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        Y/NS POV
I wake yea up at 8:30 but robins still sleeping so I go take a shower and brush my teeth and get dressed into this

           MORNING         Y/NS POV I wake yea up  at 8:30 but robins still sleeping so I go take a shower and brush my teeth and get dressed into this

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Eventually Robin wakes up and gets ready too. He starts making breakfast, we eat and watch tv while waiting for alondra. Two hours pass and Alondra is not here yet, Robin walks over to the phone and calls Alejandra's house. I start freaking out in my head cause then he's gonna find out she's not there.
"Hello, yeah is alondra at your house?" He said firmly. " Um no she's not" Alejandra's mom said.
"What do you mean she's not, she said she was going to the movies with her and she was staying over," he said questioning her. "Uh yeah sorry but she never came though" she said. "she never came..." robin said. "Alejandra said that she was going to The movies with Juan and staying over there"she Said. "wait, who's Juan?" He asked. "Her crush.." she said. "ok thank you for your help bye" he hangs up. "Y/n, you said she was at Alejandra's, you lied to me" he said giving me a mad look. I look at him with a guilty look as I swallow hard "ok, fine I lied, it's just cause you would freak if you knew alondra went out with a boy, and I didn't want to ruin alondras special night so I had to lie and I'm sorry" I said with a slight tear in my right eye. "Ok, it's fine just don't do that again, is she really that scared of me, I wouldn't be mad if she was going out with anyone,I am a bit overprotective I admit it, but the fact she made you cover for her is concerning" he said. I bite the bottom of my lip then hold his hand. "She didn't make me cover for her I chose too, because If you did get mad I wanted you to get mad at me not her, she might be your sister and I might have Bruce and I love him too but she's also like the sister Ive always wanted, so I will do everything to protect her too" I said. " well now I know why I love you" he said. we smile at each other and watch a movie.
   Y/N'S POV
Three more hours pass and Alondra comes home "where have you been! We have been worried sick about you!" Robin yelled. "Hey! What did I say about getting mad at her?" I said defending alondra. "Sorry y/n, anyway why were u not here in the morning?" He said. "I was at Alejandra-" Alondra said as I interrupted. "He knows," I said doing a slight frown. "Oh, fine I was at a boys house, but Robin he is a sweet boy and if you stop me from seeing him I will keep getting advice from y/n and I will not listen to you" alondra said tearing up. "Oh my gosh alondra I'm sorry" he said walking over to her "But  those were not my intentions at all" robin said hugging her. I smile "but it has been 5 hours since you have been gone its currently 1:20 so where have you been?" I said. "Ok well me and Juan wanted to go to the grab n go after breakfast, we went there then we had our snacks at the park, then  we went on the swings, and then lastly,   he walked me home that all we did I swear" alondra said. "Yeah that makes sense that could've taken  5 hours since I know it takes you  a long time to get ready, and you eat like a bird" robin said laughing. I look out the window to see Aaliyah with a familiar little boy it looked just like... "Juan!? No, Juan could not be Aaliyah's brother, but I cannot tell alondra, she wouldn't care anyway" I said to myself. I lay on the couch then  I see Robin and Alondra playing a board game. I smile as I watch them laughing and smiling at each other it suddenly reminds me of me and Bruce. I suddenly frown as I remember I have not seen him a lot after the day I got taken cause I have spent so much time with Robin, "he must be worried" I said to myself. Robin looks at me and walks over to me, "hey are you ok?" He asked. "Yeah, can I please go home, it's just after I saw you and Alondra playing a board game, smiling and Laughing at each other, it just reminded me of Bruce and I, then I remember that I have not been  with him A lot after the day I got taken, also ever since we moved here from Georgia he's been constantly hanging out with Vance and I have been constantly with you, I know your my boyfriend, but he's my brother and we should spend more time together you know?" I said looking up at him. "Yeah, I get it it's ok you can go I love you y/n" he said. He kissed me on the cheek, it made my cheek go warm it felt comforting. I pack my stuff and leave, as I'm walking I see Aaliyah and Juan playing outside together laughing and playing. I smile at the fact that they're happy then she takes her eyes off of Juan and looks at me. Surprisingly she didn't give me a dirty look, she slightly smiled and waved. I waved back and smiled it made me feel confused, shes my biggest enemy and we just interacted without getting at each other's throats. Suddenly I see Vance bruised up and with a bloody nose. I just talk past him and make my way home.

I get home and see Bruce playing a video game then he takes his eyes off the tv and gets off the couch and hugs me. "Hey you wanna do something fun?" I said smiling. "Yeah sure I'm down what is it?" He said smiling at me. "Uh I was thinking the arcade?' I said. "Oh my gosh, yes! You read my mind!" Bruce said smiling.

When we get there we first play the claw machines I lost five times just to get robin this

A few minutes after we play more games, eat food, then bruce wanted to play one more game so I just waited on the bench for him then I turn to my right and I see Aaliyah with Juan and

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A few minutes after we play more games, eat food, then bruce wanted to play one more game so I just waited on the bench for him then I turn to my right and I see Aaliyah with Juan and...Alondra!?! I just don't do anything cause we're about to leave so Bruce finishes his game then we head home. While Bruce is driving I start thinking why was she there did Aaliyah just show up at robins door and pick her up? Or I don't even know.


I run upstairs to my room and fall back on my bed wanting to sink in it with all my emotions
happy, confused, worried, and a bit of anger for no reason, Then I fall asleep.
I wake up to tears falling down my face, after dream of Aaliyah and robin together  right in front of my eyes and I couldn't do nothing. I heard that dreams can give u a sign, was this is a sign of what's gonna happen if alondra keeps dating Juan? "Gosh I feel like my whole life's falling apart" i say to my self.  I fall back into my bed again covering my face.

  Hey, loser.   Enemies to lovers ~robin x y/n Yamada~Where stories live. Discover now