I feel guilty.

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                            ROBINS POV
I'm still on the floor bloody nose and I have this weird feeling like I can't even explain it I don't blame her for hitting  me  but "why did I try to fight back what kind of guy would do that your not supposed to hit a girl like that what is wrong with me?" I keep saying to myself. until Maria finds me on the floor hopeless. "why can't I get up?I usually get up when I fall, I swear there's something wrong with me." I said to myself. Maria starts tearing up as she sees me on the floor. she helps me up as she takes me to the girls bathroom. When we get there  she cleans me up, and then I feel weird again, "she's doing what y/n did when I was hurt."  Maria and  me  had like a 20 second kiss until I hear a toilet flush and a girl comes out of the stall. "It's y/n," "ew get a room don't kiss in here, now we got Robin and Maria germs in here" she said with a disgusted look. Then Gwen walks in  "whoa, what's goin on in here" Gwen said with a smirk. "Gwen just warning you, do not go to that sink it has Robin and Maria germs on it, they kissed there" y/n said trying not to gag. "Ok I won't" Gwen said also trying not to gag. Then they both start laughing. "Come on y/n" Gwen said laughing with y/n. Maria looks at them with a dirty look as they leave. "Let's go robin" Maria says holding my hand smiling.

                  Time skip!!!!!
I walk with Gwen to the cafeteria, then we  pass I table with Maria and her stupid dumb ass friends, and Robin not talking to her cause Maria is too busy talking about lipgloss and other shit. Then we get to a table with billy, Bruce, Vance, Finn, and poor griffin in the corner. I sit with griffin  cause I feel bad.  "Oh hey y/n" griffin says in a sweet voice.  "hi how are you doing?" I said smiling. "I'm ok you?" He said in a sweet voice. "I'm good thanks for asking" I say smiling. Me and griffin talk about whatever the Rest of lunch and then I leave, but when I'm leaving Maria speeds up to me and hits me with her purse. Then I fall "mess with robin again and you will never see daylight ever" Maria said angry. "wanna bet?"
I said smirking still on the floor.  I get up grab her pony tail and start punching her face. Then I was about to do the last punch then she grabs my wrist. then pushes me and try's to kick me, and I move to the right and she falls. then I pin her to the floor and say "I still see daylight, and you didn't leave a mark on me so, I guess you're to weak to fight anyone, so sad" I say with a fake frown  and walk off. I look in the corner of the wall to see Robin running to Maria and looking at me with an angry look. and I give him a "what?" look and flip him off and head to the bathroom to clean Maria's mouth and nose blood off of me "gross."

                               Time skip!!!
         >>>>>>AFTER SCHOOL<<<<<<
I walk home as I see Robin with Maria,
damn Maria looked so bad, her lip was busted, and her nose was crooked, well it already was but it looked broken. well I did it to protect myself and she wanted to fight so I did what she wanted. Surprisingly, I hit her hard but my knuckles were not damaged, it's like I got strong overnight, "damn."


