Chapter Twenty Five

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TW: Homophobia and Bullying

When they made it to the front gate, Killua had to show them both their cards. The heroes recognized him anyways because of how many times Killua had just barged into the teachers room to charge.

Eventually, after about a day of settling in, the students who were still alive or not in the hospital made their way to their regular classes for the first time in a month and a week.

It was almost like they were forced to stick together as there were many snide comments about the class being weak and pushovers. There was many whispers and jeering behind the classes back.

However, the students all noticed one odd thing. Two of the 1A students stood out a lot. They were always walking together, always eating together, even going back to the dorms together.

To them, it was terrifying because they could see the difference of power between them and their classmates just by looking at them.

They seemed so much more mature in a heavy sense that was almost suffocating. Even though they were acting goofy like normal boys their age, they always were alert and seemed ready for action at the slightest hint that something would happen.

Some other students chose not to let it bother them and openly called them the F slur because of how close the boys seemed.

Soon, others began agreeing and attempting to connect the fact that they were weak 1A students and possibly gay.

They seemed to try to push down the obvious factor that they were obviously superior in strength and it had nothing to do with how close the boys were with each other.

Gon and Killua knew of the entire ordeal and the rumors floating around about them. They didn't mind, but it was becoming a problem to some of their classmates.

They would over hear some of their peers being harassed and asked, "How is it to be in a class with *f slur*, huh?"

It got to the point were Aizawa was notified and the school had to have an announcement about treating students equally even with disabilities, trauma, or different beliefs.

But their class continued to be ridiculed for being "weak" and unable to keep up a fight.

One of the main usurpers was Monoma from class 1B. He seemed to be obsessed with the idea that the two stand-alone students could be gay just because they were best friends. With the country and the families that many of the students were born into being a little skeptical of homosexuality, many students began to back Monoma up by saying it was no wonder they were weak.

They were angry at class 1A anyways because their problems delayed the chance of the sports festival, and they needed something to be angry at.

Eventually, one night while Killua and Gon were taking a walk down the sidewalks near the main buildings, Monoma and a few of his followers stepped in front of them.

"Awww, are you two on a date," he smirked, putting his hands on his hips. "Sorry to interrupt."

Killua just grabbed Gon's arm and tried to push around them, but they stepped in his way.

"Your not gonna leave, are you?" Monoma said with a pout, trying to provoke them.

"Move out of our way."

Monoma narrowed his eyes. "And what are you gonna do about it, you fucking poofy haired
*f slur*."

Killua just smirked and let go of Gon's arm, cracking his nuckles. "Are you looking for a fight?"

"Killua," Gon scolded. "Aizawa said that you weren't supposed to injure anyone else."

"But they're asking for it," he whined back.

Monoma and his cronies didn't know what he meant by "injure anyone else" and they weren't sure they wanted to find out.

They slowly started to back away at Killua and Gon's interaction, but Killua's gaze snapped towards them.

"Oh? Chickening out already?"

Monoma felt an extreme chill run down his spine when Killua glared at him. This isn't normal, fucking creep...

Gon just walked over to a nearby tree and swung himself up on a branch, observing them.

"I can't stop you now."

He knew he could stop him, and he really didn't want a fight, but Killua was really protective of Gon whether or not it bothered him.

Even if he did stop him now, Killua would still find some way to fight them sooner or later.

In a flash, Killua was gone and suddenly appeared behind him and took out one of his followers with one swift kick to the knee and a chop on the neck.

Before the others could panic, Killua had swept them on the floor and knocked each of them out.

"They're seriously no fun! I thought they'd put up more of a fight.."

Monoma just stared in horror. It was only a few seconds!

Killua looked up from his hands and smirked at Monoma.

"Here. I'll give you one free punch, yeah?"

That's right! I'd he can get his hands on this monster, then he would be able to copy his quirk and take him down with his own power!

It was unfortunate that he had to stoop that low to just get a hit in, but he was desperate.

Monoma ran up to him and punched him in the face. But he didn't live at all.

He was laughing?


Monoma tried to activate the quirk, but he felt nothing.

I felt like everyone would be angry for whatever reason lolsssss

But honestly tho the homophobia was unfun to write >:(   It was just unfortunately necessary in the situation 😔

But yeah this was kind of a not important chapter ngl

I wasn't even going to write anything today and just take a break but then I remembered that I don't have a life 😊😘

Molly - Mindless Self Indulgence

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