um, gwen who's that?

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My alarm clock was screaming at me as I groaned softly to turn it off. Bruce came over to my room and said "hey y/n are you excited to go back to school." "well I'm a little nervous because there will be new people" I said biting my nails. "but at least finney and Gwen will be there" Bruce said as he walked out of my room. I got out of bed and brushed my teeth and got dressed into this.

                    (Change if you want)           I leave without eating anything and me and Bruce walk to school together

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      (Change if you want)
I leave without eating anything and me and Bruce walk to school together. girls kept flirting with him and saying "Hi BrUcE "🙄✨💅. then we get to school and I see finn and Gwen and this kid with long brown hair with a bandana tied around it,a tight brown tank top, flared jeans, and worn out shoes. I walk over to them and Gwen runs up to me and hugs me. and then finn joins in with the hug too. Then I pull away and ask Gwen "Um, Gwen who's that? "  I asked. "oh that's-" Gwen said as he interrupted her."It's robin" he said cutting her off . " I'm y/n nice to meet you" I said. I hold out my hand to shake his hand but he just walks away. "Ok, what a jerk"I mumbled under my breath and went to first period. when I got to first period all eyes were on me it was kinda scary but Bruce was in there so I felt safe. That bandana kid was there too I kinda forgot his name I think it was Robin or something. The teacher says "hello class please give a nice welcoming to y/n Yamada". "Y/n, would you like to introduce yourself "? The teacher asked. "Um..... hi I'm y/n and-" I said as someone interrupted me. "just sit down already" robin said interrupting me. I look embarrassed as I sit next to the only seat available which was next to robin. I put my headphones on and put on  you belong to me by Carla Simon on loop. I'm just vibing to my music until  and I feel my headphones come off, or that's what I thought happened. I hear Robin start laughing as I have that embarrassed look again. "He freaking took my headphones off, what a jerk, what I have I done to him?, nothing, literally nothing."

Time skip!!!!
I sit with Finn,Gwen,Bruce, and Robin. the only seat left was next to Robin so I sat there. Robin gave me my headphones  back as he starts laughing about the situation. "Robin stop being so hard on her just cause it's her first day doesn't mean you have to be such a asshole, I know you are on a daily basis but still apologize now" Gwen said raising her voice a little."ugh do I have too?" Robin whined. "NOW"Gwen yelled. "ugh okay I'm sorry y/n for taking your headphones " robin apologized sarcastically. "Oh and by the way your music taste sucks" he whispered to me. I do a sad grin as my eyes tear up then Robin sees me and puts his hand on my back "hey I'm sorry oh- oh my god are you crying I'm so sorry" Robin said guilty "hey wanna have a sleepover!!! Gwen said in a high voice trying to change the subject . "yea sure I'm down" Robin said ."you up for it y/n?" He asked. "yea sure " I said sniffling. "ok great my house or your's y/n" Gwen said excitedly. "my house is ok" I said smiling.

Another time skip sorry I'm lazy AF

(Bruce is not at the sleepover because he's at Vance's) Robin arrives at my house first which is surprising. but then finn and Gwen eventually came too. ". soo what do you wanna do" Gwen said excitedly. "Um can we watch Texas chainsaw massacre please Gwen". Robin said begging Gwen. "ok sure but this is y/n's house so it's her choice". "pleasee y/n!!!" Robin whined. "Ok I don't really care" I said annoyed . "Yes", Robin whispered smiling at me. of course I smiled back cause I don't wanna be rude.

            Short chapter sorry 😬

  Hey, loser.   Enemies to lovers ~robin x y/n Yamada~Where stories live. Discover now