Killua could sense somebody's stares boring holes right through his head. Just with sensing him, he could tell that it was that awful, perverted brat.
He swiftly turned around and looked staright at Monoma, challenging him to look away.
Almost as if only just the look shocked him, Monoma quickly lowered his head and many other people avoided Killua's gaze as well. His horrible display of power probably terrified them.
Gon pumped his fist into the air.
"Alright, Ki- Ana! We are going to actually have to try next time. That got kinda boring until the end."
Killua kicked Gon in the ankle and gave him an angry expression.
"Idiot! You can't say that so loud!"
Gon rubbed the back of his neck and looked at the ground before looking up at him with newfound determination.
"I'm not stupid."
Killua looked up at him incredulously. "Huh?"
"I said, I'm not stupid. You always call me an idiot, but you should know that I learned a shit ton with my dad and before I was here."
Killua just stayed silent. He hadn't meant to make Gon angry and he had always called him an idiot. He didn't understand why he was so angry about it, but Gon was looking pretty angry at the moment and for once, he didn't want to push him further.
"You bastard!" They heard being yelled. They looked over and saw Bakugo barreling straight for them with fire in his eyes and angry explosions in his palms. "You fucking bastard!"
He tried to lift Killua up by his collar, but Killua just side stepped him with an unamused expression. He let out another angry yell and tried to punch him, but the white haired monster practically disappeared for a second and ended up right behind Bakugo, one hand on his arm and the other holding a small knife to his neck.
"Are we about to recreate something?"
Bakugo's face turned red and he staring led a bit before yelling out, "Stop using cheap tricks and fight me for real, you fucking one trick pony!"
All of the attention in the stadium was on the two as heroes began rushing forward to stop them.
"Don't wish for hell."
He stepped away and slipped the knife back into his pocket as Cementos grabbed Bakugo and pulled him away.
Cementos held out his hand to Killua. Killua sighed and dropped the blade into his hand before trying to walk away.
But the pro hero stopped him and said, "Please refrain from breaking your deal. And Bakugo, stop starting fights.
He walked the fiery Pomeranian to the other side of the crowd and left him there, signaling for Midnight to start the opening for the second game.
"Alright, young heroes!" Midnight yelled from the stage. "It is time for your second event. The cavalry battle!"
She then explained how only 42 of the students passed and the people 43 and below were all disqualified. Students groaned and whines but were swept out of the qualifiers and led up to their seats to watch.
The rest who were there stayed for the explanation on the game.
She explained in a cheery voice how they were supposed to form teams and the bandanas. "Everyone has a bandana with a number that corresponds with what ranking they got on the obstacle course. However, first place is different. The bandana is worth 10 million points!"
Everyone's eyes immediately shifted to Killua. There was an almost crazed look on each of their faces. It was like they were observing him to see if they could easily beat him.
Killua crossed his arms raised his eyebrows. This is going to be fun.
"Everyone, find your groups!"
There was suddenly a horrendously loud amount of talking and begging from around the stadium as Gon and Killua huddled closer together to keep from being trampled or spread apart.
"What the fuck is going on? Jesus Christ," he mumbled under his breath trying to look for an escape route.
"Hey," he heard somebody say behind them. "You're Aliya, right?"
A guy in with messy purple hair and obviously large bags under his eyes was standing behind them, looking right at Gon.
Killua clamped a hand over Gon's mouth. "Don't talk to him! He can control people if they answer them!"
"How did you know that?" The purple guy asked, flabbergasted and feeling threatened.
Killua just pulled on Gon's arm and led him further away, deeper into the chaos.
"You need to be more careful."
Gon just nodded and continued following him. He didn't know were they were going but he assumed they were most likely looking for teammates.
Soon, they made it to a large circle of students encasing Todoroki.
"He looks like he is busy. We sho-"
Gon was cut off by Killua dragging him through everyone in the circle and going dtraight up to Todoroki.
"Join us."
"We'd be the strongest team."
"Everyone would target us."
"And we can avoid it."
Todoroki looked between the two of them was a skeptical expression wearing down on his face.
"Just trust me," Killua said, looking him in the eyes.
Todoroki sighed. At least they were the most trust worthy out of all of the people who wanted to be on his team.
"Ok but we still need a fourth person.." Killua trailed off looking through the crowd.
Gon pointed towards the corner of the arena. "What about Iida? We need somebody fast."
"Bitch, I am fast." Killua rolled his eyes playfully.
"Then... what about Uraraka?"
Killua stop for a second and gave it some good thought. She would be able to keep them from getting caught if she floated them into the air.. as long as they didn't work her too much, that is.
But he also didn't know how strong she was after the incident. But if she was at least able to make it above 43 on the ranking, it should be fine, right?
"Actually, that's a pretty good idea."
Killua walked over to her with a small smile. "Hey, will you join our team? I already have Todoroki and Gon but we need somebody else."
She looked up and seemed to space out for a second.
"Oh? Huh?"
Killua just tried not to roll his eyes and repeated his question.
She didn't even think about it. "Sure. I mean, I've got no where else to go."
How are y'all doing?
I had to force myself to write this tbh 🥲
Like, I physically couldn't write this without wanted to chuck my phone across the room, but I did it 🙂
Softcore - The Neighborhood
1072 words

Stuck x In x A x New x World
FanfictionOriginal book by @Kimberly_Flower This story is not originally mine. This is a continuation of the story Stuck x In x A x New x World by @amaria_ flower that they had discontinued and asked for someone to pick up on the book. I have permission to co...