile hugging her back. "Come on Em. Group hug" She says making Emily chuckle before joining the hug. "Ok. We have 5 hours. Let's finish up eating then head to the salon. Rossi got us reservations for our hair. The boys will meet us there. Then we are getting nails done before heading to the venue for makeup and dresses" Em rattles off as I nod along happy she is taking charge. "Ok, ok. Ya let's do this" I say brushing off the nerves. "Ya! We got this. You got this! It's like heading into a building with a crazy unsub ready to kill you" Pen says making Em and I blink at her before we all laugh.

"Finally! Let's go ladies we are on a scedual" Morgan says as we walk into the salon. "Hush you, Why are you even here? Going to get your head shined" I snap back making the other laugh. "Oooh! JJ's got some heat. You wound me" He says making me laugh hugging him hello before hugging Spence. "I'll have you know I am getting my head shined and beard trimmed" He says making us snicker. "Come on! I want to get my nails done" Pen says pushing us to the chairs making us laugh. I am grateful for them calming me and taking my mind off of my nerves. I only hope Ash is not spun tight and relaxing a bit too.


I'm freaking out. I'm panicking. I feel like I'm going to throw up, pass out and cry all at once. I'm a mess and now I'm tearing up the floor pacing Lizzie's Living room going over what ifs in my mind. "Ash" What if she leaves me. What if I'm too much. Not good enough. "Ashley!" What if she doesn't actually love me. What if she needs.. "Ashley Motherfucking Olsen!" I snap my head up looking at Lizzie, MK, Scar and mom all staring at me worridly. "My middle name is Fuller" I mumble making Scar snort and Lizzie slap her arm. "Honey everything will be ok. Please eat something." Mom says rubbing my arms trying to calm me down. I take a big breath and nod slowly letting her lead me to the kitchen to eat my breakfast. "We have a schedule to stay on top of. Hair and nails in an hour. Then we have to be at the Venue by noon for makeup and dresses. JJ will arive a half hour after us and you will be on opposite sides." Lizzie says making me nod eating my eggs. I'm glad someone is on top of this. Usually that's my job but I'm a wreck now.

After we met the rest of my bridal party arrives Clay, Lizzie's friend and a few others we hired start on our hair. We all get flowers braided in our hair but mine is a silver white where as the girls and kids get our theme colors, Sage and blush. Everyone looks amazing and after some wine I start to relax laughing at the jokes and stories being told. It's not long after another team comes in to do our nails which was just as fun. I got mine done a clear gloss with a white tip where as the other got Sage green since They have Blush dresses. Jay's side has sage green so i'm assuming they are getting Blush nails and I think Jay is doing about the same as me but I'm not sure. "I'm so happy for you Sis" MK whispers kissing my cheek. I smile at her interlocking our pinkies since our nails where still wet. Everyone was laughing and I was just enjoying it spacing out when MK came up to me sitting next to me. "You won't be the only unmarried loser now" She jokes making me giggle smiling wide at her. "I'm so nervous but excited at the same time" I say making her smile match mine. "I know. You deserve to be happy and JJ makes you so happy. You both are disgustingly perfect" she whines making me laugh again. "I just want to get it over with already." I say making her smirk. "You just want the consummation" She says wiggling her eyebrows making me gasp and smack her the best I could with my drying nails making her laugh. "Out of the gutter" I say making both of us laugh again. "Ok guys. We need to start packing up. We are due to leave in about 20 minutes." Mom says alerting us making me take a breath and smile nervously at MK. "You got this." She says making me nod and smile. I've got this. I've so got this? Fuck.

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