"Uhmm... Killua?" Izuku questioned, almost dropping his spoon in his cereal.
All of the students were sitting in the kitchen, eating their breakfast and air dropping memes to random people at the table. But they all stopped what they were doing when they saw Killua walk into in the kitchen without his school outfit and another kid.
Everyone was confused. So confused.
Kaminari spoke up. "Killua, are you just not going to school or what?"
Killua looked over, annoyed as hell.
"No, I had a deal with Nezu. I get to wear whatever I want. So deal with it."
Killua went to get his daily cup of water (cuz we all know hydration is key 👌), but he was stopped by Midoriya.
"Yeah, but.." Izuku looked at Gon. "Who is that?"
Gon suddenly felt very possessive of Killua and decided to grab his hand. Killua's face immediately turned red. "Don't worry, I'm just Gon."
Izuku's eyebrows raised up and he gasped slightly. Everyone else looked at each other. They all remembered that Gon was the name that Killua had a mental breakdown to.
However, Mina and Hakagure were only concerned with the fact that they were holding hands! They looked at each other suspiciously and raised their eyebrows at each other, giggling. They clearly didn't get the situation.
Iida perked up and stuck his hand in the air. "We must get to our classes! File out!"
The students groaned in unison but did not defy Iida because it could get ugly. Killua, Izuku, and Gon were the only students left.
Gon felt a tense feeling and put up a bit of attitude. "But who are you?"
This took both Killua and Izuku aback at his change in tone.
"I-uhm.. I'm Killua's adopted brother."
Gon began to snicker uncontrollably.
"You-you actually got adopted?! That's hilarious!" He continued to laugh and whipped fake tears from his eye, but it only angered Killua.
"Oh, shut up stupid!"
Izuku felt very out of place standing next to them. He realized that, even though he spent nearly a year with Killua, he could never compete to Gon.
So, Izuku just walked off after his class, leaving them laughing behind.
"Killua, everyone left, we have to go or we will be late!"
Killua nodded and grabbed Gon's arm, pulling them out the door. The walked down the path to the school's front doors, walking down the hallways to the class. Eventually, they made it to the classroom were Aizawa was standing outside the door.
"Killua, just go inside. I will get Gon to introduce himself later."
He gave Gon a reassuring smile and walked into the mass of students, making his way to the back row of desks. He had almost forgotten that Momo sat directly in front of him, so that was a plus.
Aizawa entered the class and stood at the podium.
"Today," he announced in a bored voice. "We have a new student. Please enter."
The class tensed and sat forward in their seats, not one of them thinking about who they had met earlier. To them, he had seemed very weak and bright, or unable to fight.
But they automatically froze when they saw him.
"Please introduce yourself."
"Hi! I'm Gon Freecs! My quirk is JaJaKen. I can make big balls of light energy and destroy stuff with it! My best friend is Killua and we met at the Hun-" He was cut off by seeing Killua shaking his head in the corner of the room. He quickly changed what he was saying. "We met at some exam at twelve years old. I am new here so please, let's all be friends!"
Everyone just sat there, dumbfounded that this lanky boy made it into class 1A within three weeks of class starting.
"Gon, sit in front of Killua."
Gon have a triumphant expression and sat in front of Killua, smiling before turning around. Killua's heart burned at his bright smile. Was he sick?
"Before we begin, I would like to announce a new event taking place two days from now. We will be going to USJ, a place we're we will be able to train very similarly to a real hero job. Be prepared."
The class continued with math problems that Gon was absolutely struggling with. He was unable to keep up with the class, so eventually, Killua just held up his finger and did Bisky's nen writing trick to help out Gon.
At the end of thier lessons at lunch time, Killua and Gon just at their desks while Killua ate an apple. Gon turned around and put his head down on Killua's desk.
"This is tiring."
Killua laughed, finishing off the pole and pooping it in the trash.
"Yeah, but next period, we might get to spar."
Hearing that new information, Gon's head immediately flew off the desk and his eyes sparkled.
His face was really close to Killua's. Killua's face began to turn very hot and he backed away.
"Awesome!" Gon replied. "I can't wait!"
But deep down inside, Killua was still struggling. Why was it getting increasingly harder for Killua to be near him without freaking out?
Eventually, after lunch ended and everyone changed into their gym outfits (except Killua and Gon, of course), they were all lined up waiting to be paired.
"Toady, we are going to work on combat skills. By the end of this lesson, all of you should understand at least basic concepts and techniques. Got it?" The class nodded but Killua and Gon just stood back smirking.
"Why don't Killua and Gon come spar to show these students how it's done? They are the two top students, after all."
The others in the class faltered.
"They are both at the top of the class?" Mina said in awe.
"No way.." Ochako said.
Killua stepped forward and cracked his knuckles, smirking with a gleam in his eyes.
Gon also stepped forward, hand behind his neck with a slightly devious grin.
"I told you. We finally get to spar after such a long time."
Gon just smirked in response as the got into position.
And then they went.
But nobody was able to see where they were. It was just a blur of fast movements. Everyone including Aizawa was in awe.
Suddenly, the stopped.
Wowowowowow I actually wrote something productive!!!!
I just got done sobbing bc life is shit and now I'm writing fics :)) look at where life has brought me.
So ueH
Jealous - Eyedress
1053 words

Stuck x In x A x New x World
Hayran KurguOriginal book by @Kimberly_Flower This story is not originally mine. This is a continuation of the story Stuck x In x A x New x World by @amaria_ flower that they had discontinued and asked for someone to pick up on the book. I have permission to co...