Final Ok's

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As Promised! Here is another one!


The past month has gone by quickly and I have been doing a lot of healing. Dr. Wells has been amazing in helping me sort through all of it and I know I would have went to my old ways without her. Ashley has been amazing in helping as well and keeping me grounded. Everyone has been amazing and the team has been taking work loads from me to make it easier which they thought I wouldn't notice. I can honestly say I am doing better. It still hurts sometimes and I have some low days but they don't totally uproot my day and I'm able to jump back faster. Everything has been getting to as normal as it can be and as much as I want to be guilty about it I know that is what they would both want so that is what I will do. I'm just happy it's not work keeping my focus and the wedding that is rapidly approaching, which leads us to now. Today. We are all, in all I mean MK, Liz, Em, Pen, Scar, Ash and I. All the girls really. Two of Ash's friends who are also in her bridal party couldn't make it and with Em, Pen and I being out of the office the boys needed to stay.

We are showing them the venue and giving the final ok's on all of our choices. We have to finalize the flowers, cake and food. Then we are splitting up and going to our respected dress shops to look at the dresses we picked out. I know Ahs is having all of her side's made by the row but I chose to go with a more simpler and easier option. Penelope knew of a nice dress shop and that is what we went with after visiting a few and seeing that it was the best option with what I was looking for. We are all in the meeting hall inside the building now. We had just finished the walkthrough of the property and everyone liked it. It was much prettier and impressive in person then looking at pictures online. "I thought we would be getting alcohol" Em mumbles making me give her a really look making her shrug. "What?" She says making Pen laugh as she fails to cover it up. "Would you rather be pushing papers?" I ask making her huff and lean back into the chair. "I would listen to Mama J, Em. You know how she gets when she's cranky" Pen says eyeing emily making me glare at Pen now. Sure I can be a bit cranky at times but only because we have been sitting in these uncomfortable chairs for hours and be this bored. "Maybe some cheese puffs can do her some good" Emily jokes making me slap her arm, "Ow" She mumbles making me roll my eyes. "Your dynamic is so interesting to watch" MK says making us now look at the three sisters looking at us amused. "It's a dynamic that's for sure" I mumble but Pen starts talking drowing my remark out. "It's like a family dynamic. Rossi is the grandpa spoiling everyone and all wise, Hotch is the dad, Morgan the annoying... hot older brother" She says getting lost at the end making Emily and I roll our eyes. "Ok, ok. Morgan is ok." Emily says making me laugh and Pen look offended. "As I was saying... Spencer is the little smart weird brother,  Emily the acoholic aunt..." "Hey" emily mutters in between making me snort. "...JJ the motherly, by the book smarty pants and me the all knowing, happy tech aunt" She says making me smile at her. "Why is JJ the mother? She is the second youngest" Liz asks confused. "JJ may be younger then us but you should have seen her start out. She was all proper, by the book, work-o-holic mom." Emily says, "Don't forget her badass-ness. and her brain" Pen says making Emily nod. "Thanks but I just try to get you all not to kill one another" I say making them scuff and the sisters laugh.

"Sorry for the wait. We had an angry bride to be to deal with" A lady with a tight knee length purple dress says clicking into the room with her heels. "That't ok, that you are letting us all be here" Ashley says smiling. "Oh of course! Please we heave everything for your wedding set up in the room just over here. Oh and my apologies, my name is Kate I am the manager here" Kate says and holds her hand out for Ashley to shake. "Nice to meet you in person I'm Ashley and this is Jennifer my fiancee. Um and my sisters and bridal parties" Ashey introduces making kate smile and nod at all of us. "Welcome. Let's head to the other room" She says and starts to walk towards big double doors making us follow her. "You call me an alcoholic. She screams wine drinker" Emily mumbles to me making me snot lightly and nod. I had noticed that when she walked in. Profilors, am I right? "Please take a seat. The staff will bring everything out. We have samples of the cake options you both chose, flower arrangments, the main bouquet and a few other things to show you all." She says as we sit with Ash and I in the middle. "Lenny!" She calls out and 4 of the staff workers come out with carts carrying the samples she was talking about. The sisters and Scarlett are definitely excited about this as they are lit up already, same for Pen she is about to explode. Emily and I are more reserved but we are excited. I'm very excited just show it a different way then the rest.

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