Aaliyah just stop already!

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I wake up to my stomach hurting. I ignore it and take a hot shower and get dressed into this...

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I head downstairs and I eat breakfast with Bruce and head out the door.


I get to school and my stomach hurts even more than before. I squeeze my stomach with my arms and squint my eyes and a tear falls from my eyes cause it hurts so bad, it feels like someone is punching it.
I run to the bathroom and lock myself in a stall and cry cause my stomach hurts so bad. then I hear a voice say "y/n?" I had a feeling it was Gwen. "In here" I groan. I open the stall still squeezing my stomach."hey, are you okay?" She asked. "No" i groan. "Hey what's wrong is it that that time of the month?" She asked. "Are you really trying to tease me right now? You know I haven't gotten it yet" I said. "Plus its in my stomach not my lower stomach" I said giving her a slight side eye. "Well, I have pain killers, here" she said. She walks to me and gives me two Little pink pills. I was about to take. Them until my throat felt weird I went straight to the toilet and Gwen held my hair up and I threw up.
After I just go to the office and tell them I wasn't feeling good and I just head straight home.


Why isn't y/n here? I heard she left early but why? And now since y/n is not here Aaliyah thinks she can be free and flirt with me. but no, I don't let her I swear she is trying to break y/n's life apart again,that's probably why she came here. y/n told me everything Aaliyah did to her in elementary. 5th grade was
y/n's  worst year. Aaliyah would beat her up for no reason, and y/n would go home with bruises on her face every day,  and Aaliyah spread too many rumors about her. I feel bad y/n has been through too much. I really wish I could help, I've done nothing , I hate that almost every girl wants me, like do they get it? I have a girlfriend! everybody hates y/n cause she's my girlfriend it's like I'm a freaking magnet every one is attracted to me and I can't move away it's too much on me.  but y/n? She gets worse.
yesterday, when Aaliyah took alondra with Juan, Aaliyah  tried to kiss me but I pushed her away and she got mad and took alondra with her. I hate Aaliyah, she try's her hardest to destroy y/n and i's relationship. I wish she would've just stayed where she was, but no she had to go back and destroy y/n's life even worse than she did.

  Hey, loser.   Enemies to lovers ~robin x y/n Yamada~Where stories live. Discover now