Anger began to flow in Killua's system.
Everything just had to go wrong! It was always his fault!
All his stupid mistakes!
It's this goddamn writing!
Feelling bile rise in his stomach, he stood up and ran into the bathroom, locking the door behind him and making it to the toilet in time.
He let it all out. All he could do was sit there, immobilized by his thoughts. He made the mistake of looking down at his hand immediately flipped out, standing up harshly and scratching violently at his skin until it bled.
"Uh, Killua?" He could hear Gon's sweet, concerned voice behind the door, but he ignored him.
He began violently scrubbing his hand with water and a towel as if it would just make the marks disappear. Gon began getting worried as he heard water mixed with sobbing noises.
"Killua! Please! Let me in!"
He began knocking on the door, but Killua just kept scrubbing his hand raw, not clearing his hand of the engravings at all.
At this point, Gon was too worried and kicked the doorknob, breaking it and allowing him entrance.
As soon as he walked in, he grabbed Killua's hand and slid them both down to the floor, holding him against his chest as he sobbed.–
Killua woke up to the sound of the water drip, drip, dripping. He looked to the side and saw Gon with his head slumped against the wall, sleeping peacefully, Killua checked his watch and tried to ignore his roughed up hand, glancing at the time.
It was time to meet them at the port.
Killua slowly slid Gon's hand from his shoulder, rolling out his grip and standing up. Just in case Gon woke up and wanted to know where Killua had gone, he left a note. He suspected it would take him a while to wake up anyways.
Leaving the note, Killua slowly and carefully climbed out the window and began to make his way to the beach. On his way, he looked up at the moon.
It was very bright. The serene wind blew swiftly across his back.
Like the calm before the storm.
Eventually, he made it to the blue clam waves rolling on the beach.
Slowing down, he cautiously walked onto the dock.
The planks cracked under his steps as the waves leisurely lapped against the bottom. Eventually, when he made it to the larger end area of the dock, he stood against the railing with his hands resting in his pockets. He was most likely going to be neutralized.
Suddenly, a loud crack was heard, and a nanosecond later, the colors inverted, he felt a stab of pain and Alluka and the man appeared.
Alluka was groveling at his ankles, trying to speak under the tape.
He absentmindedly kicked her and walked forward, draining even more power from Killua as he weakly bent forward.
"So? Trade your life for this little girl, will you?"
Killua grimaced and glanced at Alluka and her wide eyes.
The figure chuckled and bent down.
He pulled out his gloved hand and brought it forward.
"Do we have a deal?"
Killua weakly brought his hand forward before faltering.
"How will I know if you'll let her go?"
He started to pull away before the man gripped onto his hand and sucked out all of his power painfully.
Killua's body began to convulse as he screamed out in pain. It felt as if his blood was getting vacuumed out of his body, or his intestines being unraveled.He heard Alluka scream behind her mask as he collapsed in a heap on the floor. Tears rolled down both of their faces as they stared at each other.
Killua had never felt this vulnerable. Even when he was being "trained" by his parents. He absolutely hated feeling weak. But if it was to save his sister, he didn't mind. It was alright.
The man pulled out a knife and flipped it in his hand.
"Let... let Alluka go," Killua muttered, struggling.
The man began to laugh. "Oh, how you were so blinded! Your brother was right. You are weak. Obviously, I need to kill her too."
Killua's eyes widened and he glanced up at the man once again. But this time, he peaked up into his hood. And he recognized him.
A highly trained assassin.
He remembered his brother hiring him for a hit that he was too busy to complete himself. All they knew about him was that he was from a different universe. He didn't have nen. But he had another power. I suppose it made sense. They were too cautious of Illumi, so he ended up hiring someone that could easily pick them off after a bit.
How pathetic of him to be caught by this man.
Suddenly, he heard a shout from the start of the dock.
Weakly turning his head, Killua saw another figure aggressively sprinting across the dock.
He recognized the shadow immediately.
