Fuck you yamada!

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      Y/NS POV
  6:30 am

I get to school dressed into this s cause I wanna hide myself

              (Change if u want) I go into the girls bathroom and put a pile of them on the shelf of toilet paper and personal items

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              (Change if u want)
I go into the girls bathroom and put a pile of them on the shelf of toilet paper and personal items.
and stick three on the three mirrors. And I stick each in the door in each stall then I do the same for the boys bathroom I realize I have four more left so I stick them on the walls in the 6th 7th and 8th grade hallway.  and head home super fast and change into better clothes.

       (Change if you want )I pretend to sleep in those clothes then it's 7:40 so I get up and do whatever until I hear Bruce go downstairs so I do too "I woke up at 6:30 am to put up the story"  I said

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       (Change if you want )
I pretend to sleep in those clothes then it's 7:40 so I get up and do whatever until I hear Bruce go downstairs so I do too "I woke up at 6:30 am to put up the story"  I said. Bruce smiled and put a thumbs up while eating his cereal I smile and finish my cereal and head out the door I get to school and I see half of the people downstairs have my paper I smile and head upstairs and see everyone  it's my paper Maria runs over to me and shows me the paper "look at this someone wrote about Aaliyah, do you think it's real?" She asked. "Well, it could be because by the looks of it I don't think they're doing for attention"  I said. "Yeah you're probably right I don't think I should be friends with her anymore." Maria said.  " Yeah I don't think you  should either." I said waking away. I find Robin downstairs and hug him then the front school door opens "it's Aaliyah" I said to Robin. Everyone looks at her disgusted and scared and some people aren't even making contact with her sh doesn't think anything of it and walks upstairs me and Robin follow her. She makes it upstairs and everyone does the same thing she goes to Maria but she backs away and runs over to me and Robin. "Look at her she's tearing up because she is now seen as a big bully, that what she gets" I whispered to Robin. He nods and smiles she runs to the bathroom and I run after her "where are u going y/n?" Maria asked. "I'm just gonna get something from the vending machine" I said still running. I get to the bathroom and lock myself in a stall when I see her little black converse also in a stall. I can hear her whispering every sentence to herself and she finishes the last sentence "y/n!" She kinda yelled. I heard her cry a little and I hear her cry louder and louder every second. She Finally gets out of the stall and goes to the mirror and looks at the paper " what the hell y/n why did u have to say this now?!" She said to herself.  
"fuck you Yamada!" She screamed in the mirror. Then she left the bathroom crying still  I left a few seconds after and everyone had their camera out and recorded her. Run to robin and he asked what happened and I tell him everything "I cannot wait till science" I said. "Do u think you're going a little too far" he asked.  "a little too far? You really wanna ask that now? did you not see what she did to me? Nothing is too far from that." I said. He agrees and I get to class


I do my presentation and then it's Aaliyah's turn. the teacher is distracted with another student and Aaliyah is looking for her flash drive. I put my flash drive in there I made sure it was the same color as hers. She walks to her laptop and noticed she puts her flash drive back and presents or that what she thinks. "So about my project on DNA-" she said as she gets Interrupted by a video.everyone watches and looks at her then the clip says "fuck you Yamada" and they look at me. "We're you the one who wrote..." a random kid said. I nod and frown. everyone flinches on every punch she made on my stomach in the video. After the video the teacher sends Aaliyah to the principals office and he sends me with her. "I'm going to kill you Yamada!" She screamed. "You really wanna get in more trouble you're already in?"  I said as I point to a speaker and a camera.  She whines and runs downstairs and I manage to run down the other staircase faster and get to the principal's office first

  Hey, loser.   Enemies to lovers ~robin x y/n Yamada~Where stories live. Discover now