When I get home I see another note on the table,  it's like Bruce is in love with Vance or something, I'm just kidding Bruce  has a girlfriend, they're just besties. I get to my room and I go to my notebook to write about my day until I see all  my papers for the exception of the one of my feelings for Robin, "where was it?"  I asked myself. I remember I tore it out, so it could've fallen somewhere. "the last time I had was at the park when..... oh my gosh no please don't tell me..... it's gone now." I said to myself. I was about to cry until I found out that I hate him, or maybe still like him a little, but i don't know.I just turn on my boom box  to take my mind off of it. Then  EBONY  EYES by bob Welch comes on so I start dancing in my room until my door opens....... "it's Finn?"  "Hey y/n" he says smiling. I smile as I say "was my house door unlocked?." "Yeah, sorry i didn't knock" he said playing with his hair. "Here sit," I said as I smile then I scoot over and pat a spot on my bed. " your rooms nice y/n," he said smiling. He opens  up my sketchbook and  looks at my drawings. "Damn y/n your drawings are mad good"  Finn said with a surprised look. I start blushing really hard, until Finn looks at me, and I look at him, and we make eye contact. Finn leans in and kisses me. I kiss back, and we kiss for two minutes. until I hear my door open again "it was Bruce, oh my gosh, what did I do, he's gonna freak," I say to myself. "Hey y/n-"Bruce said as his eyes widened. "I'm just gonna go have fun you two" Bruce said with a smile as he closes the door. Me and Finn make eye contact again and laugh so hard we fall on the floor....
"Oh no it's reminding me when Robin and I were cracking up on the floor" I say to myself as my stomach starts hurting and my throat feels weird. I get up and run to the bathroom that's in my room, Finn runs after me as he holds my hair back. then I start throwing up, as I'm throwing up I'm thinking...
"why am I doing this, every time I think about memories that were in the past happening, with another person, I get like that." After I throw up Finn picks me up and sets me on my bed. and lays down next to me. " hey y/n what happened?" He asked nervously. "It's just because when we're laughing on the floor, it reminded me the time I asked you for robins house number, and when I got there we were laughing about nothing or I don't remember, and we were doing the same thing." I say pressing my lips together. "I'm sorry" Finn said doin a sad grin. "No, it's ok." I said with soulful eyes. I cuddle up to Finn and we fall asleep.

                                Time skip!!!!
                        (TW!! A little violence)

I wake up to yelling downstairs and Finn not next to me. I run downstairs and start tearing up as I see robin beating up Finn super bad, Finn fell to the floor unconscious. Finn  was covered in blood and there was a big amount of blood on the floor where he was at. Bruce is also the floor unconscious, with a bloody nose. I think he tried to break up the fight. I start crying as I see robin walking upstairs to get to me. I start screaming and crying, trying to go back upstairs backwards cause I was terrified he was gonna do something to me. I keep screaming as the police barge in, I sigh in relief still crying harder then I've ever cried before. The paramedics also come in and pick up Finn and Bruce. and the police takes Robin as he tries to fight back he starts screaming at the police, and looking back at me
" I'm sorry y/n!  please y/n!" The other officer takes me with him and wraps one of those blankets around me. All I can do is cry right now I'm worried about Finn a lot,but I'm more worried about bruce. because I cannot live without him,ever since our mom and dad died we had to survive together. and we've made it so far, I don't want it to end ,we are still young. I could care less about Robin,he just turned into a total psycho. I hope he's in jail until he dies. The police takes me to the police department and has a talk with me.

                             Time skip!!!!
                  IN THE OFFICERS OFFICE

"So y/n, when you saw this happening, what did you witness, did you witness everything or just half of it?" the officer asked me. "I just woke up  to the sound of yelling, so I run downstairs and all I see is Robin throwing a hard punch to Finn and there's blood all over him,  and  on the floor where he was at, and he fell unconscious to the floor then I turn to my right and see Bruce on the floor also unconscious with a Bloody nose I assumed Robin must have knocked him out probably cause he tried to break up the fight" I said trembling. " ok is there anything else that we need to know? what we really want to know is why you were screaming, cause your neighbor called us saying they heard you screaming" the officer said. " so when I saw all that I wasn't fully down the stairs yet but down enough to see that and  robin sees me and starts walking upstairs toward me and I started screaming because I thought he was gonna do something to me" I say still trembling. " did he have any weapons?" The officer asked.
"No just his fists" I said. "Do you know why this could've happened?" The officer asked. "Yes because me and Robin broke up a week ago and I started hanging out with Finn a lot, finn kissed me  and he slept over last night.... oh shoot my house door was still unlocked" I said. The police kept asking questions then they take me to the hospital.

time skip!!!
                    AT THE HOSPITAL

then I see Bruce waking to the door as he sees me. I run and hug him tightly "where's Finn I wanna see Finn" I say trying to get through him. "Um y/n about Finn....

                         A/N  SPEAKS!!!!
sorry that this is such a long chapter it's worth reading it's  1771 words so enjoy love y'all ❤️❤️

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