Just as Gon tried to walk away, he stepped on a stick. All he could think about was, It's that stupid stick cliché! Fuck.
And obviously, with Killua's heightened awareness, he was able to hear that irregular stick click.
But instead of running, Gon just stayed put. He didn't even realize how much he wanted stay in the first place. So he just turned around towards the window of Killua's second floor dorm and waited.
He thought to himself that it kind of looked like a scene from a romance movie. Or perhaps Romeo and Juliet.
But he didn't have time to explain to himself why he was thinking of it romantically when Killua cautiously peeked out the window to see what the sound was.
And to his surprise... nobody was there.
It was overly suspicious to him. He was sure he felt someone's presence somewhere.
So he opened the indie and stepped out, looking around through the cool breeze.
He couldn't feel the person anymore.
The presence was familiar.
Killua shivered and ran his hand through his hair before dropping to the ground and walking over to lean against the tree.
He looked up in the sky to see the stars winking back at him cheekily. Why did he miss Gon so much?
He was hoping that Gon would have shown up on his doorstep just like that, but it was becoming increasingly hard to imagine it.
He had almost forgot Gon's voice. He'll still hear it in his dreams, but I'm the middle of the day, Killua would have to pause to hear his voice.
He could even hear it now.
Just Gon saying Killua.
Except... it sounded more real than usual.
Killua stood upright quickly and sharply inhaled before looking around. Killua began to step to the side while tears pricked at his eyes.
He was just hallucinating.
But he heard it again, and this time, it came from right behind the tree he had his back to.
Killua ran to the other side and saw what he never thought he would. Gon was leaning against the tree with a bright smile on his face.
His hair was longer than Killua remembered and he wore that green cloak like he had at the arena. Killua should have noticed then, but Gon's ugly- ass boots were still there.
Killua was speechless.
He was dreaming.. right?
But it all shattered when Gon hugged him. So tight, he was sure he would combust. Tears began squeezing out of his eyelids as he just sobbed.
Gon began to weep with him, and with their arms still wrapped around each other, the began to sink back down to the grass.
Killua pulled back slightly and took Gon's face in between his palms as he examined his slightly more mature face.
"Gon, you're so stupid!" Killua sobbed, pulling him into another embrace. "I thought I would never see you again!"
Gon's tears began to soak through Killua's shirt and he smiled. "I could say the same, you know."
Soon, after their crying fit and their tears began to die down, they started laughing.
They just continued to giggle and put each other's foreheads together, holding hands.
"We are so stupid," Killua snickered.
Gon just giggled even more.
Killua bolted out of bed when heard his alarm go off.
He was immediately saddened to realize that that had just been a dream.
"Killua?" He heard beside him.
Gon was laying on the floor next to him on a makeshift bed, looking up tiredly at Killua.
Killua happiness was restored as he stared at his face before blushing when he realized how long he had been gawking.
"Gon, get up."
Killua kicked his side and stepped over him, going to his closet to find his school uniform.
Gon just sat up and watched him pick out his uniform before Killua turned around and blushed slightly.
"Privacy, idiot."
Gon blushed a bit too and turned around quickly.
After Killua was done, he lent Gon his hoodie and some jeans.
"Today," Killua said. "We are going to convince that rat to let you into this hell hole. We recently just got an opening."
Gon knew what he was talking about but decided to shake it off and said, alright!
He had a nagging feeling to ask Killua about this Izuku character, but he didn't have the courage. He didn't want to ruin anything happiness.
They walked down the hallways of the dorm and the others just stared. It was completely against the rules to have an outsider in the dorms, much less the school property.
But no one said a thing as they were already petrified of Killua and they could tell that something was off with the new boy. He just seemed gloomy but cheerful in a way. Like he had seen hell but decided to keep it locked up.
It wasn't long before they reached the school. Killua walked in and started making his way straight down to Nezu's office.
Killua have three shirt taps before he heard Nexu yell, "Come in!"
Hahah y'all probably thought they would see each other 😈 jokes on u
I was honestly gonna make it were they wouldn't but it would delay the rest of the story
Don't worry, we are literally like, only halfway through :) I still have to add stuff about 1A and any specific relations with the characters because I've neglected them recently and how Killua got here in The first place
Also, if your wondering, there is no method to this madness. I have no idea what I'm doing so yeah :))))
Also, after every chapter I'm now going to give a song recommendation bc my life revolves around music so...... 💀
Last Words of a Shooting Star - Mitski
848 words

Stuck x In x A x New x World
FanfictionOriginal book by @Kimberly_Flower This story is not originally mine. This is a continuation of the story Stuck x In x A x New x World by @amaria_ flower that they had discontinued and asked for someone to pick up on the book. I have permission to co...