Chapter Thirty Three

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The students all stood in a line waiting for the beginning of the Sports Festival to begin.

They all stood in readying positions while Gon and Killua just waited normally. Killua had his hands crossed behind his head and his skateboard at his feet while Gon had his arms crossed while talking animatedly with Killua.

Everyone was absolutely furious with the casual way they were acting.

Why are they acting like that? Are they looking down on us?

But the people in 1A all knew that no one stood a chance against them. They all understood that they weee just being merciful.

Suddenly, Present Mic's voice was booming over the intercom and counting down like a doomsday clock. The students all got into even steadier positions and Killua just put his foot on his skateboard.

Others gave him angry expressions because it seemed unfair for him to count that as a gadget.

Killua just pretended like he could see the dirty looks and leaned forward a bit.

"Go!" Present Mic yelled, signaling the beginning of the annual festival.

Killua used a bit of a combination between his strength and Godspeed to propel himself forward as quickly as possible, easily sending him flying into first place.

The crowd became silent for a second before a large section began booing at this unfair advantage.

"Hold up crowd!" Present Mic yelled. "He- she counted this as a gadget! They said it wouldn't be fair to the other students if they immediately began to run! She said it was a merciful act!"

The pair winced at Mic's slip up but continued on their way, even surpassing Iida who was using his engines quite a lot.

But the crowd noticed something right away.

It seemed like they were just... playing?

They were giggling constantly and shoving each other, cracking what seemed to be jokes and making faces at each other, yet they were still a good twenty feet away from all of the others.

Everyone was very obviously confused.

Soon, they reached the large robots. But, instead of defeating them, Killua and Gon nodded at each other before smirking. Killua did a kick flip off of his skateboard and held it under his arm, jumping up effortlessly to kick a robot in the side.

The ground shook as the robots piled up on top of each other in less than ten seconds and they where off again.

"Oh?" Aizawa commented through the microphone. "It seems as if they have teamed up to prevent other from making last that point."

They both easily hopped over the robots, but instead of getting back on his skateboard, Killua just threw it to the side.

"Hey Killua?" Gon asked.


"Are you gonna use Godspeed?"

Killua grinned at him. "I can't show all of my cards yet, idiot."

He smiled back and they quickly approached the next obstacle.

It was a large chasm of darkness spanning for yards with ropes hung on each side to help get students across.

"Good luck," Gon yelled enthusiastically as he jumped straight over the first hit of the canyon to one of the small pieces of land that was jutting out of the darkness.

Killua smirked and used his strength to throw himself into the air, heading dead straight towards Gon who was getting ready to jump.

But before he could, Killua landed on his back, pushing him down a bit, and used Gon as a board to get further.

"Yeah, good luck!" he yelled back, laughing loudly.

"Wow!" Present Mic screamed. "She used her as a spring board to get further! But they still look they are having fun!"

Gon quickly caught up and they were soon jumping along side each other, giggling and destroying ropes along the way.

"This is the most fun I've had in a while!" exclaimed Gon.

Killua nodded and kicked Gon in the side, sending him further away.

"Idiot!" He yelled, laughing his ass off.

The others were pretty far behind but Todoroki and Iida were slowly gaining on them.

They glanced back and saw their determination and felt the utter desire to completely crush it between their very own fingers.

"Hey, you wanna get serious?" Gon asked, challenging Killua as they made it to the beginning of the mines.

"Did she just say what I thought she said?" Aizawa mumbled into the microphone. "They aren't serious?"

The rest of the crowd picked it up and ran with it with confused mumbles and cheering erupting from the crowd.

"Bitch, your on!" Killua yelled, zipping right ahead of Gon, not even glancing back.

He could tell exactly where the mines  were because of the slightly different hues of the dirt and the small hues of what looked like shards of metal.

So Killua directly landed on one of them and purposely shot himself high into the air, taking in the scenery.

People were still trying to climb over the robots they had stacked up in the back. How pathetic.

Iida, Bakugo, Kendo, and Todoroki were all the closest to them but they were still considerably far away.

Gon was a bit ahead of Killua. With Gon's great senses, he figured that he would be able to tell where the mines were.

Killua then used the current of the wind to push himself forward and right down into the ground outside of the finish line.

A millisecond after, Gon crossed as well, not even breathing hard. His fake wig was in a complete mess and one of his fake breasts was hanging down a bit.

Soon after, Todorki cleared the kind with a fuming Bakugo close to him.

The crowd was stunned.

They had never even seen those two kids in their lives.

Another one in the same night :D

Also, that shrexy pic is my literal Home Screen😭

Ima make a confession... I haven't watched mha in like, two years 🥲

I have to go on the fandom wiki just to get a few things right sometimes but I'm trying to make it work lmao

A Pearl - Mitski

954 words

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