"Hey!" They heard Aizawa yell, cutting off their increasing intimate moment. "Killua! Gon! We already established this rule! Get to your dorms right now!"
Gon felt defeated but was absolutely thankful of Me. Aizawa. If it wasn't for him, he would have said something so stupid and detrimental that Killua would have been absolutely disgusted in him.
Killua was blushing a bit. Why was Gon looking at him like that? What was he trying to say?
His thoughts were cut off when Hon took his arm and started dragging him towards the dorms.
"You heard him! We gotta go!"
Gon was trying to act like nothing happened, but Killua was putting a little bit of resistance in being dragged.
"What were you saying before?"
Gon flinched and tried to hide his blush by looking away.
"Uhmm... it's not important!"
Killua scoffed. "What is it? Just tell me! Like hell it's not important."
Gon tired not to starter as he came up with an excuse. "I thought at the moment that we would come back quicker.."
Killua felt a bit suspicious of it but let it slide.
They eventually made it to the dorms and everyone was sitting in the living room and watching a movie.
"Hey!" Asui greeted, turning her attention from the television. "Do you wanna watch the Made in Abyss movie with us?"
Gon and Killua both shook their head simultaneously, erupting a giggle from a few people watching the movie.
"Uhm..." Jiro glanced down at their intertwined hands and leg out a small cough.
Killua and Gon looked down, suddenly aware that they were still holding hands. They immediately jerked away from each other and wiped their hand on their pants.
The class was silent and staring intently at them. Nobody said a word as the movie went on in the background.
"Gross. Get a room," Bakugo let out angrily truing his attention back to the screen after breaking the uncomfortable silence.
"Erm.. yeah.. we're gonna go now.." Gon mumbled, a bit flustered. What was happening to him? Why was he so embarrassed?
They walked in shame to the stairs and quickly walked jk the stairs in subtle shame.
Killua was a bit worried about Gon's odd behavior but he played his suspicions off and tried to to make eye contact. Why was it so awkward?
When they reached the top of the steps, Killua unlocked the dorm room and let Hon in before walking in himself and closing the door behind him.
They sat at the edges of their bed and stared at the floor.
Of course, there was something else on Killua's mind.
He snapped at Gon. He literally yelled at him.
What was wrong with him? Why was he so angry? Killua flipped back into his bed and stared at the ceiling before glancing over at Gon.
He had done the same but was facing Killua and had his eyes partly closed like he was about to fall asleep.
Killua leg out a small laugh and kicked himself off of his bed. He walked to the small bathroom area and began brushing his teeth before he heard Gon mumble a hit behind him.
"Huh?" Killua asked, stopping brushing his teeth and looking at Go. Through the mirror.
"I forgot to tell you.. but.. when I got here.. there was strange writing.. on.. my hand..."
It took a minute fire Killua to r
Realize that Gon had just fallen asleep, but something still rang in the back of Killua's brain.Words?
The next day, when they were sitting in class, Killua was twirling Gon's hair in his fingers and giving him the answers to the questions using their nen writing.
Suddenly, Aizawa spoke ipa Ms yelled at the class to stop what they were doing.
"We have an announcement. In two weeks is the annual UA tournament. We must show the world that we are a stable school even after the deaths at USJ."
The class cringed. Right. The deaths.
But other than that, an excited murmur went through the classroom as people giggled and gossiped about the tournament.
"It starts in two weeks! Be prepared!"
Everyone seemed very excited expect for Kilu and Gon. They suspected that it was going to be boring just like the entrance exams. There was none nearly on their level and they knew that.
It was kind of unfortunate that they had to be in the tournament because the other students wouldn't have a choice but to bend under their rule.
Eventually, when class was over, Killua and Gon sat in their room and practiced their nen, making sure that it was able to continue without falter for many hours.
It's not like they needed practice. They just felt like they should be prepared if anything big happens like at USJ.
This was truly just going to be another for them, wasn't it.
Wowwwww I did it
The meds are kicking in so ima fall asleep almost immediately after a post this :)
(So far, these are like filler chapters or something but they do get explain important parts with so yeahhhh)
852 words

Stuck x In x A x New x World
FanfictionOriginal book by @Kimberly_Flower This story is not originally mine. This is a continuation of the story Stuck x In x A x New x World by @amaria_ flower that they had discontinued and asked for someone to pick up on the book. I have permission to co...