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Ok... Now it's time for me to rip your hearts out...You're welcome.


It's been a week of absolute chaos. I've barely slept trying to make sure everyone I love is safe. Spencer was first when it came to taking action by the unsub. Someone went to the nursing home she was in and left a note. Another threat. We got her taken out and she's now safe at Spencer's home with 24/7 surveillance. Hotch was next on the list the next day. Someone blew up Hayley's care in front of their house, so they are now at a safe house with 24/7 surveillance too. Morgan was next 2 days later. Someone took his girlfriend and sent Pen a video link. She was able to track it and when we got there it was a trap and the building blew up. Hotch then got a call from the unsub. There was a voice modulator and the signal was scrambled making it impossible for Pen to track it. It's a game to the unsub. He, or what we profiled to be a he, wants us scared. Spread thin. He wants to take us out. He gave critical information away after the third call. We had found Morgan's girlfriend the next day after we got another clue. She had a phone strapped to her and Hotch was able to get under his skin. Apparently we worked on a case and his daughter was killed. The unsub wasn't charged for her murder and he wants us to pay. Spencer and pen spent all day going through case files until we found one that stood out. Morgan remembered the man of the daughter, he was, is, angry and he treated us but at the time we thought nothing of it since stress was high.

We tracked down his location but of course, he wasn't there. We did find a letter and pictures of everyone and thing we love. We were working overtime to end this. Morgan sent his girlfriend to her parents 5 states away keeping her safe and units increased at our homes. Everyone was scared. My family is scared. It's at the point they can't leave. Total lock down and when I'm there I'm not really. I'm always on edge and working on the case. That leads us to now. We are close Pen had just tracked down an address from the last call but we are on high alert as the last place was a trap. "Morgan, JJ take the back with team 2. The rest behind SWAT in front!" Hotch calls out. Everything happened quickly. We burst in the warehouse and rushed through clearing the rooms as we went. "All clear! We have a phone!" Someone called out. We made our way to the center where a phone sat on a table. All of a sudden it starts ringing. "Sir, the place has a frequency wave spike at your location. He must have cameras set up" Pen says through the comms. We all look around and Rossi calls out. "Far corner. Looks like it's a live feed" he says as Hotch and him walk up to it. "Garcia" Hotch says. "On it.... The signal is scrambled I need a minute." She says, and the phone rings again making us look at it. Hotch nods and Emily picks it up carefully and puts it on speaker. "Ah, finally. Do tell Penelope she's getting better." He says. "What do you want?" Emily asks. "Tsk tsk tsk. Emily Prentiss. You know what I want, but nether the less you'll find out soon. Did Penelope crack the code yet?" He taunts. We look at Hotch, "JJ..." He says making me furrow my brows. "Yes, Jennifer Jareau. Good job! Bravo! You better get home JJ, seems like you forgot something." He laughs making me wide eyed. I run down the hall hearing someone behind me but paying no attention. I yank the car door open and hop in starting it. Emily jumps in and I glance at her breathing heavily as I hit the gas. "It's ok. Morgan is on the phone with the units at the house." Emily tried but I don't hear her. All I think about is getting home.

In record time the tires squeal in front of the driveway to MK's house. "Check Liz's please" I say frantic as I get out. I run to the door and hear the car peel out knowing Emily is checking on Liz's house. Not seeing the units out front I pull my gun out and kick the door open rushing in. I clear the main hall and head to the living room where I'm met with guns in my face and my family behind them scared. "Hands up!" One yells and my breath hitches. "Stand down! Agent Jareau we're sorry." Dory says. He's in charge of this unit put on MK's house and I've gotten to know him. I let a shaky breath out and lower my gun scanning over everyone. "Everyone is safe" I hear Emily say over the comms making me close my eyes. "I want you outside on every door." I tell Dory. He nods and motions his men out. "JJ! It was a tick" Spencer comes running in breathing hard. "I pinch the bridge of my nose and nod. "Emy secured Liz's house, no one there. Where's the rest of the team?" I ask him. "Morgan is with Emily now, Rossi and Hotch went back to the office. They found a few things and Garcia is analyzing it" he says and I nod. "I'm going to find Morgan. Hotch said to stay here. Emily has the other house" he says placing a hand on my arm. "No I can come..." I try but he shakes his head. "We will call when we have a lead. Stay here JJ" he says and walks out. I holster my gun and turn around seeing a very confused and scared family. "Jay...?" Ashley whispers. I walk up to her and hug her tightly kissing her head. "I'm sorry we scared you guys. We found a location which was another trick. Pen tracked the signal here and I needed to get here to make sure you all were safe" I explain looking over Ashley's head still holding her. "Sorry about your door" I say after a moment and stepping back from Ashley but still keeping her close. "Oh it's ok. We needed a new one anyway" Brandon jokes making us laugh a bit. "Everyone else is ok?" Jarnie asks. "Ya, Emily is there. We are going to head over there, I need you all in one location" I say and they nod and leave to pack. "Hey" Ashley says gripping my hands. "Are you ok?" She whispers making me drop my head. "No" I whisper out tears gathering in my eyes. She doesn't say anything just pulls me into her. "It's going to be ok. We trust you to keep us safe" she says after I calm down making me nod. "Go pack we need to leave in 10" I say and she nods squeezing my hand.

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