Quickly, Killua pulled out his trump card. His kill switch. He knew that it drew out inane power from deep down, and he was ready to use it when the man shook his hand and drained him. However, Gon now became a good part of his plan.
Killua stood up quickly and began to attack the man at the same time as Gon, throwing quick, coordinated punches and throws.
The man deftly blocked them all and continued to slowly back up towards the railing, stepping over Alluka.
Killua landed a hit on his forearm and they held it for a while before the man flung him off, making Killua's back smack the ceiling and break through, wood splintering through the air.
Gon launched himself towards the man, letting multiple strikes at once, failing every single time.
The man single handedly held them off as Alluka scratched off the tape from her mouth with her shoulder.
She gave a look to Killua, trying to get his attention. Killua landed beside a winded Gon.
He winced as his power was sti drained and he was fighting tooth and nail with his kill switch no longer working.
"Pat my head."
While Killua ran to stabilize the villain, Gon stayed behind to pat Nanika's head.
He tried to quickly complete two other tasks as Killua struggled in the back.
"Gon!" He let out through gritted teeth. "Any time now."
Nanika was on her second wish and Gon rushed to complete it for her, but before he could finish, he was punched out of the way by the man. Clutching at his gut, he ran back up to Alluka and urgently completed it as Killua rushed to intervene.
'Hurry up!" Killua urged as he snatched the knife from the hitman. The hitman also pulled out his other knife, and they began blocking and fighting each other with the hilts and blades.
Killua got slashed deeply across the cheek, but he kept pushing his enemy further back.
Gon rushed his hardest to complete the last act, tripping over himself all while trying not to pass out from the pain of getting hit constantly by the villain.
Nanika sat obediently and asked Gon calmly what his wish was.
As Gon shouted to transport them all back to their original world, Killua and the enemy launched themselves at each other one last time, blades pointed straight for each other's throat.Gon woke up to find himself curled in the fetal position around a sleepy Alluka. He quickly shook her awake, laughing lightly as he took in his surroundings. It was the World Tree!
He hugged her, but she sat limp in his arms.
"Gon.. where is big brother?"
Gon froze and laughed.
"He's right behind me, don't worry."
He turned around and gestured. "See?"
Alluka let out a pitiful choke as he turned to see what he was pointing at.
Killua's pale, blood drained body lay crumpled in front of him, a fleshy wound deep in the side of his broken neck.
Wow. I can't even believe I was able to make it this far! I finally made it!!
I just want to say thank you to the original author for giving me this opportunity!!
Thank you to kuramasbff and all of my wonderful peeps on AO3 for being my biggest supporters!! ❤️
Sorry for the sudden death. I felt like at this point in my life, I needed a little something to pour myself into. I've always had an interest in writing, and for some reason, I loved killing off characters. I enjoyed the feeling of it. I'm not sure. But since I started heading into depression, I used my work as a way to cope. I'm sorry if you don't like the ending. Maybe you can come up with another yourself.
Sorry if it all seemed extremely rushed as well. At one point I was physically unable to get up and write because I felt obligated so I tried to get it over with so I could live with the guilt of not finishing it. A friend of mine also really wanted me to finish it and got extremely angry when they were left on a cliffhanger 😭
Thank you so much for reading this. This took a lot of hours and all <3
Also, information on the hitman's quirk if your interested:
He has two quirks kinda like Todoroki.
The first is obviously teleporting. One day he found out that he was even able to travel between dimensions.
The last is command. He can write anything he wants on someone hand. It doesn't matter what he wants to write, it will go. But it only works if it is a genuine command.
Gon's wasn't a command. It was psychological manipulation. Killua's was a command, therefore, he was forced to give up his power when commanded of him.Bye and thx for the love :) ❤️
1338 words

Stuck x In x A x New x World
FanfictionOriginal book by @Kimberly_Flower This story is not originally mine. This is a continuation of the story Stuck x In x A x New x World by @amaria_ flower that they had discontinued and asked for someone to pick up on the book. I have permission to co...