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"Yea no problem y/n" Finn said in a normal voice as he hung up the phone. I call the number as a random little girl answered "Arellano residence who is this?". "Um hi this is robins friend is Robin home?" I said smiling. "Uh yea he is let me just put him on the phone" she said in a sweet voice. robin, some girl is asking for you! She said raising her voice. He picks up the phone "hey is this y/n?" "Yeah hey robin" I said in a firm voice. "Um are you free to hangout today?" I said "Uh yeah always why?" He said. "Cause I wanna hangout?" I said laughing. "Ok, well can you come to my house cause I already went to your house" he said. "ok sure I'll be there just tell me your address" I said."ok it's 9901 Harper ct" he said. "Ok thank you robin" i say happily."bye bonita" he hangs up. "Wait Robin what does that mean-" "ugh he hung up" I said to myself. I walk to robins house then I see a black van I look at it weird and then I arrive at robins house. I walk up to the door and knock. A little girl answer's, I think it's the same girl from the phone. "Hi?" She says confused. "Oh wait are you the girl from before?" "Yeah I y/n nice to meet you" I said as I hold my hand out to greet her. she shakes my hand and she says "I'm alondra robins sister nice to meet you, come in make yourself at home" she's said smiling. I see Robin "hi Robin," "hey loser," he said laughing. I roll my eyes "Um, on the phone when you hung up, you Called me Bonita , what does that mean?" I said as I knew he was gonna lie again. "Uh it means nerd" he said in a lying voice. I was gonna say "sure" and smirk but ima just play it cool. and sayok, but at least I'm better at math then you are" I said as I saw Robin get red with anger. "Ugh how did I know you were gonna have a comeback like that" he said pissed off . "And also I might be a loser, but at least I don't look like a tomato lol" I said laughing. "Ok that's it" he said as he tackled me and we both fell on the floor. We lied down out of breath facing each other laughing our asses off .

As me And y/n laughed our asses off I felt butterflies why it hasn't even been a week since we met and Im such an asshole to her all the time and we're like why am I feeling like this it's just her laugh is so cute. I just can't it's probably all in my head.
"god Robin your crazy I thought you were gonna kill me" y/n said catching her breath. we smiled at each other we were so close as I leaned in. then alondra barged in my room and said "hey rob- OMG ROBIN! What are you doing?!?!". "Uh-um I was uh-" alondra cut me off "you know what I'll ask when y/n leaves" alondra said  leaving  the room gagging. y/n's cheeks were bright red and I felt my face getting hot. We get up of the floor next thing you know it's 8:43. "oh shit I have to go see you Robin" y/n said rushing to grab her stuff. "Bye loser it was nice having you here" I said. "Bye" y/n said.

I walk home thinking about why robin leaned in,it looked like he was about to kiss me, no he would never do that to me, were enemies or maybe friends now but he's still kinda being an asshole. "why would he do that?" I kept asking myself. I get home seeing Bruce passed out on the couch. I run up stairs to my room and take a shower brush my teeth and get dressed into this....

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(Change if you want ps. It's not a. Dress it's a nightgown)
   After that I crash on my bed and fell  asleep.

                                 Time skip!!!!
I wake up as my alarm is screaming at me at 6:30 AM I shower , brush my teeth again, and dress into this

                                 Time skip!!!!                                  ~Morning~I wake up as my alarm is screaming at me at 6:30 AM I shower , brush my teeth again, and dress into this

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                      Then this hair and makeup

                          (Change if you want)                      Then this hair and makeup

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I eat a cereal then walk with Bruce to school. same routine every day, girls flirting and say hI bRuCe🙄✨💅🏽 tee hee. we get to school and I walk over to Robin. "heyy Chola you look nice" he said in a flirty way. "uh don't I always" I say confidently walking to 1st period. I was gonna ask him what chola meant but then I knew he was gonna lie. but he said it in a flirty way was he flirting with me? "Eh whatever"i was walking to 1st period when I saw Robin beating the life out of some dude. I scoffed and kept walking, people kept looking at me in flirty way so I just flipped ''em off. I get to 1st period and the teacher  dress coded me of course. I knew that was gonna happen so i argued with the teacher. until he said "ok just for today but next time I see you with something like that or worse detention for you". "k I don't care I just don't wanna take this off if that wasn't the case I wouldn't be arguing  with you" I said annoyed. I sat next to Robin and the guy next to him looked like the guy that he beat the life out of. so I asked him "hey Robin I saw you beating his ass why did u do that". "oh it's cause I caught him looking at your ass so I taught him a little lesson how to look at women". " a little lesson I think you taught him a lot". the guy had a bloody nose a black eye and his nose did look a little weird so I think Robin broke it. I looked at robins knuckles they were bleeding. "oh Robin I need to take you to the restroom and get you cleaned up your knuckles are bleeding all over the table" I said. "oh shit I didn't notice that let's go". we get to the bathroom and he sat on the sink . I get bandages and rubbing alcohol "ok this is going to sting a bit but for the strong boy you are I don't think it will be such a problem" I said smirking. I rub the alcohol on his knuckles he winces  "ow fuck" he says in pain leaning his head back. "you ok?" I ask "yea I'm good" he said. I Put the bandages on "ok your done" I said smiling. "thank you dr. Yamada " he says laughing "ugh shut up" I said as robin leans in and kisses me.  then Gwen comes in "OH MY FUCKING GOD!!!! Ahhhhh FINNEY COME IN HERE NOW!!!"Finn comes in "omg what the hell guys?"  He said. We both stand there embarrassed AF and then we leave without saying anything.

  Hey, loser.   Enemies to lovers ~robin x y/n Yamada~Where stories live. Discover now